The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Take watched as Blair ascended the stairs informing her mother that she was leaving and disappeared to her room. He was left standing with her mom, brother, and the little girl before he turned and headed towards the kitchen. He wasn’t surprised or worried about what Blair was doing, because he would’ve done the same, and he actually has before. But simply he never told anyone he was leaving and just snuck out from a group home with his belongings one night. He gazed around, searching for a home phone. He paid no attention to the three adults, reaching for the cordless phone once he finally spotted it. Dialing Elias’s number, it took a couple long rings to him to finally answer.
“Elias, I need you to come back”
Take frowned, “No it’s the guy you fixed the garden for... my plants are dying. Of course it’s me old man!”
“Alright alright, I’ll be there in a few”
Take put the phone back on the receiver, giving the three adults a small awkward grin and headed towards the front door.

Beforehand, Elias had teleported him and Alanna back to the temple in Los Angeles, their home. He showed Alanna her old room, and it had been untouched for the sake of remembering her. But most importantly, the great big tree that stood in the center of it all, and how much it had grown over the years. Elias’ phone had been vibrating in his pocket for a couple seconds before he realized someone was calling him. “Pardon me” he said to Alanna as he answered the call. After it was finished, he led her outside the front entrance, where she could see the city of Los Angeles from the hill they were on “I’ll be back okay? I’m going to go pick up Take.”
Blair had shoved as many clothes and items she needed into the bag, tossing a book or two in there on the way, zipped it up, slung it over her shoulder, and grabbed her phone from where it was tossed on her bed.
She spoke no words, not even to her father with his desperate pleadings for her to stay, as she went out the front door, snatching her keys from the side of the hall on the way out. "Come, Kit!" She called over her shoulder as she exited the house, and the border collie came to her heels almost instantly.
The door shut, not slammed, behind her as she went over to her car, opening the backseat door and throwing her bag inside before she turned to Take. "Are you going home?" She asked quietly, approaching him with careful steps.


It was overwhelming for Alanna to see everything, the old temple, her room still untouched, the tree that had grown so massive and beautifully. And the hill looking down on Los Angeles, where she stood now, looking up at her father when he spoke. "Alright. Is he okay?"
Colby drew faceless beings into the fogged glass. Was marring a police car's window with fingerprint artistry illegal? Probably.
After the protocol interrogations, unnecessary media interaction, and following plane flight, he and his newest police escort were on his way through the heart of Maine.
If he were any taller, the cramped seating arrangement would've been horribly uncomfortable. Even as it was, the unnatural smooth vinyl was really rough on his backside and his ears were just short of brushing the ceiling. This setup itself explained why so many people refrained from an easy life of crime.
Suddenly, his pants started buzzing.
Colby shot a quick glance through the steel mesh cage between him and the front seats. Officer Ryans was doing anything but paying attention to his charge. Oddly enough, no one had ever asked for his phone, but he didn't want to get it confiscated now.
It could've been his parents, since he hadn't taken the offer for making a personal call, but he wasn't at all surprised when his screen informed him that the summons was from N.A.T.
Well, someone goofed, and it wasn't me. Or is that some other incredibly dashing fox's mug grinning shamelessly at me from my television screen?
He had to roll his eyes at that. Well, she didn't seem too ticked. Maybe his parents hadn't even offered the notion of her involvement to the police., how bad are you in?
That made absolutely z e r o sense. But how nice of you to (maybe???) think of me and the plight my benevolence has gotten me into.
Heh, really sorry. It wasn't my fault, I swear. And thanks for trying.
The notion of payback is all that keeps me going. <3

And he knew all too well that she would get her recompense.
But since his phone wasn't on airplane mode any longer, he reached into his other pocket and began pulling out shreds of paper.
The first one read, in cheery blue ink...cheery blue ink that read weirdly similarly to Nat's texts:
Cam Milian- the plant girl. Can you give me everyone else's contact info? Thanks.
Then, some inexplicable force snapped his attention away from the paper and aggressively redirected it out his window, and he saw it.
Colby's heart was undeniably in his throat as his remarkable eyes caught the most familiar blur of his life a good two miles ahead.
His face was practically glued to the glass until the sign came in close enough range to be read.

Oldest Town in
Oxford County

He hurriedly attached the best copy of the ultimate group selfie and sent it to Cam, then carefully stuffed the rest of the paper pieces back in his pocket. He'd have to get her everyone's numbers later.
Because Main Street was flying by. Dana Street, that creepy abandoned house, oh, Irving Oil! That meant- yup, there it was! Drift Road.
His muzzle snapped to let an involuntarily yip of excitement, something he'd be embarrassed by if anyone were listening.
The blond officer executed his turn onto the cheery little lane smoother than Colby thought should've been possible. Every time his mom did it, she ended up careening her bright red mustang into Northeast Snowmobile Rentals' parking lot, usually jarring an innocent customer enough that they never showed their face in Fryeburg again. The business' owners never seemed to mind, but Dad had bought himself quite the collection of guilt ATVs over the years.
It was only a few seconds before his house -a cozy blue cottage- came into view. Creamy white shutters framed every window and the flowerbeds were practically bursting with vegetative life. Mom's Mustang looked as if it were headbutting the closed garage, but so much of Dad's noticeably subtler Toyota remained in the street that it seemed prepared to make a break for it if the Mustang got frisky.
Colby could see Officer Ryans' confusion as the street petered off into a dead end.
After unbuckling his seat belt -he was a law-abiding citizen, after all-, he leaned forward and rapped on the glass, trying not to wince as the defensive wire pressed back into his knuckles. "Here. Right here, sir," he mouthed as emphatically as possible.
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Blair had shoved as many clothes and items she needed into the bag, tossing a book or two in there on the way, zipped it up, slung it over her shoulder, and grabbed her phone from where it was tossed on her bed.
She spoke no words, not even to her father with his desperate pleadings for her to stay, as she went out the front door, snatching her keys from the side of the hall on the way out. "Come, Kit!" She called over her shoulder as she exited the house, and the border collie came to her heels almost instantly.
The door shut, not slammed, behind her as she went over to her car, opening the backseat door and throwing her bag inside before she turned to Take. "Are you going home?" She asked quietly, approaching him with careful steps.


It was overwhelming for Alanna to see everything, the old temple, her room still untouched, the tree that had grown so massive and beautifully. And the hill looking down on Los Angeles, where she stood now, looking up at her father when he spoke. "Alright. Is he okay?"
Take was standing on the sidewalk just outside Blair’s home. He nodded, “Yeah.. looks like I’m not needed anymore” he laughed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he did small toe stands. “Hey can I get your phone number? I nearly forgot since we were in such a rush back at the shop.”

“He’s fine little one.” Elias assured as a staff manifested from his tattooed hand. He did the same ritual as before, and soon he was gone from Alanna’s side, appearing back by the bus stop where he left Take and Blair. Instead of it being empty, there was a large city bus picking up a couple of passengers and they caught sight of the random man in his pajamas, whispering amongst themselves.
“Was he there before?”
“No.. I’m pretty sure”
“Is he homeless?”
“Probably, just look at him, he’s carrying that wierd staff thing.. and his hair is wild..”

Elias quickly turned and started down the sidewalk, heading towards Blair’s house, ignoring their comments.
Ellie watched the trees whirl by. “Miss this is your town, want To tell me where to drop you?” The officer said. “Hmmm what? Oh yeah sure” the police car rolled down the Main Street, “turn left” Ellie instructed “and uh it’s the double story brick house on the right”. The car stopped and Ellie jumped out “thank you officer”. Her mother raced out “oh Ellie I was so worried. What happened? Why did you leave?” “I will explain later” Ellie said “at the moment I just need rest.” “Yes of coarse. Your bedrooms the same” her mother called up the stairs after her
Take was standing on the sidewalk just outside Blair’s home. He nodded, “Yeah.. looks like I’m not needed anymore” he laughed, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he did small toe stands. “Hey can I get your phone number? I nearly forgot since we were in such a rush back at the shop.”

“He’s fine little one.” Elias assured as a staff manifested from his tattooed hand. He did the same ritual as before, and soon he was gone from Alanna’s side, appearing back by the bus stop where he left Take and Blair. Instead of it being empty, there was a large city bus picking up a couple of passengers and they caught sight of the random man in his pajamas, whispering amongst themselves.
“Was he there before?”
“No.. I’m pretty sure”
“Is he homeless?”
“Probably, just look at him, he’s carrying that wierd staff thing.. and his hair is wild..”

Elias quickly turned and started down the sidewalk, heading towards Blair’s house, ignoring their comments.
Blair gave a small laugh, glancing towards her house. No one had come outside, and the only sign of life was the voices she could faintly hear.
But the girl vanished from sight the moments their eyes met, and Blair looked back to Take. "Oh...yes, you can..." She turned and opened her car door, pulling a piece of paper and pen from the center console and writing her number down quickly. She went back to him, handing the paper to him. "Thank you, Take." She murmured, leaning back against her car and carefully meeting his gaze. "For coming with me. I don't think I could have done it without you, if I'm being honest," she laughed again, but this time it sounded more uncomfortable then anything. She despised being vulnerable around other people, but with Take, the words slipped out before she could stop them.
Blair gave a small laugh, glancing towards her house. No one had come outside, and the only sign of life was the voices she could faintly hear.
But the girl vanished from sight the moments their eyes met, and Blair looked back to Take. "Oh...yes, you can..." She turned and opened her car door, pulling a piece of paper and pen from the center console and writing her number down quickly. She went back to him, handing the paper to him. "Thank you, Take." She murmured, leaning back against her car and carefully meeting his gaze. "For coming with me. I don't think I could have done it without you, if I'm being honest," she laughed again, but this time it sounded more uncomfortable then anything. She despised being vulnerable around other people, but with Take, the words slipped out before she could stop them.

Take thanked her and put the piece of paper in his pocket, joining the one Kipp gave him earlier.
“No prob, I had a feeling you needed someone.” he shrugged, slightly smiling as his eyes drifted from Blair to her car. I’m probably holding her up, she looks ready to get out of here..
He glanced back, seeing Elias turn around the corner.
“Well... see you later then..” his voice drifted off, taking a couple steps backwards. He wasn’t very expressive in saying goodbyes, he’d usually just say ‘Later’ or give that person a fist bump like he gave Kipp. It was probably a stunted development in his social skill.
Take thanked her and put the piece of paper in his pocket, joining the one Kipp gave him earlier.
“No prob, I had a feeling you needed someone.” he shrugged, slightly smiling as his eyes drifted from Blair to her car. I’m probably holding her up, she looks ready to get out of here..
He glanced back, seeing Elias turn around the corner.
“Well... see you later then..” his voice drifted off, taking a couple steps backwards. He wasn’t very expressive in saying goodbyes, he’d usually just say ‘Later’ or give that person a fist bump like he gave Kipp. It was probably a stunted development in his social skill.
Blair's gaze flickered to Elias approaching, then back to him quickly. It then hit her that he was leaving, and she wouldn't see him for a long time, if she ever saw him in person again. No, no! Please don't leave...
The little part of her that was desperate for him to stay screamed, and with zero previous warning, not even a tensing of muscles, she shoved herself off her car, tossing her arms around Take's neck as she hugged him tightly. She didn't dare say anything in fear that if she opened her mouth, her words would be patheticlly pleading. Don't go...
Blair's gaze flickered to Elias approaching, then back to him quickly. It then hit her that he was leaving, and she wouldn't see him for a long time, if she ever saw him in person again. No, no! Please don't leave...
The little part of her that was desperate for him to stay screamed, and with zero previous warning, not even a tensing of muscles, she shoved herself off her car, tossing her arms around Take's neck as she hugged him tightly. She didn't dare say anything in fear that if she opened her mouth, her words would be patheticlly pleading. Don't go...
Take’s eyes widened, letting out a gasp from Blair’s sudden movement, stopping in his tracks. He was only taking a few steps back to leave, and now she was here, her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly. He was internally panicking She doesn’t want me to go..? What am I supposed to say? I mean.. hug her back right?
And that’s what he did, he bent his knees slightly, wrapping his arms around her as well. His heart felt a great pain, like deep down he really didn’t want to leave. He squeezed his eyes shut from that pain, his chin resting on her shoulder, suddenly thinking out loud, a “Come with me” escaping his lips.
Take’s eyes widened, letting out a gasp from Blair’s sudden movement, stopping in his tracks. He was only taking a few steps back to leave, and now she was here, her arms wrapped around his neck, hugging him tightly. He was internally panicking She doesn’t want me to go..? What am I supposed to say? I mean.. hug her back right?
And that’s what he did, he bent his knees slightly, wrapping his arms around her as well. His heart felt a great pain, like deep down he really didn’t want to leave. He squeezed his eyes shut from that pain, his chin resting on her shoulder, suddenly thinking out loud, a “Come with me” escaping his lips.
Blair could have stayed there for ages, wrapped in his comforting warm embrace. There was an actually physical pain in her chest, like her heart was too heavy, like leaving him wasn't an option.
Then he spoke softly in her ear, and his words startled her so badly that her head jerked back, narrowly missing colliding with his. Her eyes were wide, staring into his for a long moment. She had meant to say "what?", but it merely came out in a low huff of air sounding vaguely like the word she had meant to say.
She stared at him for what felt like an eternity, but was actually a mere few seconds. Her brain still wasn't cooperating, wasn't able to form a full proper sentence, whether it was from being so close to him or the shock. "Wait." She whispered. Maybe she had heard wrong. But it sure sounded like what she thought he had said. "What? Are you...what?"
Blair could have stayed there for ages, wrapped in his comforting warm embrace. There was an actually physical pain in her chest, like her heart was too heavy, like leaving him wasn't an option.
Then he spoke softly in her ear, and his words startled her so badly that her head jerked back, narrowly missing colliding with his. Her eyes were wide, staring into his for a long moment. She had meant to say "what?", but it merely came out in a low huff of air sounding vaguely like the word she had meant to say.
She stared at him for what felt like an eternity, but was actually a mere few seconds. Her brain still wasn't cooperating, wasn't able to form a full proper sentence, whether it was from being so close to him or the shock. "Wait." She whispered. Maybe she had heard wrong. But it sure sounded like what she thought he had said. "What? Are you...what?"
Take became flustered, his face and ears reddening at his own statement. I really said that out loud..?
“Err.. D-Do you want to come to LA with me..?” he reworded, much clearer. He looked towards her car, “It’s probably stupid to ask since you’re heading out, but it’s what I do best” he shrugged.

Elias eventually reached the two teens, “Big move there kiddo..” he teased lightheartedly, a smirk on his face.

Take still held onto Blair as he shot a glare back at Elias, triggering his inner preteen persona “Shut up! Go fall in a ditch!” he barked, his face growing even redder.

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