The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Take became flustered, his face and ears reddening at his own statement. I really said that out loud..?
“Err.. D-Do you want to come to LA with me..?” he reworded, much clearer. He looked towards her car, “It’s probably stupid to ask since you’re heading out, but it’s what I do best” he shrugged.

Elias eventually reached the two teens, “Big move there kiddo..” he teased lightheartedly, a smirk on his face.

Take still held onto Blair as he shot a glare back at Elias, triggering his inner preteen persona “Shut up! Go fall in a ditch!” he barked, his face growing even redder.
Blair's eyes widened more, if possible, and even though she heard Elias coming, she still flinched when he spoke. What if...I mean...I could. I wouldn't have be alone. But...
She looked away quickly, wincing when he yelled. Her mind flashed to whatever snippets of full moons she could remember. Agonizing pain, snapping bones, throat tearing screams. Snapped jaws and blood spattering concrete walls, the fur on her paws rubbed down to bare, bloody skin as she frantically tried to escape.
Looking back up, she didn't dare look at Elias, just Take. It took so much will power not to jump to the opportunity; she would get away from her parents, get away from Isabelle, and she would still see Take. But a little voice still nagged at her.
"I...I don't know," she murmured. "I c-can't. It'd be too...too d-dangerous. But I...." She trailed off, falling silent.
Blair's eyes widened more, if possible, and even though she heard Elias coming, she still flinched when he spoke. What if...I mean...I could. I wouldn't have be alone. But...
She looked away quickly, wincing when he yelled. Her mind flashed to whatever snippets of full moons she could remember. Agonizing pain, snapping bones, throat tearing screams. Snapped jaws and blood spattering concrete walls, the fur on her paws rubbed down to bare, bloody skin as she frantically tried to escape.
Looking back up, she didn't dare look at Elias, just Take. It took so much will power not to jump to the opportunity; she would get away from her parents, get away from Isabelle, and she would still see Take. But a little voice still nagged at her.
"I...I don't know," she murmured. "I c-can't. It'd be too...too d-dangerous. But I...." She trailed off, falling silent.
Take looked back down at Blair, his redness fading away “LA isn’t that dangerous to be honest.. just gotta avoid the suspicious people” he laughed, thinking that she was worried about the city instead of her werewolf side being dangerous because he wasn’t concerned with it. “You don’t have to go, it’s your choice” he cocked his head, although he did want her to, he didn’t want to force her. He let go of her waist, ducking his head out of her hold around his neck.
Charlie was wandering around, trying to find somewhere where he could call his parents. If I could talk to Maya, she would cover for me, and I could just tell dad I forgot to tell him I was at her house.. Yeah, that would work, if I was closer. Should've been more specific to that mage guy. He thought miserably. Then, he squinted. He had spotted a winged boy. Could that be...? "Hey! Kipper!" Charlie shouted, running over. By the time he caught up, he was panting. "I need a ride. That wizard put me in the wrong place."
Kipp raised his eyes up from the car door he was holding open, to stare at the dark haired boy. He instantly recognized him as one of the people who he'd been zapped around the planet with, but couldn't for the life of him remember if they'd ever actually spoken, or what his name was. "Hi. Uhhhh..." He squinted at him trying to put a name to his face. "S-sure." He held the door open and waited for him to get into the back seat.

(Kipp tilted his head questioningly at the unresponsive teen, and grabbed his arm, dragging him the few steps forward and tossed him into the back seat of the car. He was already in enough trouble. Standing on the side of the road chatting wasn't going to earn him any brownie points.)

"Where do you live?" He asked, climbing into the front seat next to his his older brother, who was staring at him with all the burning anger he could muster.
Colby waited patiently for his door to be opened from the outside, even though his vibrating phone was being very tempting in a lull such as this. “Thank you very much, sir,” he said brightly when he was finally set free.
Officer Ryans gave him a genuine smile back, feeling bittersweet. It wasn’t often he got to see a case end with a smiling child on its way to being reunited with both parents. He was going to cherish the memory of this one. “It’s my pleasure.”
Colby’s enthusiasm did drain considerably while the officer rapped at his front door. He told himself he’d accept any punishment his parents thought fit, especially if it meant he could help Nat out, and endure whatever duration of grounding they thought fit without a single growl. Wait, did parents usually berate kidnapped children?
It was his mom that answered the door. She wore a neon yellow sweatshirt and sweatpants to match, contrasting horribly with her rich red fur. Her spiked tail swished in and out of view, just another unnecessary indicator of her constant dynamism. “Oh, hello, Officer. Hey Colb.” The right side of her face suddenly convulsed at the same time her vibrant blue eyes crossed. She almost blew a gum bubble into his face, Colby realized, unsuccessfully smothering a giggle while she patted his head affectionately. Her farrago of dangle earrings jingled as her ears flattened with simple contentment, but she didn’t seem in any hurry to express her undying gratitude for her son’s safe return.
Nola.” Then his father’s arms were around him and swinging him into the ultimate bear hug… from a fox. Colby blissfully inhaled a snoutful of his father’s inimitable scent- just the right mix of Old Spice, seaweed, dough, old books, lobster bait barrels, and unconditional love.
When Colby opened his eyes, he saw that Dad was wearing Colby’s favorite shirt of his- a soft blue chambray with embroidered vines blithely twirling up the sleeves. He’d left it unbuttoned at the top, leaving a puff of silvery gray fluff loose. His father was the gray fox of the family and accordingly smaller than Nola in build. Height-wise, though, no one really knew who reigned. Their medical files both read exactly 5’7”. Some days it was Mom, others it was Dad. It depended exclusively on the shoes.
“Stellan. Stellan Thomas.” Colby felt his bulk being shifted into his father’s right arm in order for Stellan to warmly extend his paw for a hearty shake. “Thank you ever so much for what you and the entire force has done for us.”
“Sam Ryans,” Officer Ryans returned, never having lost the smile he’d caught when they’d first pulled up. “It’s our pleasure. We’re just really glad to get these guys back home where they belong.” He motioned at the bulky plastic folder he was holding, almost awkwardly. “I just have a few release forms, if you don’t mind…?”
Stellan gently set Colby down, who wandered over to the nearest couch- the scratchy one where no one ever dared sit- and dazedly collapsed into it.
After signing until his wrist smoked, Stellan sent Officer Ryans off with a few thousand more expressions of gratitude. Then he too plopped down beside Colby on the Couch of Terminal Butt Doom™.
His mother, on the other paw, flounced out of the impossibly bright kitchenette and straddled the arm of the preferred leather sofa, intensely chewing her gum to make up for the lapse during the officer’s condemning presence.

They both regarded Colby for a very long second.

Of course, Mom was the one to shatter the perfectly comfortable silence. “I still don't get it. You weren't ever at Nat's?"
“Have you ever been at Nat's?" Dad lifted his wayfarer glasses off the bridge of his black nose with a claw, as if he would be able to better scrutinize Colby without them. He then reached up to scratch between his ears with his free hand. “Is Nat even a real person?"
Colby couldn't help from facepalming, despite the insolence it implied. "Dad, how could Nat not be real?"
“At this point, I don’t even know what to believe.” A lopsided smile cancelled out Stellan’s pensive frown. “We’re lost without you, kiddo.”
A swirling pink bubble began growing from Nola’s muzzle in agreement.
Colby awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah, I’m…really sorry about all this.”
“We all are.” His father’s slender arms folded across his chest. “Especially Natalie.”
Colby groaned and planted his forehead into his palms. “It wasn’t her fault.” He looked up, putting nothing but desperate sincerity in his eyes. “It…wasn’t mine either.”
“We know,” Stellan assented quietly. “Colby, you were kidnapped.”
No.” The fervent protest erupted from Colby’s muzzle before he could even think it over. “No, Dad. I wasn’t. Actually, I… I had the adventure of a lifetime.”
“Alright, kiddo.” Colby only had to glance into his father’s sad brown eyes to see how much this turn in their conversation was scaring him. “Want to talk about this later? A nap could probably do you some serious good.”
From the sudden flatlining in Stellan’s tone, Colby knew that there was no room for contention on that. “Okay Dad.”
On his way across the berber carpet toward the stairs, it was his mom’s arms that gave him the parting embrace. “Love you, bud.” He turned to see a similar degree of concern in Nola’s wild eyes, which was far more jarring than seeing Dad distressed. Colby nodded mutely, not trusting himself to say anything.
She gave him one last pat on the back and then followed Dad into the kitchen, where he heard ever so distinctly, “Do knock-out drugs do that?”
He sighed with resignation and trotted upstairs.
Upon entering his room, his phone began screeching out the chaotic metal ringtone he’d set for none other than Nat herself.
But when he slid the green answer icon across the screen, it was somehow worse.
He was forced to hold the phone at arm's length while Nat screamed her way through a tirade so furious that not a single word was intelligible. Colby’s stomach turned hard when he picked up on a sob in the midst of it all. Then, immediately afterward, her shrieking seemed to amplify itself by two, if that was possible. Yeah, uh, maybe he’d misheard that. ”You done?"
Nat sucked in a breath loud enough that it generated that painful crackling static. “Wooooo, touché Colby. Never thought I'd see the day where it came to this."
"Yeah, yeah, well, I've been around some bad influences lately." Colby grabbed his favorite stuffed animal -a fuzzy harbor seal pup- and hugged it tight to his chest. Yeah. He was totally rotten to the core.
Nat gasped so hard she choked. “Woah, they've gotta be worse than me if they actually affected you."
"Pffft, no one's worse than you."
"Tell that to all the years you managed to be sweeter than confectionary sugar with me as your bestie." He could almost feel her shoulder nudging into his ribs.
"Fine." The telltale bang that suddenly erupted out of his phone and sounded simultaneously with the slam of his own front door warned him. He quickly got up off of his bed and slid behind his ajar door in preparation for a completely unorthodox scare. "But they were the best bad influences ever."
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Take looked back down at Blair, his redness fading away “LA isn’t that dangerous to be honest.. just gotta avoid the suspicious people” he laughed, thinking that she was worried about the city instead of her werewolf side being dangerous because he wasn’t concerned with it. “You don’t have to go, it’s your choice” he cocked his head, although he did want her to, he didn’t want to force her. He let go of her waist, ducking his head out of her hold around his neck.
Blair had more left to say, but his words caught her entirely off-guard, and she broke out laughing as she let go of him. "Not what I meant," she replied, smiling. She looked at him, silent for a moment.
It was a stupid and selfish decision, she knew it was a horrible idea and that'd she be putting him in danger, but she couldn't just let him go. "No!" She yelped a bit too quickly. "N-no...I...I do," her voice was softer again. "I do want to go to LA with you, Take."
Blair had more left to say, but his words caught her entirely off-guard, and she broke out laughing as she let go of him. "Not what I meant," she replied, smiling. She looked at him, silent for a moment.
It was a stupid and selfish decision, she knew it was a horrible idea and that'd she be putting him in danger, but she couldn't just let him go. "No!" She yelped a bit too quickly. "N-no...I...I do," her voice was softer again. "I do want to go to LA with you, Take."
Wait really? She’s actually gonna come?
“Really? Okay then.. cool!” Take grinned warmly, his eyes smiling. This is neat... I’ll be able to show her some cool places in LA... and the beach if she hasn’t been.. oh and my whole cheez-it’s stash.. I’m pretty proud of that. “It’s pretty loud over there, just warning you” he advised, stepping near the silent Elias. Take let out an excited “Let’s go!”

“Anytime you’re ready” Elias told Blair. He didn’t lack patience, he was truly full of it. He was that kind of person to believe in ‘good things come to those who wait’ and wouldn’t dare to rush anybody unlike Take.
Wait really? She’s actually gonna come?
“Really? Okay then.. cool!” Take grinned warmly, his eyes smiling. This is neat... I’ll be able to show her some cool places in LA... and the beach if she hasn’t been.. oh and my whole cheez-it’s stash.. I’m pretty proud of that. “It’s pretty loud over there, just warning you” he advised, stepping near the silent Elias. Take let out an excited “Let’s go!”

“Anytime you’re ready” Elias told Blair. He didn’t lack patience, he was truly full of it. He was that kind of person to believe in ‘good things come to those who wait’ and wouldn’t dare to rush anybody unlike Take.
Blair smiled, the pain in her chest instantly dissipating at the grin Take gave her. Quickly, she grabbed her bag from the car, letting Kit out of the front seat, not pausing to wonder if her car would be taken with them.
She couldn't think, no, if she paused to for even a second, she might go back on her decision. She slung her bag over her shoulder, approaching them quickly. "Let's go."
Blair smiled, the pain in her chest instantly dissipating at the grin Take gave her. Quickly, she grabbed her bag from the car, letting Kit out of the front seat, not pausing to wonder if her car would be taken with them.
She couldn't think, no, if she paused to for even a second, she might go back on her decision. She slung her bag over her shoulder, approaching them quickly. "Let's go."
With Blair’s word, Elias instantly teleported them away from Blair’s neighborhood, away from the outskirts of Tucson and to the loud hustling-bustling City of Angels. Although the hills the temple rested on were a ways from all the action and much more calmer. The view highlighted the skyline of skyscrapers and polluted air that hung around them. The highways that were busy with cars and traffic accidents were easily visible from where they stood. It could almost be too overwhelming for a tourist or visitor like Blair, but it wasn’t a big deal for Elias and Take.
“Enjoy your stay, this city is quite unique. Don’t let Take get you into trouble” Elias told Blair.

Back home.. kinda missed this old cruddy city..
“Not gonna happen” Take muttered.
With Blair’s word, Elias instantly teleported them away from Blair’s neighborhood, away from the outskirts of Tucson and to the loud hustling-bustling City of Angels. Although the hills the temple rested on were a ways from all the action and much more calmer. The view highlighted the skyline of skyscrapers and polluted air that hung around them. The highways that were busy with cars and traffic accidents were easily visible from where they stood. It could almost be too overwhelming for a tourist or visitor like Blair, but it wasn’t a big deal for Elias and Take.
“Enjoy your stay, this city is quite unique. Don’t let Take get you into trouble” Elias told Blair.

Back home.. kinda missed this old cruddy city..
“Not gonna happen” Take muttered.
The quick transportation from one place to a very different place was a brutal assault on Blair's senses. Screaming abulences and cop cars would have drowned out the blaring car horns or snarling engines to others, but she heard all of it. The different scents were also another harsh assault, of tar and animals, people and food and just overall the strong scents that big cities had.
It was very different from dry Arizona. While most of the time she smelled the desert and faint scents of Tucson, she smelled the ocean, the salty scent carried on the faint wind, and food and strong city scents.
And for no reason at all, she smiled widely, eyes glowing not from the wolf, but from the overall excitement that California gave her. She looked at Elias, laughing softly as she held onto Kit's collar to stop the over excited collie from running off. "Thanks. And I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises."
Fred groggily rubbed his eyes fumbling for his glasses, “Come on boys come for breakfast” his mother’s voice wafted into his room along with the smell of pancakes. MMmmmmm I like the smell of that Fred hurried down the stairs. He sat then everyone else sat too. “So boys” his father clapped his hands “Whats on the agenda today?” Max started talking then JOel interrupted. Fred kinda zoned out. “Should we tell them?” His mum looked at his dad, Fred glanced around the table. “Ok kids your mum got a job in Australia and we are moving!”

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