THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

lol we will see, I'll try not too but if he flogs me again I'm gonna consider it again
He is the roo in my avatar. He is a gorgeous rooster and takes real good care of his hens (from predators) that is the biggest reasons he hasn't been beheaded. But occasionally he tries to take over my head rooster position
and I have to put him in his place again

Quote: I have one rooster that is a total pain--kids won't let me turn him into soup. As my roosters grow up they change who is in charge. Fortunately I only have one flogger!! ANd none of his sons have become floggers.

I'm going to an egg swap today woohoooo!! Bringing 3 dozen of my own eggs and bringing home 3 dozen other breeds (hopefully some turkey and guinea) YAY!!! Plus I'm doing a swap when I get there with someone I met here for quail YES!
On another note I WILL NOT have my eggs in the upright position during incubating ANYMORE!! I lost so many eggs this last hatch due to having done that and most the chicks were ready to hatch but turned wrong in the egg
I lost wheaton americaunas, lav orpingtons, and EE's as well as three turkey!!! I never had that may turned backwards in eggs when I layed them flat. 3/4 of my hatch was like that! And yes I had the fat end up. Back to laying flat eggs, less room, but better hatch rate.
From what I have read, if the eggs are incubated upright then hatching needs to be upright. At least, that's what I read into people's results!! Sorry so many didn't make it. Very frustrating.

I keep experimenting to figure out what works. ANd what doesn't.
I have been so busy I almost forgot. I just got one of my breeding pens built. I also got my 70 plus years Farm Master incubator cleaned out, the lady I bought it from told me she has always had fantastic hatches in it,OMGosh it was
, rust, egg shell bits and dust, thought it won't work. But
it fired right up held temp so far even after we had opened doors and lid to it repeatedly. It has the original thermometers, dry and wet bulb. (yes they are mercury, but the most accurate) I have an order for 200 chicks whoohho. I can now hatch and not worry about what I will do with the chicks. I have never hatched that many and can't wait.
As for the Mothers Day hatch I am setting here in a little bit some in today and the rest tomorrow. ( I just got my eggs yesterday and by the looks of the box had a very rough ride. Good Luck everyone. Now I have to open up this duck egg that is causing me stress. It should have hatched days ago, but I didn't write the date on egg and forgot if it was one of the late setters. It is cold here today went from 75* yesterday to 39* today, gota love Ohio weather.
I got my eggs today. I will set them tonight..late. They didn't have to travel far..and I think they will do well. Am going to try the real dry method for a day, with eggs in carton, then put them on their side tomorrow night with a bit of humidity. I like my humidity around the high 30's, low 40's. Works for around here, and it's a dessert..but, my room I have these eggs in, are not in a dry environment. I have other bators going, I have water dishes in with the live chicks, soo, I really believe this makes a difference. When I don't have the chicks in the room any longer, no water dishes, then I up it to mid 40's. Just some thoughts.

So, do we need to get pics of our eggs set? Just put them here, or do we also pm them to someone else? Just another thought. Oh I'm full of them today...also, can I join the contests, even though a few of them were my..ahem...thoughts?

I'll be back with any more
ooh yin, I was worried about mine not making it today. Maybe they will still make it!

right after I sent that post the mini donkey and horse started fussing.. our mail carrier was coming up the lane...

out of 14 eggs one was broken.. the rest look good.. so hopefully the others will hatch!

sad thing is they have written on the box for someone at the post office to call me (and have my phone number right there in nice BIG numbers).. plus I let them know the other day that i was expecting hatching eggs again...
no one called me and the tracking took forever to update

but at least they are here!
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Glad your eggs finally arrived!!!

I am back from the swap and I have just set 6 EE/New Hampshire Red, 3 Aracauna, 3 Golden Duckwing Aracauna, 2 silkies, and 4 GD aracauna/white leghorn. I also got some swap eggs in the mail today too. So tomorrow I will set them. There are 10 Mottled Ancona, 2 Ancona/Dominique from one swapper and 8 EE and 3 suprise eggs from the other swapper. My bators are full lmao and I still am waiting for one more swapper and 18 more eggs from today's swap that didn't show up HOLY MOLY what have I gotten myself into???
I set my 10 eggs (buff orp/speckled sussex) out of the 50 degree refrigerator last night before I went to bed and slipped them under my broody hen this morning. She's still sitting great 4 hours later!
I have only 6 chickens and they roam the yard and garden at will. My broody hen is in her favorite box- not penned in at all. This is my first attempt and maybe everything will go wrong, but I want to try it this way first.
If I get even 2 chicks- that will be beyond my expectations, but secretly I'm pretty excited and hopeful!

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