THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I managed to collect eggs and get them in the incubator. I put in 11 buckeye eggs. Hopefully will get 2 more tomorrow and will stick them in too! Good luck everybody!!!!!

Here's my eggs...well some of them...1st incubator. The eggs set for this hatchalong are the two and half rows sitting upright in the front and the six blue-green ones in the back. A total of 29 in this incubator. I'm having a hard time getting the second picture up. I'm gonna try and post it in another post

Ok finally got it to work, This is the second bator. The other eggs set for this hatchalong are the 12 in the immediate front row and some in the next row. Don't know if you can see it well enough, but the two brown on the right side as well as the whites with 11's and then there are 6 green eggs that are EE/NHR. So my total from both incubators for this hatchalong is 29 + 12 = too many
However, its 41! And I'm still waiting on some eggs from one swap partner.....and turkey eggs are being shipped on the 30th YIKES!!
I set mine at noon today. I was going to candle them last night to make sure the air sacks are in tact but forgot. I just candled them now and I can see development in two of them already! Little bobbing black spots! The eggs have been sitting on my counter for the last two days, its been warm but not anywhere near 100 degrees. Is this normal or is there something wrong with the eggs and that is not development that I am seeing? This is my second hatch, and I'm pretty sure this is what I saw on day 3 in my first hatch.
I set mine at noon today. I was going to candle them last night to make sure the air sacks are in tact but forgot. I just candled them now and I can see development in two of them already! Little bobbing black spots! The eggs have been sitting on my counter for the last two days, its been warm but not anywhere near 100 degrees. Is this normal or is there something wrong with the eggs and that is not development that I am seeing? This is my second hatch, and I'm pretty sure this is what I saw on day 3 in my first hatch.

if they are moving on there own, meaning if you hold the egg still for a min and they move then you've got chicks! are they your own eggs or have the eggs been shipped?
oh I forgot to say, the cut off date to put eggs in for this hatch-a-long is April 25th.
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Ok finally got it to work, This is the second bator. The other eggs set for this hatchalong are the 12 in the immediate front row and some in the next row. Don't know if you can see it well enough, but the two brown on the right side as well as the whites with 11's and then there are 6 green eggs that are EE/NHR. So my total from both incubators for this hatchalong is 29 + 12 = too many
However, its 41! And I'm still waiting on some eggs from one swap partner.....and turkey eggs are being shipped on the 30th YIKES!!
WOW!!!!! how do you find the time to turn them ALL?!?!?!?!
OK ! the first week contest is now open! and will close sunday night at 11:59 pm ET time. # 1. Cutest broody or funniest look on broody while sitting and glaring at you, she can have chicks with her. Prize is 6+ Serama eggs from crazypetlady!
OK ! the first week contest is now open! and will close sunday night at 11:59 pm ET time. # 1. Cutest broody or funniest look on broody while sitting and glaring at you, she can have chicks with her. Prize is 6+ Serama eggs from crazypetlady!

Cmon pictures!!!!

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