THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Here is the pic of our incubator. And a big thank you to all that replied to my first post. Arielle (I hope I spelled that right) thank you for the link.

Oooh! One of the new ones. Very nice

Well, I candled my eggs today to see if anything was going on...They're green and rather thick shelled, so it's hard to see exactly what's going on in there. HOWEVER. The yolk has become pretty dark, and I think I may see a tiny bit of veining and a blob in the middle of it. It's been several years since my last hatch, and I always had silkies or Japanese bantams (much lighter eggs, lol) I also candled a fresh egg from my remaining easter egger hen, and it was comparatively easy to see through. I am cautiously optimistic. I'll candle them again at day 7 or 10 and see if anything has changed.

Additionally, I just had the scare of my life. @_@ I was cleaning my current group of chick's brooder in the garage, and was letting my adult flock range in the backyard...I heard my rooster make the weirdest noise ever (It honestly reminded me of a peacock's honking) and I walked up the backyard to see what was going on. A fox was stalking them!!! He saw me and bolted, but holy crap!! I immediately locked everyone up for the rest of the day and I'm going to be looking into ways to make sure my coop and run is absolutely fox proof...@_@ I think I know what spooked Hazel last week when she hopped the fence...:(

Good thing you were there!

Broody photo contest entry!

So THAT'S where he gets the easter eggs....

That is too funny! My nest boxes double as cat beds. They don't even mind if they're lumpy! It does keep the eggs from freezing in the winter
Here's a broody picture, but I doubt it will qualify
And she is giving me a stinky glare with her one good eye. She is my last wild cat, caught shortly before giving birth when she was too big to get away from the chicken net. Her spay appointment is the 9th

Here's a broody picture, but I doubt it will qualify
And she is giving me a stinky glare with her one good eye. She is my last wild cat, caught shortly before giving birth when she was too big to get away from the chicken net. Her spay appointment is the 9th

awww adorable kittens! I love the one peering over momma's back on the right
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I would like to participate if its still open, this will be my second attempt at hatching and the eggs are due on Mother's day and then the second hatch due three days later, so exciting! :)

Incubator 1 has 14 lavender orphingtons
Incubator 2 has 16 (3 cochin, 4 silkie, 7 buckeyes and 3 polands)

I totaly forgot about set day
. I havent saved one egg...
.....But....I have three days left to do it...... I had two hens go broody today...everything is going perfectly
I can stop worrying now

OMG! I set eggs yesterday and completely forgot to save some! OK hopefully I'll get something the next couple of days. hmmmmm Do I have eggs coming? Oh I need to check. I think the next eggs are coming end of the month. What was I thinking? Oh yeah. I wasn't!
So.... I candled again today, and I think that one day where my temps fluctuated badly killed most of the batch
Only two eggs are showing clear progression beyond my last candling.

I'm hoping I'm just a delusional worrywort, but I think odds arn't in my favor.
So.... I candled again today, and I think that one day where my temps fluctuated badly killed most of the batch
Only two eggs are showing clear progression beyond my last candling.

I'm hoping I'm just a delusional worrywort, but I think odds arn't in my favor

Not completely delusional, rather one that applies the envoronmental factors and concludes or at least allows for the possible conclusion of disaster. Sounds very reasonable to me!
They're on day 8. I originally candled on day 5. Two of the eggs are growing like weeds, and have managed to already fill almost half the shell. All of the others are the same size as they were on day 5, and one might be working on a blood ring.
what day are they on?
They're on day 8. I originally candled on day 5. Two of the eggs are growing like weeds, and have managed to already fill almost half the shell. All of the others are the same size as they were on day 5, and one might be working on a blood ring.

I don't know what color the shells are... what kind of light are you using?
I've had a few blue/green eggs that fooled me for several days.. (they had really thick shells for some reason) lol.. even wrote CLEAR on two of them only to find veins on day 10.. got new batteries for my LED light and now they can't hide from me!

lol.. I can't stress enough the value of FRESH batteries!

here's hoping you have more good eggs that are just being stubborn

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