THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Is it too late to join?! I just set 7 banty eggs (silkies, d'uccle, BR) under my little cochin who is broody for the first time. I can wait to see how she does!

Here is my little Violet <3

Also, since this is in honor of mom's, I just have to say how awesome my mom is! She is a workhorse no matter what comes her way. She cared for my grandmother in her final months, lovingly nurtures my brother who is special needs, takes on the challenge of dealing with my grandfather with Alzheimers, runs her own coffee shop/cafe/bakery, supports my father and her kids, all on top of her own health problems. She's amazing and I love her so much. :)

Here we are at my graduation!
lol.. I can't stress enough the value of FRESH batteries!
X2!!! I don't remember if I mentioned it here, but exactly the same thing happened to me! I thought my eggs were looking pretty bad, and then my husband used my flashlight for some outdoor chore. When he came back in, he told me to put in some new batteries and try again.... and there were the chickies! Much relieved.

I guess too much candling leads to running out of batteries! Now I'll know to replace them once a month or so in the spring!

honkankai, I love Violet! What a beautiful bird!

Hmm, today is Day 4!
I was just given some eggs!!!! Yeah. I have a broody hen with no eggs & she won't give up so I just put seven under her. It will be a big surprise because the eggs were given to me & I have no idea what the parents are. LOL. I was told if I don't want the chickens they will take them back. I will take some pics soon. Just wanted to join in if it's okay.
So far this year I've failed at hatching anything... but I'll join! Maybe the worst rate award is for me XD Though the BEST prize would be some of these chicks hatching!

So I have 20 eggs total that count for the contest days. 15 chicken and 5 duck. The chickens are 8 black silkies and 7 showgirls(?!) first gen silkie roo/turken hen cross. The ducks are crested pekin/pekin. The picture has the non-contest eggs crossed out.
hey everyone!
I have a Q. does anyone know where I can get full or small size splash cochins? I am really looking for chicks but will buy eggs if I need to. can anyone help me, PLEASE?!?!?!?!
I can send you 2 BBS banty Cochin hens. They are so cute. I lost their roo in the wintr he was protecting them from a predator. I have them in my silkie pen I thought I might get some sizzles from them. Rachael
Help I can't. Stop looking for eggs. It's like crack. I swapped on the April swap thread. Then that wasn't enough I started stalking more swap threads. I traded for eggs then the trader had more eggs for sale so I had to buy more. Thn I won some eggs on e-bay. I'm so ashamed. :/ the only thing that saved me from dh cutting me off is I sold a bunch of my hatching eggs this week. I wonder what the po thinks eggs come in eggs go out. :p. I will not look for mor eggs, I will not look for more eggs, I will not look for more eggs. Till tomorrow.
Help I can't. Stop looking for eggs. It's like crack. I swapped on the April swap thread. Then that wasn't enough I started stalking more swap threads. I traded for eggs then the trader had more eggs for sale so I had to buy more. Thn I won some eggs on e-bay. I'm so ashamed.
the only thing that saved me from dh cutting me off is I sold a bunch of my hatching eggs this week. I wonder what the po thinks eggs come in eggs go out.
. I will not look for mor eggs, I will not look for more eggs, I will not look for more eggs. Till tomorrow.

Haha, this makes me think of my beanie baby crazy back in the day...
Is it too late to join?! I just set 7 banty eggs (silkies, d'uccle, BR) under my little cochin who is broody for the first time. I can wait to see how she does!

Here is my little Violet <3
That is a stunning Cochin! I've never seen one with that coloration. Like a Speckled Sussex Cochin.

Help I can't. Stop looking for eggs. It's like crack. I swapped on the April swap thread. Then that wasn't enough I started stalking more swap threads. I traded for eggs then the trader had more eggs for sale so I had to buy more. Thn I won some eggs on e-bay. I'm so ashamed.
the only thing that saved me from dh cutting me off is I sold a bunch of my hatching eggs this week. I wonder what the po thinks eggs come in eggs go out.
. I will not look for mor eggs, I will not look for more eggs, I will not look for more eggs. Till tomorrow.
They're probably thinking "doesn't this lady know she can just go down to the store to buy eggs? She doesn't need to get them online....."
Help I can't. Stop looking for eggs. It's like crack. I swapped on the April swap thread. Then that wasn't enough I started stalking more swap threads. I traded for eggs then the trader had more eggs for sale so I had to buy more. Thn I won some eggs on e-bay. I'm so ashamed.
the only thing that saved me from dh cutting me off is I sold a bunch of my hatching eggs this week. I wonder what the po thinks eggs come in eggs go out.
. I will not look for mor eggs, I will not look for more eggs, I will not look for more eggs. Till tomorrow.



Crazypetlady...You can't stop looking for eggs? I cant either. I keep looking all over the internet. My post master just laughs at me. He has even spoke to someone in the area that has duck eggs and wanting to know if I would like some to try to hatch.I told him sure I would try... As I left I was thinking to myself..what the heck were you thinking? You are losing your mind!! So we will see what happens. I haven't picked up any eggs from the guy...yet.

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