THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I just candled my 6 eggs under my broody and all six are developing! This is my first time hatching my own babies so I am way excited! I also went to the Carolina Chickenstock today and brought home 5 BLRW chicks, 2 EE chicks, and a 14 month old peacock for my peahen!

congratulations he's beautiful!

my other serama egg hatched fine, by the way everyone :)
DId you open the eggs and look at the embryo??  Where these shipped eggs or not ? Sorry the hatch didn't go as planned.

The eggs were completely clear and very porous. I left them in the bater 14 days with no change.They are shipped eggs. I have 3 shipments in the bater now. The 2 almost all are fertile and are from 2 different breeders . Most of the 1st batch and about half of the replacements (it was good of the guy to send me more eggs) did not have development after 7 days in the bater. The eggs were wrapped super but I guess his eggs are just not being fertilized. They had some bad feedback recently also about the fertility. This person is getting big bucks for their eggs. I just hope I get a few to hatch. I just love the one little chick that hatched from the 1st batch. I've left all the eggs in the bater again to give them 14 days in hopes some will be viable. is a shot of my Genesis....eggs to the front are Silkies that I just set before taking the pic. The three back rows are Call duck eggs, made up of three different batches. Then I have a pic of the rest of the Silkie eggs being set in my old Lyon. The Silkie eggs had quite a few loose cells, so the ones in the Lyon are the worst ones requiring extra time in an upright position.
I have 2 Call duck hens setting eggs, and a showgirl....I will get picks of them tomorrow.

Ohhh I just set some eggs yesterday can I join in?

I set 14 BBS Marans eggs and 24 silkies mostly BBS a few lavender, partridger and a white.
3 Marans & 2 silkies were put under my broody Popocorn.... But unfortunately, today 1 of the silkie eggs had been moved to another nest.... I think it was only there an hour or so, so i stuck it in the incubator with the other eggs..... I have a feeling my other bantam Cochin is going broody and now trying to steal eggs! Ugh!! Poor Popcorn had a bloody comb from the egg steal.....

you are on the list!!

SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT I DID!!!!!!!!! you can
me if you like!!!
I realized when I wrote my response that egg cleaning is a hot topic. Hence I started with "in my opinion" LOL

I think you have hit on the sanitizer to use. Ozine is a very strong and very safe sanitizer ; if I remember it is an oxidizer and bacteria and molds can't withstand the effects: damage to their cellular walls. Spores I'm not so sure about.

THe 90-100% hatch rates attest to the effectiveness of the oxine. Clearly there is value in killing the bacteria.
lol.. and that's why I said 'to each his own"

but for the record.. I LOVE Oxine.. and yes it does kill the spores too.. it's safe to use on eggs during incubation as well as in the reservoirs of the bator.. AND it's also safe to use on live birds
if you google you can find a bunch of info on it...

Basically though I use the Oxine WITHOUT the citric acid "activation crystals".. since using the crystals makes it unsafe to breathe and it isn't really recommended to use it for animal health once the crystals have been added...

you may find this interesting.. from
"Oxine is known to kill every bacteria, virus, and mold it has ever been tested against and is 200 times more effective than chlorine bleach. But one of the most impressive things about Oxine for me is that it does it with such relative safety (when used according to label instructions). Environmentally speaking, Oxine actually biodegrades to ordinary table salt. And it is so safe to use on livestock that it is actually approved for use in the drinking water of ‘organically grown’ animals. I use it myself at the rate of 7-15 drops per gallon of water in our stock tank of drinking water for our own sheep. It keeps the water impressively clear and algae free, while keeping down the biofilm ‘slime’ that tends to develop on the sides of the tank"
Quote: We have four stock tanks( sheep and horses). By August it grows algae over night! LOL I don't mind it though, the algae is safe and the water beetles move in too. Like a little pond. We do scrub it once a week or let it go dry for a few hours to keep it under control. When I see frogs, then I'll know to change methods! LOL

I like the merits of the oxine ( without crystals) to clean. I'm always loooking for alternatives to chlorine.

I was talking to my brother last night (back ground in biochem and pharmacology), and asked about another way to clean toothbrushes. I have school age children that constantly get strep throat and boiling ruins most toothbrushes. He suggested hydrogen peroxide as an effective cleaner. THat would be in the same family as the oxine, an oxidizer.
My homemade incubator Henny Penny is officially full. Takes me 10 minutes to turn all the eggs. THe eggs are stacked all the way to the lid. I will reveal a pic when I have the courage to tell DH how many I am incubating, as he takes the pics for me on his phone. Camera is AWOL.

I have already started collecting eggs for the next batch.
lol.. and that's why I said 'to each his own"

but for the record.. I LOVE Oxine.. and yes it does kill the spores too.. it's safe to use on eggs during incubation as well as in the reservoirs of the bator.. AND it's also safe to use on live birds
if you google you can find a bunch of info on it...

Basically though I use the Oxine WITHOUT the citric acid "activation crystals".. since using the crystals makes it unsafe to breathe and it isn't really recommended to use it for animal health once the crystals have been added...

you may find this interesting..   from
"[SIZE=9pt]Oxine is known to kill every bacteria, virus, and mold it has ever been tested against and is 200 times more effective than chlorine bleach. But one of the most impressive things about Oxine for me is that it does it with such relative safety (when used according to label instructions). Environmentally speaking, Oxine actually biodegrades to ordinary table salt. And it is so safe to use on livestock that it is actually approved for use in the drinking water of ‘organically grown’ animals. I use it myself at the rate of 7-15 drops per gallon of water in our stock tank of drinking water for our own sheep. It keeps the water impressively clear and algae free, while keeping down the biofilm ‘slime’ that tends to develop on the sides of the tank"[/SIZE]

Thank you all for the info, I read that the eggs needed to be clean so that is what I got. Now I know what to do if I got some dirty eggs. I'll have to get some Oxine.
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