THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

well.. I'm a little frustrated...

I have 14 goose eggs in the bator (all the eggs in one bator.. so they have same temp and turning)
some of the eggs from Ohio are showing growth... some of the eggs from North Dakota are showing growth...
NONE of the Texas eggs are showing growth.. and I have more of those than I do the others..... makes me really wonder about the fertility of the Texas eggs.. since they spent a lot less time in transit and not a single one is showing any veins at all... today is day 6 for the Ohio and Texas ones.. day 7 for the North Dakota ones.. both the Ohio and North Dakota eggs have been showing veins since day 4...

I haven't moved them to candle.. just held a nice strong LED light to the air cell as they sat in the bator. Sad thing is both the Ohio and North Dakota eggs arrived with damaged air cells... The Texas eggs looked fantastic in comparison when they got here..

I'll give them til day 15.. but if they are still clear then.. well.. then it would appear I got some bad eggs.

i know shipping is always a gamble.. but considering the Texas eggs were in transit for a shorter amount of time (1 day in transit as opposed to 4 days and 3 days for the others) and arrived with nicer air cells... where the other eggs all arrived damaged.. it would make sense that the Texas eggs had less damage done to them overall.. and SHOULD be showing some signs of life in at least an egg or two

All of the eggs also traveled through the Austin postal hub.. so I doubt the issues with the Texas eggs happened there..
HI all

I have been checking in and reading... have not candled yet.
well.. I'm a little frustrated...

I have 14 goose eggs in the bator (all the eggs in one bator.. so they have same temp and turning)
some of the eggs from Ohio are showing growth... some of the eggs from North Dakota are showing growth...
NONE of the Texas eggs are showing growth.. and I have more of those than I do the others..... makes me really wonder about the fertility of the Texas eggs.. since they spent a lot less time in transit and not a single one is showing any veins at all... today is day 6 for the Ohio and Texas ones.. day 7 for the North Dakota ones.. both the Ohio and North Dakota eggs have been showing veins since day 4... A faster trip can be a rougher trip. I sent some eggs tot he midwest and they arrived in 5 days. THey took the slow ride off the belts off the vibrating machines. THey hatched well. Maybe the eggs got cold in transit or too hot. THe breeder in TX could have had a fertility problem; it happens as you know. Keep us posted.
A faster trip can be a rougher trip. I sent some eggs tot he midwest and they arrived in 5 days. THey took the slow ride off the belts off the vibrating machines. THey hatched well. Maybe the eggs got cold in transit or too hot. THe breeder in TX could have had a fertility problem; it happens as you know. Keep us posted.

they shouldn't have gotten too hot since the weather has been extremely nice.. even shipped eggs last summer did better than this batch and that was receiving them in 112 degree temps!

I'm thinking it's a fertility problem.. which is a shame since they were some nice looking geese that the eggs were from

I even spent more for these than I would have been willing to pay otherwise.. figuring since they were so much closer that they would have a better hatch rate

I just checked the last three eggs that I put in (they are on day 4 today).. out of 3 eggs 2 are showing growth.. they came from Michigan!
Yinepu - You could always crack it open and check for fertility if they arnt growing at all. I think at least you will see signs of it or not... Is that how it works? The bullseye method?
All it takes is one raunchy postman to toss them in. I do not think you could even guess, there are too many factors with shipped eggs
yeah I know.. but since the eggs looked pretty darn good (no scrambling of the yolk.. good air cells) and the other eggs came in damaged.. you would think out of the 6 Texas eggs at least 1 would be showing SOME sort of growth.. but with Murphy's luck some of the damaged eggs from further away are alive and growing...

Yinepu - You could always crack it open and check for fertility if they arnt growing at all. I think at least you will see signs of it or not... Is that how it works? The bullseye method?
well.. the shells are nice and white.. and I have super bright LEDs.. so I know the yolks were not scrambled in transit... since I could see them as nice orangey orbs
since they are in the same incubator as eggs that are developing I know it isn't an incubator issue

that leaves me with 2 options... give them until day 15 then crack open and toss... or crack them open today... opening sooner rather than later will give me a better idea of the fertility issue since that would be less time for the yolk to degrade ... but either way I know the seller will insist that he does have ganders that are doing their job.. kind of hard to prove otherwise without going there and sexing his geese for him and hiding in the bushes spying on his geese as they do the "dance that shall remain unnamed"!

Normally I would never accuse a seller of offering infertile or 'bad" eggs... but I think in this instance my gut is telling me otherwise
lol.. I guess this all shows that unless they come from your flock.. buying eggs from anywhere is a gamble since you have to assume the seller is being truthful and also that the postal service won't beat the eggs half to death in transit..
Well 20 days ago a sold someone eggs to a friend to set under a broody hen. She had forgotten about them until I asked her about them. She is so excited to share them with her grandson. I am praying for a 100% hatch for her. I am expecting more eggs by the end of the week for my bator. It will be more chickens and a new twist.. turkey for me.
Hi all! So about 2 hours after I submitted my video for americas most desperate landscape, I got an email back saying they like us and need more photos and for us to sign a video and photo release! I'm sooo excited and hopeful. I think the better ratings I get on my submission the better my chances are. Soooo....if you don't mind. Its not a forum or really a contest. But here's the link. 5 stars is better, meaning its more desperate. If you don't mind just giving me a 5 star that would be awesome. If not..thats cool too. You don't have to register or anything.

On another note. I had two ameracaunas hatch out from the easter hatch. I was told they're pure, which if they aren't that is fine, I'm simply curious. But its suddenly sprouting black feathers that stick up on its head. Looks similar to my polish. What do you guys think. He's the gray one in front and the polish is behind.


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