THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Slide your hand under her!, I have a broody RIR with eggs and I can't get my hand near her- she pecks hard!

my mom used to take the feed scoop and put it over the evil broody hen's head when she needed to check the eggs.. they couldn't peck her then and she could quickly check the eggs.. it was a lot less stress for both of them

I just reach under.. I've been pecked but I don't let it bother me
Tell me about it!!!!  I NEED A BIGGER COOP or a second coop .... or a farm!!!  Yeah I live in the city ...... :lau

Lol, last year, our first year with chickens, we started with one coop but within a month we had to get the second coop up and running. Now the old chickens are in the second coop and the chicks are in the big coop. Today we turned the dog kennel into a coop for the meat chicks. The barn where the kennel is in is big enough to hold another kennel. Those chicks are so cute, you just can't get enough of them.
Quote: My RIR are the worst. Evil broody title fits. My boys tough it out to collect the eggs. They usually use a stick to lift her to see if any eggs need collecting before risking a hard peck unnecessarily !
Gotta love the RIR, tough birds.

Quote: I have turkey eggs set that should arrive with the last of the chicken eggs set for the Mothers Day Hatch- a- thon. What kind of turkey is wiggling??
I'm the one with the 9 dud eggs- I did open one, it was infertile... so my husband and I went to a hatchery about an hour from our house and just brought back 8 black- sex-linked pullets!
Now, how do I convince the broody that they are hers? I took just one out and slipped it under her and she looked at it then pecked at it. If I hadn't snatched it right away she'd have maybe killed it.

Anyone had good luck substituting chicks under a broody?
I'm the one with the 9 dud eggs- I did open one, it was infertile... so my husband and I went to a hatchery about an hour from our house and just brought back 8 black- sex-linked pullets!
Now, how do I convince the broody that they are hers? I took just one out and slipped it under her and she looked at it then pecked at it. If I hadn't snatched it right away she'd have maybe killed it.

Anyone had good luck substituting chicks under a broody?
People have the best luck putting chicks under a broody when it is dark and the chickens are roosting. But check them right away in the morning to make sure she had accepted them when she wakes up.
Should I put just one with her tonight in case she kills it? Sneak the rest in tomorrow?
Sleepy baby
Here are some pictures of my 2 day old black sex links fuzzies

Photo shoots are hard work!

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