THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

If ever I saw a perfect halloween picture . . . . . look at that pumpkin glow and a chickie on a kitty toe!
LOL...Arielle, you must, you must, do the poem for the contest,
or, you will bust, will bust...
for not sharing your rhyming talent,
with the rest!
I will have to get a picture of my son with the hen. I go on lock down tomorrow evening for the first group of eggs. It's going to be a crazy weekend here with all the new babies I hope to get from the next 2 hatches. I still have some time to go on the next 3.
Friday is lockdown for my 7 Orpingtons and my 6 Ameracauna lock down on the 17.
Getting so excited ! I candled them and I can see them moving around. This is my
first hatch so it's very kool to watch them develop.

And on another note , the eggs I thought I cooked
4 days ago..... I can see 3 cream legbar and 2 Appen Spitz
developing. So happy I didn't kill them all. :D
WOW!!! I loved all the chick/fowl/children/animals pictures! You all have some beautiful families. I love all of the sweet faces, and it is making me think about Mother's Day. Gotta get a gift!

I'm the first born in the family, and I was three and a half weeks late. I was soooo late that my mom was sure I would be born on Mother's Day or a few days before. (I still like to take my time.
) But, to her disappointment, I was born the Wednesday after. My birthday is often the same week and sometimes the same day, so we share some. This year, my birthday is on Saturday and Mom's day is on Sunday. Sometimes we exchange gifts on the same day - "Couldn't have been born without you!" "Wasn't a mom until you came along!" I like it.

Rarely bored, the boy-and-goose picture totally counts. Love it! I'll put up a contest page on Thursday, and we can vote during the weekend to keep faces peeled temporarily from incubator windows.

Wellll, Day 16, I think. Not a very exciting photo - about the same as the last few. Just two more pictures, because then you will lock down!
Ok, good luck! Don't get a back ache if you have one that you have to bend over to watch eggs that are just sitting there for three days!  :gig I say that, because that's what I do, even after all these years of incubating.  Wonder if it will be different when I get my new cabinet bator....nah!  Just won't have to bend down so far..I hope.  It will be on a table top too. 
  Seriously..hope you get that humidity where you want it, and it stays good for you.  Here we go!  I go into lock down with my hatch a longs in two days...I am already in lock down with some others, no back ache yet...

Soooo that's what's wrong with my back :lol: I pull up a chair and sit with my nose right on the bater window, ha ; )

Hope I got the humidity right on this batch, Kept it lower during incubation. Nice big air cells this time. Just increased it for lockdown. Also using and egg carton so any hatchees don't use the rest of the eggs for ping pong balls.
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I am new here, but I've done research on that....if you want her to get up and break broody, then what I've done with a hen that wouldn't leave her nest is put her in a dog cage (took the base out, so just cage underneath her and put it on two chairs, so only air underneath)....I gave her water and food. Left her there a couple of hours and that broke broody.
I'm heartbroken...snake got into my chicken house today and ate all the eggs under my broody. This was the second clutch she tried to hatch. She's still sitting and she's been broody for a long time. Will she get up without any eggs hatching under her? I tried to pick her up but she settled right back down onto nothing. Ugh, so frustrated.
Put her in a cage with nothing but air underneath her for some time - the broody will break, if that's what you want.

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