THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

On my last time incubating, I got to the early hours of lockdown day and heard a chirp. The incubator was right beside my bed and it was the middle of the night and I lay there smiling because I was hearing chirping. After awhile, I realized the chirp was too regular. Like, exactly every 60 seconds. And then I got up to let the dogs out and when I opened the back door, heard a really LOUD chirp. It turns out, the people who live behind me have a smoke alarm installed on the outside of their building and the batteries were running low.......
hahahaha!!! Thats hilarious.
One time it was on day 16 or so I thought I heard chirping...I thought...OMG...its not possible. How can it be chirping on day 16!!! I held my breath and listened. Nothing...took a breath and heard it again. This went on for a while and then I realized it was me wheezing. I have asthma and occasionally I slightly wheeze which is a very quiet whistling sound. I was so emabarrassed and glad I didnt' announce it to the world.
Of the seven eggs I started, five are still going. Thursday is my hatch date however, this morning I heard chirping and found one egg pipped. Now I'll spend the rest of the day stopping to check for progress. To add to the fun I think I have my first ever broody. Need to decide whether to give her a nest and some eggs or not. I'm such a weak person and it's so tempting!!!!!
On my last time incubating, I got to the early hours of lockdown day and heard a chirp. The incubator was right beside my bed and it was the middle of the night and I lay there smiling because I was hearing chirping. After awhile, I realized the chirp was too regular. Like, exactly every 60 seconds. And then I got up to let the dogs out and when I opened the back door, heard a really LOUD chirp. It turns out, the people who live behind me have a smoke alarm installed on the outside of their building and the batteries were running low.......
This is just too funny. I think most of us have a hearing plus problem, instead of loss...I swear, I will be somewhere else away from my bators, even in a store..and I think..I hear a chick chirping! It's in my head! It's a nice in the head sound though.
hahahaha!!! Thats hilarious.
One time it was on day 16 or so I thought I heard chirping...I thought...OMG...its not possible. How can it be chirping on day 16!!! I held my breath and listened. Nothing...took a breath and heard it again. This went on for a while and then I realized it was me wheezing. I have asthma and occasionally I slightly wheeze which is a very quiet whistling sound. I was so emabarrassed and glad I didnt' announce it to the world.

ha just did!
Now I'll tell my embarrassing nose! My nose was making a squeaky noise once, and I had thought it was a cheep..chirp? Cheep, oh, what ever kind of noise a noisy nose makes.
hahahaha!!! Thats hilarious.
One time it was on day 16 or so I thought I heard chirping...I thought...OMG...its not possible. How can it be chirping on day 16!!! I held my breath and listened. Nothing...took a breath and heard it again. This went on for a while and then I realized it was me wheezing. I have asthma and occasionally I slightly wheeze which is a very quiet whistling sound. I was so emabarrassed and glad I didnt' announce it to the world.
I actually about choked on what I was eating, I laughed so hard!

To add to the fun I think I have my first ever broody. Need to decide whether to give her a nest and some eggs or not. I'm such a weak person and it's so tempting!!!!!
Oh no, I think I do too! Anyone who knows me knows how much I've always wanted broodies. I got orpingtons and sat back and waited. After 3 years I figured they were never gonna brood. Back to the drawing board. Got a speckled sussex because the breeds database referred to them as "frequently broody". She died mysteriously at 9 months having never gone broody. Got a silkie mix. She's 16 months old. Never broody. Got two pure silkies that the breeder thought looked "girly" when they were 10 weeks old. They're both now crowing at 20 weeks of age. Picked a cochin out of the straight run bin this Spring. He joined the silkies crowing when he was 9 weeks old.

The ONLY hen I've ever had brood was a BSL - a hybrid less likely to brood (she was a great mama). And now I think my Sultan is broody. Of all the breeds I have and it is the Ornamental, light laying, seldom-goes-broody breed hen that decides to brood???? I'm going to give her a day or two but she's been sitting all day today except when she was kicked out of the nest by my Cuckoo Marans and made a big stink about it until she got the nest back.

My next problem will be getting her some eggs to sit on since all of the above-mentioned crowers are not yet with the adult hens and doing the deed. That little Sultan girl is so tiny I'm thinking she can't possibly sit on more than 4-6 eggs. Anyone want to weigh in on that?
This is just too funny. I think most of us have a hearing plus problem, instead of loss...I swear, I will be somewhere else away from my bators, even in a store..and I think..I hear a chick chirping! It's in my head! It's a nice in the head sound though.

I have a different problem...

when I am in a store I tend to look at things and wonder.. "hmm.. I wonder if i could turn that into a brooder / feeder / incubator?"
I just had one pip, zip, and pop out this morning; and I wasn't even here to see it! I left at 10:00 nothing happening, came back at 12:30 and there it was.
It looks like it might be a buff O. I started out with 7 Ameraucana eggs and 7 from the main flock that could be almost anything.

I just candled the duck eggs (day...12? I believe) As of now, there are 8 viable eggs - ALL 8 I can see the itty duck embryo the size of my nail swimming around and blinking its eye at me. Too cool
So far, 8 out of 12 isn't horrible for my first time, and I will be happy with at least a 50% hatch rate.

I threw an egg from on of my white TSC ducks in a few days ago just for the heck of it to see if it was fertile. So far, nothing, but I'm going to keep an eye on the girls to see if they go broody again because she lost her entire clutch of eggs the last round and now that I have an incubator I could help her out a bit.
DH has been talking to me about incubating the duck eggs. I have no clue other than it takes about 35 days ( muscovy). He wants to eat them. Send them to the butcher and return with $60 worth of duck. Is there a tutorial on BYC for duck incubating??

ANd what do you use for a candling tool to see such detail??


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