THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I candled a few eggs tonight.

THe aircells are increasing better now that I leave the lid ajar. And the shipped eggs are developing aircells nicely. Of the few I checked, only 1 didn't develop. Hoping for a few. The cuckoo marans eggs are HUGE !
This is the first I am reading about sanding the eggs .... I have some Marans eggs in on day 14 ..... Aircells look like they are developing ok... I am doing dryish incubation.... Should I sand them??? Where do I find this detailed information?? I really want to give these guys a good shot at hatching!!! Like I can see if anything is growing in them
:weee My eggs are talking :jumpy

I had no idea that chicks could cheep before they hatched until almost a month ago. It just kind of blows me away. Back to listen.
Serious envy right now. I don't go into lockdown til tuesday. But I candled my olive eggs again and although I can't see anything at all in some, it looks like I have small aircells in the 2 that I can see. So I might sand (btw total dry hatch). But I think this far along I should see some darkness even in such opaque eggs, but those kinda glow green. Now, it might mean nothing but I'm inclined to think at least those two aren't developing at all. But these are pullet eggs...I mean the very very first eggs my girls laid. Oh's to hoping!

And I got my peafowl eggs today! wooot!
This is the first I am reading about sanding the eggs .... I have some Marans eggs in on day 14 .....  Aircells look like they are developing ok... I am doing dryish incubation....  Should I sand them???  Where do I find this detailed information?? I really want to give these guys a good shot at hatching!!!  Like I can see if anything is growing in them :lau

Yes tell us or post a link! I looked on the easter hatch pages and did not see it..... I am getting ready to hatch some Marans, I had a zero perc. hatch a month ago, so why not put my head in the meat grinder one more time! Yay! :he At least if I try something different I won't feel so foolish for spending the money again.....:rolleyes:
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Sanding?? Oh no... you mean there's another option for me to possibly freak out about? Excellent. ugh.

BTW.... here it goes.... my eggs from my friend are developing awesome! just tossed one! OUT OF 15! I finally saw veins... like what they're supposed to look like... I can't believe it. I'm beside myself.... I'm trying to do this dry hatching thing so I don't ruin another expensive set of shipped eggs. I'm stoked.

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