THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Right now I still have the 4 that hatched yesterday. I see any signs yet for anymore. I know I have a few more to hatch but just not sure how many.
Quote: Sorry, maybe my reply did n't post. Seem to having trouble with submitting.

5 large blue are EE hens covered by a Blue Ameraucana rooster; 3 smaller blue eggs are from a black AM hen covered by either a white Am or an EE rooster. The language is crazy. I like to call anything not pure AM the term EE, but most people seem to prefer to call them Ameraucanas.
Sorry, maybe my reply did n't post. Seem to having trouble with submitting.

5 large blue are EE hens covered by a Blue Ameraucana rooster; 3 smaller blue eggs are from a black AM hen covered by either a white Am or an EE rooster. The language is crazy. I like to call anything not pure AM the term EE, but most people seem to prefer to call them Ameraucanas.

Are you serious? White?? I don't care if it is pure or an EE ..I have been wanting another white for ages. Oh man!

Yep, went back and found where you posted..sorry! But on the other hand you didn't mention a white! I'm super excited now.
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Noncentzter--I see you have buckey, how meaty are they compared to other breeds like EE since you have those and I have hatchery EE, hatchere RIR and not-hatchery BCM.
I have put my hands on these birds and they are thin, not what I consider meaty at all. Of course I'm used to eating grocery store cornish cross types.

I haven't butchered any buckeyes yet. Size wise they are comparable to EEs. I have some orps that are much larger....

I have nine chicks out so far. I'd given three eggs to a new broody and when I checked on the eggs yesterday, only one egg was left! I picked up the egg, tapped on it and heard some cheeping, so took it back to the bator and it has hatched. I'd also given two other broodies two eggs each and those eggs were gone, no sign of them and I know at least one had a chick peeping in it when I placed it under the hens. Grrrr!!
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So do you wet the paper towel? I've been having the same issue. Is there a way to disconnect the fan for hatching? I have been thinking of ordering a still air for lock down.

you can if you need to raise the humidity.. but only dampen it.. you don't want any water dripping down onto the hatching chicks.. for the Brinseas I just leave that paper towel dry since i want the chicks to be able to move under it and fluff
Congrats to everyone having chicks out and those having bad hatches keep trying we have all been there. Also remember sometimes chicks come late I have had soe day 25 chicks before.

my little mutts are doing great... 100% hatch on those.. but I didn't include them into this hatch

for the shipped eggs for this hatch......
out of my BLRW .. 2 out of 13.. the other 11 were clears.. *sighs*
muscovys are showing 22 out of 24 eggs being good and growing nicely.. they won't be out for a while though.. lol
the 14 goose eggs are a mixed result..
the Texas eggs were infertile .. all 6 were clears and I checked bullseyes,... all duds
other three shipments I have 2 out of 3 showing growth
1 out of 2 from another shipment showing growth
2 out of 3 showing growth out of another shipment

I've gotten more goose eggs since then..
3 more have veins growing.. one of the shipments had several cracked eggs.. so I could only salvage one egg... it's alive and well
the other 2 were from a shipment of 2 eggs.. both of those are growing like weeds...
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I think I have 28 chicks out of the 38 I locked down and they are still hatching. Last night my son told me he took the first chick out of the bator 4 times :barnie:(
Kids. Then last night I saw one zipping and this morning it still wasn't out so I got a wash cloth, wet it and dripped a few drops onto the chick and stuck the cloth in the corner by the chick. A few hours later the chick hatched. :) if I was doing this for any other reason than for my kids I think id be ripping my hair out. The kids love the chicks.
I foresee another hatch along! Where did you order from? Mine is coming from via fed-ex and should be here Tuesday!! I have 16 eggs on the counter just waiting!
Ok, really happy that you mentioned Fedex here. They never mentioned it on my order. So, went to Fedex with the tracking number..which I Fedex mentioned, and tried it. It is supposed to come by the 17th! Next Thursday! What?
Anyway, had tried usps with that number and ups with it, I just didn't figure it was Fedex because it's taking forever!

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