THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

The first of my chicks due to hatch on Wednesday just hatched about an hour ago. Something is not right with him, his head is all bent underneath him. I can see his beak up under his wing, but he can't seem to straighten out his head. He is flopping all over the incubator doing forward rolls. What is wrong with this chick?

Does he have any yolk still attached? Maybe he doesn't get he is out and still trying to turn. My olive Egger (we named it Kalamata you know like a black olive, since it is all black) did that floppy thing for about an hour or so, then was fine.

I see you are a homeschooling mom too!
2 more just hatched. One has a puffy belly button I guess you call it
with a tiny bit of blood. Should I put blue Kote or bacitracin on it when I
move them to brooder later?
3 more eggs to go
Just leave it should dry up and be fine.... Just make sure the other chicks don't peck at it!
Does he have any yolk still attached? Maybe he doesn't get he is out and still trying to turn. My olive Egger (we named it Kalamata you know like a black olive, since it is all black) did that floppy thing for about an hour or so, then was fine.

I see you are a homeschooling mom too!

He is fine now! All of a sudden he popped his head up and started running around. A second baby just hatched!

Yes, I am a homeschooling mom!
I thought by the time I got back from camping I'd have a whole bator full of chicks. Especially since I had 2 early chicks on friday. Got home at about 11pm last night and my humidity was down to 50 and not one single new chick. Same thing this afternoon. Nothing. Just checked a little while ago and one of my Silver Phoenix had hatched. When I looked furthur back I had to more and 4 pipped, but I could tell one was stuck so grabbed it out. It's in the bottom half of the shell now. I decided to see if I could help the other 3 out and they were DIS. My FBCMs!
There's more in there, but I didn't candle them to see what was going on. I did candle the few Phoenix though, because they had been under my broody and I had let her sit on 6 and she ended up with 13 and one disappeared. Three of the eggs hatched, but they were dead in the nest, so I took all the eggs away. I have chicks forming in most of them, but they are all at different stages with one looking like it might be soon. So so far I have 2 Cochin X OBEG, 1 BBS AM, 1 Silver Phoenix and 2 of my Lavender Layer projects. Hope some more hatch, but this isn't too bad concidering I've had some bad one's lately, I had a humidity drop and I was away all weekend.
I took out the egg that had started to zip as I saw nothing happening. As I feared, the chick was dead. The other eggs have not pipped at all. I fear I have a lone chick. My broody is sitting on 2 eggs that should hatch soon. What should I do? Put this chick under her with the eggs or wait till at least one egg has hatched? I am leaving the bator on a couple more days (day 21 was sunday) in the hopes that maybe something will happen. I am horrible at hatching. I am hoping my broody hen is better. I will let her do it from now on if she is successful. Poor baby is all alone and is very quiet. It does chirp back at me if I chirp at it. Ugh. I feel soooooo baaaaaaadddd.
Last night I went to check on the newest arrivals. I noticed that one egg had pipped. I left it alone and came back over an hour later and noticed no progress was made. So I helped a little bit and broke a small piece off the opening. I then went to bed. this morning I woke up and checked again.. no progress so again I broke another piece off and left it alone. I kept checking every little bit. Still no progress each time so I would break off a small piece. finally with just what looked like a lid on the egg I left it alone again. An hour later it was still breathing but nothing else.. So I helped it slowly out of the egg. It did lay in the incubator for a few hours. I knew it might die but I at least tried to help it. Good News!! It lives!! It has taken about 4 hours but it is dried off and walking around. Yeah me!!!

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