THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Does he have any yolk still attached? Maybe he doesn't get he is out and still trying to turn. My olive Egger (we named it Kalamata you know like a black olive, since it is all black) did that floppy thing for about an hour or so, then was fine.
I see you are a homeschooling mom too!

He is fine now! All of a sudden he popped his head up and started running around. A second baby just hatched!

Yes, I am a homeschooling mom!

I'm a homeschool mom too. A big part of hatching eggs and the chick and chickens is for the kids. If they didn't like the chicks so well we wouldn't have but maybe 15 chickens. Some how we are in the chicken business because of the kids. If it wasn't for those people we visited who had a few chickens a few years ago this never would have happened.
I set 9 eggs under a broody because I didn't have any room in the bator. When I got room, there were only 3 left. None hatched.

We were at a swap last month and someone gave my daughter a duck egg. we came home and I put it in the bator and forgot to mark it. I opened the bator today to candle the turkey eggs. Look what I found!

It's a Call Duck. Last month I fussed and fretted and didn't get any to hatch. I put this one in and forgot about it and it hatched in the turner!
It all depends on your child's learning style, how teacher intensive the curriculum is and what your goals are for each kid. For our older daughter (11th grade) we have been using a computer based program. She is not a kid that likes to do book work at all. We wanted a Bible based program that was not based on workbooks. She has been using Switched on Schoolhouse since 8th grade and does very well with it. Her state testing had her on a 12th grade level by 9th grade.

My youngest daughter will be 7this month and is in 1st grade. I started her with preschool stuff and she very quickly got tired of it and demanded to do "real" school work. It's been trial and error with her but I have found a mix of things that work well for her. She LOVES workbooks. Most of her subjects are Christian Light Education. I can't say enough good things about it. She has been using Explode the Code since she was 4 and we really like it.

In November I had to put my 1st grader in public school because I needed to get a job. We still do the ETC and CLE, and her state testing has her on a 3rd grade level. None of the curricula we use is teacher intensive. She will resume homeschooling after this year is finished next month.

I would suggest joining homeschool forums and learning about all the different options available to you. There is a TON of information on those boards.
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Hi All,

I didn't officially join the Mother's Day Hatch since I didn't find out about it until after the last day to join. I did set eggs on the 24th of April, though. I set them at 8 am on Tuesday April 24th. I candled them for the last time on Thursday and locked down the incubator on Friday morning. Now I'm thinking that they are not actually due until tomorrow and that I should have locked down the incubator on Saturday??? What do you think?

It all depends on your child's learning style, how teacher intensive the curriculum is and what your goals are for each kid. For our older daughter (11th grade) we have been using a computer based program. She is not a kid that likes to do book work at all. We wanted a Bible based program that was not based on workbooks. She has been using Switched on Schoolhouse since 8th grade and does very well with it. Her state testing had her on a 12th grade level by 9th grade.

My youngest daughter will be 7this month and is in 1st grade. I started her with preschool stuff and she very quickly got tired of it and demanded to do "real" school work. It's been trial and error with her but I have found a mix of things that work well for her. She LOVES workbooks. Most of her subjects are Christian Light Education. I can't say enough good things about it. She has been using Explode the Code since she was 4 and we really like it.

In November I had to put my 1st grader in public school because I needed to get a job. We still do the ETC and CLE, and her state testing has her on a 3rd grade level. None of the curricula we use is teacher intensive. She will resume homeschooling after this year is finished next month.

I would suggest joining homeschool forums and learning about all the different options available to you. There is a TON of information on those boards.
This sounds like it is student based. Where the child/student is self motivated to keep moving thu the program. One of my concerns with public school is the kids don't learn self motivation. ANd I would like my kids to have a greater love of learning.
Hi All,

I didn't officially join the Mother's Day Hatch since I didn't find out about it until after the last day to join. I did set eggs on the 24th of April, though. I set them at 8 am on Tuesday April 24th. I candled them for the last time on Thursday and locked down the incubator on Friday morning. Now I'm thinking that they are not actually due until tomorrow and that I should have locked down the incubator on Saturday??? What do you think?

THey will do fine.
My hatch is over and I got 5 beautiful chicks. 8 others were fully formed but never internally pipped, idk what went wrong. Here are my little hatchlings - I can't keep my hands off them


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