THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

OK, 9 in the brooder, two more zipping. One of the last to hatch got stuck. Its top shell got wedged in another shell of a chick that had already hatched. I saw it when I got home from shopping today. Rushed to get a warm damp rag, got the hatched chicks into the brooder and helped get this chick unstuck from the membrane. It sat for a while still curled up and I was afraid it would have neck problems, but about an hour later, it was up and about and doing fine. Now, one of these latest two that are zipping is starting from the pointy end. I can hear it cheeping, so I chipped a small bit of shell off and I can see and hear that it is ok for now. Have to bake bread for tomorrow anyway, so I can keep an eye on it. May have to find other things to bake, or do laundry so I can sleep after the kids get on the bus in the morning. Looks like it might be a long night.

BTW, these are eggs I got from the Columbia County (NY) egg swap last month. Hope I can figure out who I got all the eggs from so I can let them know how they did.
My computer died. :( Im using my husbands and have sooo much to catch up on. Eggs go into lockdown tomorrow night but I don't think they're going to hatch. Candling them showed nothing. Some look kinda glowy but none showed anything I thought might be growth. husband unplugged my incubator last night accidentally...the ones with the peacock eggs. They are only a few days in but they were like that for about 12 hours. :( Soooo upset. I doubt they survived. Oh well.
My computer died. :( Im using my husbands and have sooo much to catch up on. Eggs go into lockdown tomorrow night but I don't think they're going to hatch. Candling them showed nothing. Some look kinda glowy but none showed anything I thought might be growth. husband unplugged my incubator last night accidentally...the ones with the peacock eggs. They are only a few days in but they were like that for about 12 hours. :( Soooo upset. I doubt they survived. Oh well.

I love reading this thread. It's been so much fun. I stopped counting my chicks at 60 I still have a few late stragglers. Hopefully thy will be dried up and fluffy by morning I need to get the bator cleaned up for the eggs due to hatch on the 17-20 . Then I can unplug my old lg forever now that I have the redwood monster bator.

I'm ready to set more. I am only keeping 2 blue barred rocks, 4 OEGB/Serama , 5 d'uccles and 3 silkies. The res are going t o my friend for her new flock. She is going to take all the rest of the chicks kep the hens and whatever Roos she wants then we are throwing the straight Roos into my meat pen to fatten up for fall butchering. Yum a freezer of chicken for the Winter.

I'm so excited for those with hatches still to come. Those with bad hatches keep the faith and keep trying.

When do we set for fathers day?
Tomorrow is Day 18 for my little Violet! All 3 looked great last night and I'm hoping they all do well. Being bantams they can hatch any day and I'm SO ANXIOUS!

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