THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.


They are hatching today!!!!! Yeah--two & counting, two days earlier than expected.

My point on how I think broodys run hotter then incbuators! My incubator eggs seem to be on the exact day they should be. My broodys eggs seem to be two days ahead!
Mothers Day must have been inspirational to my flock:

I had a Royal Palm and a Narraganset hen sharing a basket to lay, then they decided to stay put and were joined by a Lav Ameraucana and an Icelandic. Not sticking MY arm in that hissing pile of grumpy lady birds!

lol.. i deal with that every day!
I just reach in and grab the hens pulling them off the nest.. when you have SIX broody turkeys piled into the same nest it's FUN!
My point on how I think broodys run hotter then incbuators! My incubator eggs seem to be on the exact day they should be. My broodys eggs seem to be two days ahead!
Well, that is good information to know. A friend of mine has some of these same eggs in an incubator and she was wondering if she should lock-down 2 days early. I think I will pass this information on to her. Thanks!

My excitement is settling down, a little.

I started with seven eggs. One was cracked when the hen dropped another egg on it (my fault as I had not taken her from the flock & her friend decided to start laying her eggs with the ones under my broodie). One baby must have died from exhaustion. The membrane around the egg was pretty rubbery & she didn't break through. I never know when to get involved but by the time I did the baby was dead.
So I started with seven eggs and now have five chicks.
Can you tell they are mutts????
I can't believe how different they look from each other.
Well it was really a 100% fertile batch of eggs I was given.
This was fun & I love seeing everyone's posts.
I DIdnt fare to well with this Contest with my 9 set Eggs I only had 4 Hatch and one was a day early she practically burt out of her shell on her own no help .. but had a very gunky long still attatched cord clinging to the Egg .. I did not interfear but she kept stepping on it and caused a rupture and she was a bloody mess .. didnt make the night so only three of my 9 were happy endings. But It was still fun trying .

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