THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

So far this year I've failed at hatching anything... but I'll join! Maybe the worst rate award is for me XD Though the BEST prize would be some of these chicks hatching!

So I have 20 eggs total that count for the contest days. 15 chicken and 5 duck. The chickens are 8 black silkies and 7 showgirls(?!) first gen silkie roo/turken hen cross. The ducks are crested pekin/pekin. The picture has the non-contest eggs crossed out.

All of my chicken eggs look like they are developing (hard to tell on brown eggs!). Two ducks are good, two were infertile and I'm not sure what I did with the 5th one XD Going to re-check the bator (and discards!) tomorrow when I'm more awake lol.

My two remaining duck eggs hatched, 1 on Mothers Day late at night and the other around 3am Monday. One crested, one not crested. Never did figure out the 5th duck egg... it wasn't in the incubator nor tossed (my dud eggs were still sitting on the desk when I checked, I hadn't thrown them yet)... maybe someone with better eyes can read it? It's the one in the bottom right corner... Maybe it's an egg for another hatch and I messed up marking it out? Dunno since I re-arranged the bator so the hatchers were by the window :-/ Anyway, here's the ducks, there in with my chicken hatch from last week...

I helped them out a bit... they were rather large for their shells and a little stuck! I'm sure they would have done it fine on their own...

My crested baby <3

*Only the ducks were entered in the MD Hatch. But the chickens are... 3 Turken/? Crosses, 1 (1st gen) showgirl, 3 Silkies :)

The 15 chicken eggs I entered ALL looked good to go when last candled :) They aren't due until tomorrow but I have currently 4 pips! 2 "showgirls" (1st gen) and 2 silkies. I may have started getting TOO into hatching and now have stacked eggs... only after filling that little space on the side of course XD I wasn't sure the hatching chicks would do so well with another egg on top of them so they are really stacked funny now...

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Do you leave your turner in for hatching?

I have been- I just turn it off 3 days before hatch time and hand tilt the other eggs. Humidity is high here so I don't have an issue taking the lid off my incubator... in fact I think my humidity needs to come down some...

I will say though, it leaves VERY little room for the chicks. I wait until they dry for a few hours then snag them out and put them right under a lamp. I'm afraid someone will end up getting burned on one of those heater coils :-/ I need to get my other incubator cleaned out then I'll have a hatcher again...
I see. I thought about doing that, but as you found out, very little room for the chicks. I have tried all kinds of ways to hatch. So far I found for me its easier to lay them down, unless you their are a lot of eggs, then I us an open egg carton.
I have my next batch in locl down , and I'm concerned that they temp is a little high. If I can move the shipped eggs out of the egg cartons and put on something lower but still be more upright and not on their sides. ANy thoughts on what I might use? TP tube rings?
Well I took the eggs out of the incubator that hadn't hatched. There were several. Of course I opened them up to see what was going on with them. I had 2 eggs stop about day 16 or so and 2 that had didn't hatch for whatever reason. The yolk was gone in them but not even so much as a pip. I ended up with 6 babies. It's better than none. I still have eggs in the other incubator that will go on lock down next week. I need to get the incubator cleaned up so it will be clean and ready to go for camp eggs.
One more picture of the proud Mommy with her chicks (there are five, one is hiding under the hen)

hatched 5-15-12 one day old chicks
What is the mama...she is gorgeous!

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