THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

All my mothers day chickies are leaving tomorrow except the D'uccles and Silkies. Time to clean the brooder for the batch that just started hatching. So I guess I can do staggered hatches in the redwood bator cuz chicks are hatching tonight and more due 3 days after that. :lol: head more chicks I never get sick of hatching.
My first wheaten Ameraucana hatched!
I couldn't sleep decided to peek into hatcher window, and there she was, out of an egg I thought was no good. Lol
5 more eggs to go.


I will not open the bator
I will NOT

- Karen
So the chick I helped out has a twisted neck..... When its head is flat on the groud it's legs are up in the air

What causes this? Or is it just genetics?? Is there anything I can do to help this chick? It's just so sad.....
In happier news I went down to put Lucky under popcorn ..... Since this chick hatched from an egg left overnight with no hen. Lucky snuggled right under her.... While I was admiring the chicks out playing I noticed half an eggshell .... Hmmmm the only egg under popcorn was another one left out over night and when I came down the morning it was barely under her. I thought with all the new chicks shed given up on it. I contemplated taking it away and had it in my hand but popcorn gave me a curious look. I showed her the egg and she immediately moved to nudge it under her... Ok fine then. Well that egg hatched!! Omg it really hatched!!! A lovely lavender silkie chick was tucked really far under her..... I still can't believe it. I figured silkies are so fragile there would be Norway it would hatch...... Now for a name.....
I love the name thoughts............ hmmmmm. Lavender silkie chick. Hmmmmmm With names like Popcorn, and Lucky.... sounds like it should be "softy" or "muffin"... hahahaha... but at our house it would be Ethel or Gertrude.
My first wheaten Ameraucana hatched!
I couldn't sleep decided to peek into hatcher window, and there she was, out of an egg I thought was no good. Lol
5 more eggs to go.

I will not open the bator
I will NOT
- Karen
Slapping Karen's hand.....
No Karen... naughty!! Do not open.... shame on you. maybe just anothe peek or two.

FINAL COUNT! I just got my last 2 silkies out! :-D Unfortunately, I lost one of the two this morning I said were pipped in my last post :-/ He was doing fine... membrane still had blood but his nose was out, came back an hour later and he had FLIPPED himself upside down in his shell and suffocated! UGH :-(

Anywho, 14/15 Chicks survived my skills: (the 13th just has his wet little head out in the left top corner, 14 is in the middle still wet!)

And the chicken's egg shells (and the mess of a desk they took over):

For the ducks, 2 hatched, 2 were infertile and the last one I FINALLY figured out where he went! I set him the day I set the chickens, and he's still good but not due until NEXT week (smart me uses different color sharpies to mark the hatch dates each couple weeks... dumb me didn't realize until now that I had one duck egg left still in green and that was it! XD)... does he still make it within the time limit for the MD hatch? If not it's okay, I'll just have 19 total eggs entered instead of 20.

The two duckies (posted them before too but one can never have too many baby pics!): (the chicks they are with are from the hatch before this one)

As it turns out... chicks hatch WAY better with an accurate thermometer... go figure!
thumbsup.gif was wishful thinking. My eggs twitched again. I was so excited and made sure I wasn't bumping the incubator...then I leaned in again and sure enough they twitched...but alot of them did. I was standing on the cord and when I leaned in it very subtly wobbled the hovabator. And the peeping I was my chicks outside. Sooo..I'm back to thinking that the pullet eggs were never fertilized.

On a bad note, something got one of my easter hatch chicks. she was one of my amercauna/polish. Beautiful, huge and the clear leader. The rest have diverged into two groups and my one pullet who is nice to them started hovering over them and trying to keep them in the yard.

On a good note...candled the peacock eggs...veins! I see veins! I'm sooo happy.
Sorry everyone I have MIA for a few days! I am going to put everyone's (except Java and my own) in hat and have one of my munchkins draw a name today. I will post the winner after the drawing and the winner can have their choice of 12 jumbo brown and golden coturnix or 6+ California white hatching eggs.
Good news! I gave the chick some vitamins and put it back in the incubator for the night with a buddy.... And this morning it was standing. It's still not particularly coordinated but standing!! Yeah!! I moved them to the brooder and it crys a lot :( I kind of want to put it under my broody with the other chicks.... I feel like it needs a mama to tell it everything is okay. But am at capacity for my broody with chicks ..... Hmmmmm. I guess I'll go see how she is doing with the babies and then decide. Any thoughts?

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