THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I need advice...I decided to candle my eggs...the ones that were due to hatch yesterday...and well some stayed really warm and some cooled down real fast. Someone said the ones that are cold are the ones that are dead because they don't produce body heat. Well I opened them and none were fertile. No speck of blood or veining, nothing. But does that mean the other warmer ones might be alive? Or should I just give up. Remember, these are the pullet eggs where the roo died a few days after the girls started laying and I'm pretty sure I saw a bulls eye in one of the eggs. so if none of these other ones were even fertile should I just give up on these other ones. They aren't doing anything.
What did the warm ones look like when you candled them?? You should be able to see if they are filled, or not with the chick,unless very dark eggs ( sorry, I can't remember). I have had chicks hatch days late and do fine.

Staying up to see them
. There are 4 pipped now. The first one is slow to hatch but I LOVE
hearing them peep in their eggs!
Sorry you little friend couldn't stay to see the whole process, but I still think she had a wonderful experience to see that hatching doesn't happen instantly, it's a long process. I' m sure you can get pics to her! ANd share the final steps.
What did the warm ones look like when you candled them?? You should be able to see if they are filled, or not with the chick,unless very dark eggs ( sorry, I can't remember). I have had chicks hatch days late and do fine.

Sorry you little friend couldn't stay to see the whole process, but I still think she had a wonderful experience to see that hatching doesn't happen instantly, it's a long process. I' m sure you can get pics to her! ANd share the final steps.

They are olive eggs and I can't see anything in these. I could kinda see in a few of the ones I opened, but none of the ones I left in.
Quote: If I am understanding the situation--the eggs are dark and you can see the air cell, and that the eggs are otherwise dark with a chick filling the rest?? I would give them several more days. I noticed my chicks are hatching late by 0-2 days.

One my dark eggs I MIGHT be able to see some light coming thru on the pointy end if the chick hasn't filled it yet.

OTherwise its wait and see. I don't like the marans eggs because I can't see into them and determine if all is well. Only wait and see on some of the really dark ones. So give them time.
They are olive eggs and I can't see anything in these. I could kinda see in a few of the ones I opened, but none of the ones I left in.
If you were able to see in the ones you opened and not these, that may be a good sign. It may mean that these are so dark because a chick is filling them, and that's why you can't see into them. Sometimes rotating and changing position will help. If I can at least make out the air cell, then I know that the reason I can't see the rest is because it is dark with chick.

A really bright LCD flashlight is your friend when incubating. I was able to see even into my BCM eggs with DH's flashlight.
Ok, I don't get it..why are people still hatching on here. I thought this was the Mother's Day Hatch A it going to go into the Father's Day Hatch A Long.
Is the cutest chick picture contest done? I haven't been on here really keeping tabs, but keep getting e-mails, and wondering if I missed out on another Mothers Day?
Sounds like everyone is having fun..that's all that counts!
Ok, I don't get it..why are people still hatching on here. I thought this was the Mother's Day Hatch A it going to go into the Father's Day Hatch A Long.
Is the cutest chick picture contest done? I haven't been on here really keeping tabs, but keep getting e-mails, and wondering if I missed out on another Mothers Day?
Sounds like everyone is having fun..that's all that counts!
The last day to set was well after the due date for hatching exactly on mothers day.... so us straglers are at the end of our hatch right now.... Not sure when cutest chick pix contest is over as people are still hatching....
Ok, I don't get it..why are people still hatching on here. I thought this was the Mother's Day Hatch A it going to go into the Father's Day Hatch A Long.
Is the cutest chick picture contest done? I haven't been on here really keeping tabs, but keep getting e-mails, and wondering if I missed out on another Mothers Day?
Sounds like everyone is having fun..that's all that counts!
I have two hatched! I finally got to see a chick hatch at 4:45 am.
I'm so happy for you!!!! A long and thrilling night!

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