THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Is this chick still alive? I would splint it and keep him in either a cut off disposable cup (so his feet are on the ground) or in a tiny bowl with hay... that way he is forced to sit up and start pushing off with his legs. Of done this on a few chicks... works very well.

Here's picture of my most recent one... I found her at TSC flopped on her belly and getting walked on by the other chicks (yes I bought her lol).

Normally I use those fuzzy craft pipe cleaners but I didn't have any on hand so I cut a straw and used pieces of scotch tape... Her leg is REALLY forced around since she is twisted from the hip.

Sitting in her cup... I had to tape it to the box she was in to keep her from flipping it over after she learned to push.

Also make sure the food and water dish are reachable (I added the water dish right after this photo :)

You'll have to upright them several times... and eventually they get strong enough to keep their legs under their body. Then they will push out of the cup.. and you'll get tired of putting them back in... and then take the cup away... and feel bad when they are flopped out like a beached whale with their legs behind them... but in time they learn to get their legs up under and then to walk. Takes a few days... splints need to be adjust (larger around the leg) every 24 hours so that they don't get cuts from growing into it.

And if they aren't eating... they need to be hand fed with a syringe every couple of hours. That part isn't fun either...

Anyway, if your chick is still making it and you want to try something this is worth a shot! Good luck.

P.S.- The leghorn chick above is now several months old and doing great! I named her Twisty- she lives outside but gets petted and held every day... and she thinks she's a parrot XD

I would have got her too! I have one that almost died twice in less than 24 hours, her name is now Lucky & she is doing well. I hope Twisty makes it.
My BYM hatch is officially over. We (as a family) decided to candle quickly and make THE decision. All three that went into lockdown died in various stages of lockdown. I'm super glad we did it, showed Zoe, my 8 year old daughter what they chicks looked like inside the eggs and we're now moving on to focusing on the beautiful eggs in the incubator next to them. BBS Marans, one little LBCochin, Americauna and BBS English Orps.

Onward and upward..... we have a computer fan blowing across the top of the vents of the bator and we have high hopes. It's a positive light we hold in our house!!!

Thank you so much for this opportunity guys!!! I'm moving over to the May 7th hatch!!! (can't totally leave you all.... what amazing support!!)
Just a little update. The ducks started to pip yesterday, but one of them hadn't progressed like the other two that had started, and I could tell that a lot of the membrane was stark white. I broke the membrane and tore off a bit for him so I could dribble a bit of warm water to soften everything, and spritz the other 7 with some warm water to help get them moist. I saw a bit of veining so I stuck him back in with a wet paper towel. Now I'm rining to the bator every 10 minutes to check everyone. This has been the longest 30 days of my life
Thankfully it will all be worth it

These were mostly shipped eggs and the thermometer was the bulb ones that come with the LG. I'm using the LG incubators too. I have done very well with the LG's with my own eggs and with hatches of shipped eggs before my good thermometer broke.

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