The MUTT thread!


9 Years
Jun 5, 2010
Jeremiah, Ky.
I noticed everyone was on specific breeds on here, well I want to reach a hand out to the unique mixes that happen because chickens don't know that they aren't all the same.
The fun with mutts is that no 2 are exactly the same, they have the great traits of all breeds in them, and if you didn't hatch them, all the stress of trying to figure out what's in their blood lines!

So post pics of YOUR mutts BYCers.
I'll get some pics of mine later.

my pekin rouen mallard cross with her first hatch on a walk!
This is Pokey the 2nd, a red frizzle Cochin, buff Orpington mix. She is a grandmother!

Thanks! I just noticed that no one adores the mutts like they do the pure breeds!
Like you always hear of people wanting Seramas or Black Copper Marans, but you never here of someone wanting a Rosecomb/Silkie, a Orpington/Turken, or a Barred Plymouth Rock/Polish. Everyone wants pure breeds, no one wants mutts
Tomorrow I will get some photos of my creepers. Funniest looking things you ever saw. A more accurate term for mixed breed chickens is dunghill. Mutts are dogs, dunghills are chickens.

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