-The Mythics RP-

Raven squinted at the firelight, how rude it was to rob someone of their night vision, but the true offense he took was from being associated with this discombobulating Phoenix. He frowned slightly and reholstered his pistol.
"I can assure you," he turned to get a better look at Coal, "I've never seen this bird in my life, though I'm sure," slowly, He reached up and tugged the hood and face covering from his head, revealing his array of scars and deformities, "That we'll get to know each other very well." a grin danced on the corners of his mouth as he redirected his attention to Ember.
"Not any mother that I know."
Ember released a hand from the flintlock and raised a clenched fist, bright flames curling over her tense fingers, bouncing light off her gold wristbands and lighting up the eerie deck of the Quicksilver. She could see the Phoenix's face better, cowering behind Vhanya, the red tips of his wings catching the light vividly.
She tossed an irritated glare over her shoulder at the cloaked stranger still watching the scene silently.
"And how should I know that you aren't allied with this sulking pirate?"
She readjusted her stance, moving her flaming hand to see the dark figure better, still holding the gun level with the Phoenix's face.

Ember’s show of power ignited Coal’s competitive spirit. She can’t think my fire is weak just because I don’t want the captain thinking I want to burn her! he thought.
Coal stepped away from Vanya and held a globe of fire between his hands. His sharp white teeth gleamed in the light of the fire, but he was grimacing, not smiling. It was hard to maintain a calm and easy smile with a gun trained on his head.

Lol, that looks so uncomfortable to use. It has no handle!
For anyone who doesn't know, @Ra11ypr0 is my brother, he's been reading this RP from my screen for a little while
(@Sam The Hobbit is my brother and he’s read at least the intro post.)
Name: Mary
Gender: female
Age: 14
Species: harpy
Physical Appearance: living Disney princess. Black wings and brown, wavy hair. A dreamy face and a creamy complexion. A little slip of a girl. Big, blue eyes. Rosy cheeks. Wears a flowing halterneck dress and little shoes.
Personality: Loves to talk to birds. Often has her head in the clouds, sometimes figuratively, sometimes figuratively. While her bird-talking is seen as a bit asocial, it is more than made up for by her kindness to everyone.
Backstory (optional): Grew up with two loving parents and some siblings at Bird Point. A long history of talking to birds. I don’t really know how she would fit into the rp but I got a picture in my mind and wanted to make her for some reason. I won’t be mad if I don’t ever get to play her.

(Also I just realized my female characters are named Mary and Martha. Like from the Bible. Well, I guess I just like M names.)

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