-The Mythics RP-

Jintao turned away from the woman. She'd have her meeting soon enough and didn't need careless witnesses watching. He leaned back into the warm bench. Tay had drifted off into much-needed sleep, so talking with her wasn't an option. His eyelids slipped shut. No, he opened them. Now wasn't the time for sleep. Someone between the two of them had to keep watch should something go wrong. Jintao allowed his mind to wander to a distant memory that he had thought he had forgotten while the time wasted away.

The Destruction had rocked slowly that day as Jintao and Liam worked on their weapons. Jintao had been sharpening his cutlass and Liam had been cleaning his gun. "There's something on your mind," Jintao eyed his blade. It reflected off the lantern's dull light. Liam jammed his pistol shut without a word.
"Are you just going to leave me hanging here?" Jintao slid his cutlass to the side and began working on his knife. "The tension is killing me."
Liam slammed his fist on the old table. "I'm going to kill this crew one day! And I'll be sure to sink the Destruction while I'm at it!" He loaded his revolver and pointed it at Jintao with a click of the safety. "I would start with you if I wasn't outnumbered on this cursed ship."
Jintao's fingers tightened around his small weapon. "You'd be too fool to pull off a stunt like that," he said. He reached for the revolver, but Liam pulled it back and clicked the safety back on.
Liam flicked the dark brown lock from his right eye. "Yeah, too fool," he scoffed. He slid his gun into his holster and stood. "Try me."
The table skitted as Jintao rushed to his feet. He pointed his knife at Liam. "You talking about rebelling? Sloan and Teferi tried that, and look how far it got them!"
Liam leaned toward Jintao. He stood a clear five inches shorter than him. "The Crusher," the words fell off Liam's lips like they could poison Jintao. "Mavyak. They got away with Gohachiro Mavyak. And where?" Liam held out his hand. "Here!" he slammed his index finger on the table. "Right from under our noses." He pointed at Jintao. "And they get away. Free of charge. You'll never catch them. They'll just keep stealing our prizes while you sit back and do nothing."
Jintao straightened his tall form. "What does this have to do with your rebellion? Nothing, right? Just a distraction, huh? I'll kill you if you don't start fessing."
Liam shook his head. He walked to the other side of the room and stopped by a dimming candle. Turning back to Jintao, with a more subtle tone, he said, "Have you ever killed someone that means more to you than life itself?"
Jintao stepped back. He looked at the wooden floor. It was dirtier than usual, which was the fault of a missing slave.
"You haven't, have you?" Liam raised his hands. "No. Instead, you only kill those who you don't care about- those who mean nothing to you." He took a step toward the first mate. "Why, you didn't even kill Oddvar when he stole from you because he 'apparently' meant something to you." Liam stood in front of Jintao with his hand tightly on his revolver. "Ocheron," he whispered, a tear escaping his brown eyes.
Jintao's eyes met with Liam's. Liam wiped the tear from his cheek, as though embarrassed. Jintao fidgeted with the knife that was in his hand. Its wooden handle was smooth and the blade was light. "Who told you?" His question was barely heard over the ship's groaning.
"Does it matter?" Liam's teeth tightened. He pulled out his revolver. Jintao stepped back. "He was treated like a prince, then one slip, and that's over." Liam wrung the gun around his finger before putting it back. "The Crusher is allowed to get away, free of charge, while Ocheron is forced as a slave because his parents were rebels."
"Your slave, Liam," Jintao replied.
"You know the law!" Liam spat. "It wasn't his fault! If I hadn't stepped in, he would have died that day and both you and Captain Nahash know it's in his blood to be a fighter and a skilled one at that! It shouldn't have been up to me to save him." Liam looked down as he shook his head. "And he still died," he said under his breath. "I- I," his sentence lingered in the musty air with him never finishing it.
"It's done," Jintao said after a few minutes of silence.
Liam's eyes flashed at him. "But I'm not," he spat and went for the door. "Mark my words," Liam's knuckles went white as he shook his finger at Jintao. "I will get revenge for this. That is the last time I sink a ship without knowing who's on it." He slammed the door shut and his steps thundered as he climbed to the deck.
Jintao hadn't fully taken Liam seriously at the time, or else who would have never allowed him to leave the room that day. It wasn't until a full month later when he had saw Liam take his first action. Liam had been left in charge of a trading crew on a tropic island and never returned. The crew claimed an elderly woman was watching them during the trade, and Liam left to eliminate the witness. There was never a scream when Liam went to the stranger, nor was there any blood when the crew went to look for him. Liam and the woman simply disappeared without a trace. When Jintao personally questioned the crew about Liam's disappearance, they simply told him that the woman was a witch, and if they continued to search for him, she might cause them to vanish as well. Jintao didn't believe them, of course, but he couldn't change anyone's mind about it.
Two years passed with nothing more on Liam. It wasn't until sixty-four days after Jintao's own rebellion that he had heard of the young fool. Liam had indeed returned and successfully carried out the words he had said those years earlier. With the help of King Landchester's soldiers, he attacked the Destruction, killed her fine crew, what was left of it anyway, and sunk her well-worn sails to the bottom of the sea. Had Jintao not rebelled when he did, he would have been amongst the number of lost souls that day.

Jintao shook the shivers from his body. The tavern's smell of alcohol had crept into his nostrils, pulling him back into the present. An hour or two had passed since he last looked around the bar. It was now empty except for the lone woman sitting a few tables away from him and Tay. A frown washed across his face. Tay's meeting must have been canceled and so was that woman's.
Nautalis smiled crisply beneath the scarf as the movements shifted in the corners of her vision, pulling her from her own groggy thoughts.
She sat straight, folding up the piece of parchment and stuffing it back into her pocket before standing up, stretching her arms high above her head.
The young woman turned on a heel, stepping sharply away from the small table with tedious grace as she leveled her eerie golden eyes on the young man.
Closing the distance between the two tables, she locked eyes with him, her smile deepening as her pleasure grew, like a successful hunter caught in the thick exhilaration of a hunt.
The Time had revealed itself with incredible punctuality.

@_-Captain BRM-_ (I'm thinking Tay probably won't wake up right away)
@Lacy Duckwing
Nautalis smiled crisply beneath the scarf as the movements shifted in the corners of her vision, pulling her from her own groggy thoughts.
She sat straight, folding up the piece of parchment and stuffing it back into her pocket before standing up, stretching her arms high above her head.
The young woman turned on a heel, stepping sharply away from the small table with tedious grace as she leveled her eerie golden eyes on the young man.
Closing the distance between the two tables, she locked eyes with him, her smile deepening as her pleasure grew, like a successful hunter caught in the thick exhilaration of a hunt.
The Time had revealed itself with incredible punctuality.

@_-Captain BRM-_ (I'm thinking Tay probably won't wake up right away)
@Lacy Duckwing
She listened to the steady hum of speech and wandered some place between consciousness and sleep.
Her mind told strange dreams of old oppressions, reliving distant, well-remembered memories, most stories jarring and unpleasant.
A sickness pulled at her body, as it had for the past three years, and she fell into it. Jintao hadn't moved, anyway. He leaned at a slight angle, resting his elbow on the table. She was a assured at his presence, though not in a steadfast way.
It's morning/dawn on the Quicksilver rn, but like the middle of the night for Tay, Jintao, and Nautalis. I'm not sure about Shem
It’s late evening/sunset for Shem.
I can change that to dawn for continuity?
Maybe since they’re in a tavern it just feels like night and it’s actually dawn? Idk how else to get everyone on the same page.
It’s late evening/sunset for Shem.
I can change that to dawn for continuity?
Maybe since they’re in a tavern it just feels like night and it’s actually dawn? Idk how else to get everyone on the same page.
uhhhhh, finish the scene with Tay and them, and then time-lapse to catch up with the Quicksilver crew? We'd only have to jump a few hours
Nautalis smiled crisply beneath the scarf as the movements shifted in the corners of her vision, pulling her from her own groggy thoughts.
She sat straight, folding up the piece of parchment and stuffing it back into her pocket before standing up, stretching her arms high above her head.
The young woman turned on a heel, stepping sharply away from the small table with tedious grace as she leveled her eerie golden eyes on the young man.
Closing the distance between the two tables, she locked eyes with him, her smile deepening as her pleasure grew, like a successful hunter caught in the thick exhilaration of a hunt.
The Time had revealed itself with incredible punctuality.

@_-Captain BRM-_ (I'm thinking Tay probably won't wake up right away)
@Lacy Duckwing
She listened to the steady hum of speech and wandered some place between consciousness and sleep.
Her mind told strange dreams of old oppressions, reliving distant, well-remembered memories, most stories jarring and unpleasant.
A sickness pulled at her body, as it had for the past three years, and she fell into it. Jintao hadn't moved, anyway. He leaned at a slight angle, resting his elbow on the table. She was a assured at his presence, though not in a steadfast way.
Jintao's blood ran cold as the woman moved towards his table. He sat up straight in his seat with his feet ready to stand should he need to. She must have been the one following them on the boardwalk. She wasn't here for a meeting, she was there for them.
"Something wrong?" he asked when she came near. "I don't believe the bar has closed yet."

@_-Captain BRM-_
Jintao's blood ran cold as the woman moved towards his table. He sat up straight in his seat with his feet ready to stand should he need to. She must have been the one following them on the boardwalk. She wasn't here for a meeting, she was there for them.
"Something wrong?" he asked when she came near. "I don't believe the bar has closed yet."

@_-Captain BRM-_
"Fortunately not,"
Nataulis slid an extra chair away from one of the nearby tables, swiveling it around and carefully setting herself in it.
"But it's awful strange regardless for the pair of you to be here this late without a drink or game, half-conscious mind you."
She folded her arms gracefully over the table, leaning forward slightly as she stared unwavering into his eyes.
"So what brings you to Pirate's Cove, might I ask."

@Lacy Duckwing (Uh- what color are Jintao's eyes? It doesn't say in the character sheet)
@_-Captain BRM-_
"Fortunately not,"
Nataulis slid an extra chair away from one of the nearby tables, swiveling it around and carefully setting herself in it.
"But it's awful strange regardless for the pair of you to be here this late without a drink or game, half-conscious mind you."
She folded her arms gracefully over the table, leaning forward slightly as she stared unwavering into his eyes.
"So what brings you to Pirate's Cove, might I ask."

@Lacy Duckwing (Uh- what color are Jintao's eyes? It doesn't say in the character sheet)
@_-Captain BRM-_
Jintao glanced at Tay. She was still dozing. "Same to you," he said, ignoring her question. "I had assumed you were here for your date. I assume he canceled?"
Jintao buttoned his coat like he was someone important. It was a fake act, but an act he hoped would deter her from further conversation.

@-Shade- (Brown.)
@_-Captain BRM-_
Jintao glanced at Tay. She was still dozing. "Same to you," he said, ignoring her question. "I had assumed you were here for your date. I assume he canceled?"
Jintao buttoned his coat like he was someone important. It was a fake act, but an act he hoped would deter her from further conversation.

@-Shade- (Brown.)
@_-Captain BRM-_
Nautalis chuckled, sliding her elbows closer together and interweaving her finger, resting her chin atop.
"You 'assume' quite a bit, yes?"

@Lacy Duckwing
@_-Captain BRM-_

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