-The Mythics RP-

The True Bugs are insects that have two pairs of wings, the front or outer pair of each divided into a leathery basal part and a membranous apical part.
Lucia was in the woods outside of Alayna's house, waiting for her to leave so she could trail her. Not to stop her - just to make sure she wasn't going to get herself in danger. They may not be even close in age, but they were still good friends regardless. Lucia's crossbow strap was digging into her shoulder, her legs were cramped, and something in the leaf mold here was going to make her sneeze - but she cared too much for her friend to let her just disappear.
Alayna's door opened and she stepped out, pushing a barrow loaded with crates and a suitcase. Lucia stood, wincing at the nerves tingling in her legs, and slipped closer, still staying out of sight.

@Blue Raptor
(gotta go eat supper, back later or tomorrow)
"A ship is what you wanted, isn't it?" He spun around. Everything in his life was wrong. "You're the reason why I even signed onto this."
She cleared her throat, hesitating. "I was not searching for this blind-gig set-up with a hot siren chic, alright? Alright." She raised her hands, a defensive position. "I have a history with everyone of those men frequenting the bar last night. These are my roots here, and I did not need you to drag me along into this. That is simple truth. I don't know what you're thinking."
She cleared her throat, hesitating. "I was not searching for this blind-gig set-up with a hot siren chic, alright? Alright." She raised her hands, a defensive position. "I have a history with everyone of those men frequenting the bar last night. These are my roots here, and I did not need you to drag me along into this. That is simple truth. I don't know what you're thinking."
@Lacy Duckwing

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