-The Mythics RP-

50k words in one month? :th
Authors recommend writing only 1,000 words in one day (or spend 30 minutes in one day) so they don't get burnout.
Well, that entirely depends on the author, my friend, and the time of life they are living in. For some 500 is their goal and they work up to 3k. I have lots of friends that have done that this past year. This summer I could hit 2k daily in H&S drafts.
I got careless in NaNo, only focused on moving forward.
Word count has never been a problem before, and I never want to have to think about it again. What a horrid way to judge your writing accomplishments.
All right. I can take it, but I don't see a way to naturally contribute. I vote we get to the dadgum ship :D 😂
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MmbruhhHhHHHhh, leave me allooonneeee 😭😭 I am a victim of NaNoWriMoooo 😭😭 the day my writing skillz return is the day my life will be of the fullest once agaiiiin. The imagination is not functioniiiiing 😭😭
Tired Sleep GIF by Big Brother Australia
Cap, shut up

napoleon dynamite GIF

You're one of the most talented writers I've ever come in contact with and you being like "NNnnoooOOOOoooo, I'm such a failure for writing a bunch of words" doesn't change that.
(Sorry, I thought we dropped that because other events happened since)
Martha carried a tray of steaming buns and set them beneath the counter.
She knew Alayna was leaving that day. As Alayna’s employee, she would have been indifferent to her leaving, but as her friend, she was curious. Also, it was terribly depressing being alone in the bakery, and it was still earlier than most customers came to call. I shall say goodbye to her, she decided. She walked to wherever the connecting door between house and bakery was and opened it. Alayna probably wouldn’t mind the intrusion. Apart from the fact that they were good friends, there was also the fact that if Alayna were in her house for whatever reason, and something came up in the bakery, it was understood that she could be interrupted. Alayna had no husband and no children, so it was okay to break her silence from time to time.
For Martha, silence in her own house was precious. It was rare that she ever found the time to read, or to write or do anything that she might consider a “hobby.” Truthfully, she hadn’t done any of those things since she took the bakery job.
But silence in the bakery was depressing.
Martha opened the door connecting house and bakery and stepped inside. “Alayna!” she called.
(She used to have a husband, and had three kids, but the husband is dead now and the kids are moved away ;))

Alayna was carrying the largest crate out of the house, huffing with exertion, when Martha called from the inside of her house, startling her. She set the crate down as quickly as she could without hurting herself and turned sharply to see who’d called her.
“Oh my gosh. Martha,” she gasped, raising a hand to her neck and looking down as the ground in relief. “You scared me. I didn’t see you get here.” She breathed heavily, trying to subdue the rush of adrenaline that surged through her heart. “Do you need something?”
(She used to have a husband, and had three kids, but the husband is dead now and the kids are moved away ;))

Alayna was carrying the largest crate out of the house, huffing with exertion, when Martha called from the inside of her house, startling her. She set the crate down as quickly as she could without hurting herself and turned sharply to see who’d called her.
“Oh my gosh. Martha,” she gasped, raising a hand to her neck and looking down as the ground in relief. “You scared me. I didn’t see you get here.” She breathed heavily, trying to subdue the rush of adrenaline that surged through her heart. “Do you need something?”
(I know that her husband is dead. Didn’t know she had kids though
But she doesn’t right now)
“Oh dear,” Martha said. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Don’t hurt yourself for my sake. I merely desire to say goodbye and to wish you safe travels. Where are you headed, anyway?”

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