-The Mythics RP-

Sounded cool when I said it. Was indeed a wise man who said it. But Ember is super dramatic.
Coal turned to the werewolf. “Let’s get to the boat,” he said. He started walking in the direction Ember had flown.
The mist over the docks had nearly lifted, leaving wisps of golden, shredded clouds floating low in the sky over the cove.
Ember was aware that with the sun clearing the horizon and the fog retreating, her cover was lost and she was completely visible to the dock workers and sailors below.
The Harpy swooped low, dropping down over the water among the boats and stretches of dock. She tilted sharply to twist and veer between the maze of vessels, the curved tips of her wings slicing wisps of seawater into the air whenever they got too close. Adrenaline and rage powered her on, accompanied by a faint and vaguely familiar sense of something else. Pain?
She broke from the lines of ships, beating her wings to rise again as the blazing water of the bay rolled out in front of her. Most of the ships that had left had gone early, already outlining faintly toward the horizon. Only a few small fishing boats remained; The Harpy avoided these, tilting toward the more deserted waters. The feelings rode and clung to her wings, pressing her forward like warm air currents.
Ember closed her eyes, allowing herself to glide blindly across the stretches of open sea. Salt air stung her face, dragging across her arms and slowly creeping the morning chill beneath her skin.
I can't turn back now.
She forced herself to breathe deep.
This phoenix. I can't let him turn me back that way.
Ember opened her eyes sharply, flaring her wings to turn again, flying parallel to the shore.
It's been a long rough road, but I'm finally here. Even if he does know my... my mother... Myrtle... maybe-
She turned suddenly again, slamming the thought to a stop as she twisted back in the direction of the docks.
I don't have time to answer why. I don't owe either of them anything, and I'll never turn that way. This is who I am, and if Coal is going to play tag along, it's his own job to accept it or give up. It's not my problem.
The Harpy slowly dropped down toward the water again, startling a small flock of gulls that had rested atop the water, the flock swirling around her before scattering again. She picked out the dark masts of the Quicksilver among the docked ships, tilting to glide toward it.
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"I, myself, have never operated on a ship, but I have a deepened knowledge of the sea, and my abilities would be greatly useful in the event of a potential conflict."
Nautalis turned slightly to gesture to Jintao.
"My friend here has experience with sailing-" She pointed to Tay next, "-and this young lass here is quite the sleight of hand, and a feisty one. I'm certain they'll prove themselves useful."
The siren faced the Captain again, gently tugging her scarf away from her face.
Tay scrunched her nose, glancing from the siren to Vhanya, then back again.
Jintao eyed the tangled Harpy before looking across the decks. Everything on the the planks was in order and well maintained. Impressive, he thought, except for her crew.
Gecko pulled at the ropes that gripped his wings. He secured his footing on the ratline and turned around. With his back against the ropes, he took a step upwards. The lines tightened on the top of his wings and loosened on the bottom. He stepped back down and the opposite happened.
There, he pulled the line off the top of his wings and climbed upwards with his back still turned to the ropes. He folded his wings in and ran his hands over them the best he could reach. The rope had slid off his left wing when he had climbed, but it still tied his right wing.
Gecko reached for his knife, only to find his sheath empty. He looked to the deck below, and there it lay- dropped from his accident. "Uh..." he looked to the captain. She had no apparent care for him, so calling for more help was useless. He shook his head and used his claws to remove the rope instead.
(Coal is literally Anna though)
Bored Still Waiting GIF
IM KIDDING IM KIDDING, you're hilarious, Eridanis, you're hilarious.
Mmbruh, where did you get your BYC name from?
a long time ago we hatched our very first chick, miggy, and we only had 1 chick so we had to get more. 1 of those I named eridanus, after a character in a story i've been writing for like 2 years. A raccoon got her a few weeks ago, actually 😭, but she was very literally the best chicken ive EVER had so i decided to immortalize her forever of this website... she deserves it for how wonderful she was
Coal sighed. “No… but I don’t think we’ll be needing them for a while.” He laughed. We’ll be spending the rest of our time on the ship! Hooray!

Coal was of course snickering.
"Except we are going to be needing those cloaks," Ember pointed out.
"Vhanya ordered us to find 'recruits' not a recruit, and she also told us to stay hidden. I have to admit, I agree with her on the second part."

“Well in that case,” Coal said, “I don’t see any point in standing around. Why don’t we bring our new recruit to the ship and then we can borrow some cloaks? There are enough harpies around. Also, can you be nicer to the people you are trying to recruit? You give the impression you don’t actually want them around. A recruiter has to have charisma.” He flashed a grin. “You have less charisma than a common toad.”
Ember gave Coal a disgusted look, her eyes burning.
"You dare..."

“The truth isn’t a worthy enemy, Ember,” Coal said.
"How dare you."
Ember took a threatening step toward Coal, fists curling.
"You. You know nothing about me. I never asked for you to appear from some hidden crevice of the past I've tried to forget."
Her fists slowly blazed, a dark orange flame that faintly swirled off the skin of her hands and forearms. She jabbed a clawed finger at the Phoenix, taking another step forward, her other fist drawn up toward her side.
"So stop trying to tell me who I am. This is who I am."
Her wings arched high above her head, snapping down with a thunderous clap as she launched into the air and took off in the direction of the open bay.

Sounded cool when I said it. Was indeed a wise man who said it. But Ember is super dramatic.
Coal turned to the werewolf. “Let’s get to the boat,” he said. He started walking in the direction Ember had flown.
The mist over the docks had nearly lifted, leaving wisps of golden, shredded clouds floating low in the sky over the cove.
Ember was aware that with the sun clearing the horizon and the fog retreating, her cover was lost and she was completely visible to the dock workers and sailors below.
The Harpy swooped low, dropping down over the water among the boats and stretches of dock. She tilted sharply to twist and veer between the maze of vessels, the curved tips of her wings slicing wisps of seawater into the air whenever they got too close. Adrenaline and rage powered her on, accompanied by a faint and vaguely familiar sense of something else. Pain?
She broke from the lines of ships, beating her wings to rise again as the blazing water of the bay rolled out in front of her. Most of the ships that had left had gone early, already outlining faintly toward the horizon. Only a few small fishing boats remained; The Harpy avoided these, tilting toward the more deserted waters. The feelings rode and clung to her wings, pressing her forward like warm air currents.
Ember closed her eyes, allowing herself to glide blindly across the stretches of open sea. Salt air stung her face, dragging across her arms and slowly creeping the morning chill beneath her skin.
I can't turn back now.
She forced herself to breathe deep.
This phoenix. I can't let him turn me back that way.
Ember opened her eyes sharply, flaring her wings to turn again, flying parallel to the shore.
It's been a long rough road, but I'm finally here. Even if he does know my... my mother... Myrtle... maybe-
She turned suddenly again, slamming the thought to a stop as she twisted back in the direction of the docks.
I don't have time to answer why. I don't owe either of them anything, and I'll never turn that way. This is who I am, and if Coal is going to play tag along, it's his own job to accept it or give up. It's not my problem.
The Harpy slowly dropped down toward the water again, startling a small flock of gulls that had rested atop the water, the flock swirling around her before scattering again. She picked out the dark masts of the Quicksilver among the docked ships, tilting to glide toward it.

Lupin followed the harpies (or...were they phoenixes? They both used flame, after all) down the docks and along the rows of ships. She came here often to stare at the majestic clippers and galleons, bobbing gently in the water, but had never boarded one. She had always done her business on the shore. With a slightly mournful glance at Ember, flying smoothly and gracefully along the waves. Wings... wings would be wonderful. But she was by no standards a harpy, phoenix, or even wyvern. So she was happy with her strong jumping legs and thick, warm fur. She saw, out of the corner of her eye, Ember listing to the side. Lupin frowned, wondering what she was doing, but before she could ask, Ember swerved back on track... and bulleted toward a set of furled sails, stark masts, and bowed wood planks floating among the rest.
"Is that your ship?" she asked Coal, hating how much her voice sounded like a scared pup's. "What's it called?"
The mist over the docks had nearly lifted, leaving wisps of golden, shredded clouds floating low in the sky over the cove.
Ember was aware that with the sun clearing the horizon and the fog retreating, her cover was lost and she was completely visible to the dock workers and sailors below.
The Harpy swooped low, dropping down over the water among the boats and stretches of dock. She tilted sharply to twist and veer between the maze of vessels, the curved tips of her wings slicing wisps of seawater into the air whenever they got too close. Adrenaline and rage powered her on, accompanied by a faint and vaguely familiar sense of something else. Pain?
She broke from the lines of ships, beating her wings to rise again as the blazing water of the bay rolled out in front of her. Most of the ships that had left had gone early, already outlining faintly toward the horizon. Only a few small fishing boats remained; The Harpy avoided these, tilting toward the more deserted waters. The feelings rode and clung to her wings, pressing her forward like warm air currents.
Ember closed her eyes, allowing herself to glide blindly across the stretches of open sea. Salt air stung her face, dragging across her arms and slowly creeping the morning chill beneath her skin.
I can't turn back now.
She forced herself to breathe deep.
This phoenix. I can't let him turn me back that way.
Ember opened her eyes sharply, flaring her wings to turn again, flying parallel to the shore.
It's been a long rough road, but I'm finally here. Even if he does know my... my mother... Myrtle... maybe-
She turned suddenly again, slamming the thought to a stop as she twisted back in the direction of the docks.
I don't have time to answer why. I don't owe either of them anything, and I'll never turn that way. This is who I am, and if Coal is going to play tag along, it's his own job to accept it or give up. It's not my problem.
The Harpy slowly dropped down toward the water again, startling a small flock of gulls that had rested atop the water, the flock swirling around her before scattering again. She picked out the dark masts of the Quicksilver among the docked ships, tilting to glide toward it.
Amidst the cargo he waited, watching ember with gleaming eyes as he sat patiently. As soon as she was close enough…..

(What time of day be it now? Late enough for Amarok to turn werewolf or no? 😂)
Amidst the cargo he waited, watching ember with gleaming eyes as he sat patiently. As soon as she was close enough…..

(What time of day be it now? Late enough for Amarok to turn werewolf or no? 😂)
i think its like early morning, and Lupin just turned werewolf cause shes kooky like that

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