The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Raw meat:

When the baby chicks were really baby I gave them raw hamburger and they went nuts for it. Today, I gave them (nearly 9 weeks old) and the big girls raw beef liver, cut up. They gobbled it up so quickly that they didn't even have time to "chase" each other, which is their favorite thing to do when they get a treat. They LOVE raw meat.

And I have Delisha to thank for that bit of advice :D

Wow, here in the UK, we are not allowed to give chickens any animal products. I use to live in Canada - perhaps I need to emigrate!
The master plan is based on a ten year projection. My husband and I probably have that amount of good years left that we can still care for our property and chickens on our own.
In the past I wanted everything. Every breed on my want list passed through my hands. I've raised at least twenty five pure bred varieties of LF and Bantam you can name. I loved some more than others. What I learned is this. You can be a chicken collector but never really improve on a breed or variety when you own too many breeds and varieties. To improve a strain of anything takes time and breeding pens. I chose HRIR because they have it all. Meat, eggs, and market-ability. I chose Silkies because of ease of care, market-ability and love-ability (and they brood). I've always wanted to show again but mainly I want to breed to the SOP for both and market extras and eggs.
The Johnny kid males are for table and the females are layers for my daughters. Johnny the Production roo will no longer be used for breeding. This last lot is the end. I will get eggs from the Johnny hens by late summer. The HRIR female chicks will not be ready to lay for some time. Eventually within the next twelve months, only HRIR and Silkies will grace my property.
Mumsy where will Johnny go???? To one of you daughters ??
Question on broody hens and eggs;
How many days after a hatch are remaining eggs still viable? The majority of the chicks, 7, hatched around Wednesday, April 4th. They are all healthy, chirpy and bouncy. 2 eggs remain unhatched. One has a pip (?) in the shell...not on the end. The other has nothing, no cracks, nothing. The broody is still sitting close on them seems like, although she did get off today to stretch and poop.
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Pretty Bird!!!! Your broody knows... She will up and leave them soon if they don't hatch and are not viable. I'd leave them a few more days ..... ANd those CHICKS!!! So cute!!! Nothing better then watching a broody and her babies!
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Husband checked Annabelle (Broody) this morning. Still no peeps, squeaks or cheeps

Could something have gone wrong? I know she gathered some more eggs over the first few days but thought the first ones would have started hatching. I know I should have marked them all but well I diddn't. It's only day 22/23 dependig on how you calculate it. She's starting to look pretty beat. How long should I continue to let her sit? I feel like a bad grandma.

On side note, I have two dark Cornish in quarantine right now. Was told they were laying, it's been 2 weeks, no eggs. Pretty birds but I kinda wanted to breed them for some meat birds.
I like to feed my broody in the box everyday if she is sitting, if I don't want her to sit I kick them off
So. I'd offer her something to eat and some water to drink. Are you sure your eggs are fertile?? Did you candle any of them?? I'd leave her a few more days and see if something hatches... hopefully some of the late additions will hatch!!
I never thought I'd post one of these posts...but... anyone want to guess the breed on this kiddo? She/he was supposed to be a SFH but apparently got mixed in by mistake. The folks I got her from also had clean leg marans at the same time.

So...anyone want to try a guess?

Black - Today at 14 wks old

Here is an age progression:
2 Weeks - "black" on far right.

4 Weeks

5 Weeks

6 Weeks

7 Weeks

9 wks old
Susan asked me to ask you guys a question...

Fresh local fruits & veggies (not certified organic)
or Organic grocery store fruit & veggies (not local)

I would ensure the local foods were at least grown here and not from GM seeds.

We do not have certified organic GMO free fruits and veggies at the farmers market which puts us in a pickle.

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