The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Just to clarify - the bird bath heater DID keep the water in the bucket from freezing..just didn't keep the necks to the cups open because they don't heat the water above about 45 degrees. They are 250 watts.

The fish tank heater I used heats the water hotter which, I think, is why they were better at keeping the cups open. Mine was 50 watts (in comparison to the 250 on the bird bath heaters). But they also have higher wattage up to 250 depending on the size of the tank you're trying to heat. Aoxa MAY need a higher wattage due to the extreme temperature but she won't know unless she experiments.

Aoxa - Strombergs told me those feeders weigh 4.86 lbs. That might be weighty enough to stabilize it!

Please give us a report on stability as soon as you use them for awhile!
True- you don't need to add to purchased feed!

I have it in the feed I purchase from the feed mill that they make custom for me. I'm planning on mixing my own the next time and I'll still use it in that. The ratio the feed mill uses is 5 lb. in a 100 lb. batch (5% of the total feed weight).
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After seeing this picture, I thought I would show you my back porch steps. Usually, only the dogs use these but I've been letting them out the other door. lol

While I was taking this pic, my tom turkey, Chuck came over to prance around and drum around me, like normal. I put my camera on video and recorded him and he was prancing around me. I turned to catch him from my right side and he attacked me from behind. I kicked him back as he was flying up and trying to flog me in the face again and then swung my camera out as he kept trying again and again. I yelled to my Australian Shepherd to come over and he did but bent his head down and backed away. I finally got to the gate to get out, it was the longest 30 ft I ever walked backwards. I tried to intimidate him but he wouldn't back down. I had the same coat, boots, pants that I've worn before. I don't wear perfume. It's not unusual to have my camera. I was not near Rosie. It is mating season for them What caused me to to be more alert was that he was getting redder and redder and his dance was changing. Funny thing is, my camera was recording the whole thing. It's a blur, I can see his wings hitting the lens a few times but can hear my talking to him and him talking back. As soon as I find out if I need to change his food, his days are over. He's very large and I'm not going to risk him hurting my grandchildren. He's probably 14 mo old. I am just sick over it.

Sorry about the double post.
Man! I hope you're okay. That sounds horrifying!
Quote: I'm going to be raising at least 50 poults this season for the freezer/table. This will be my first year doing this, but I vote for 2 FF buckets, with separate FF mixes for each kind of bird... mainly because the Turkeys are so slow to mature and need to be kept on high protein (higher than your FF mix is now) for a lot longer than just a couple/few wks. If they aren't getting the protein they need they won't grow very fast and won't put on much meat/bulk... just bone and a layer of fat inside and out. Your Turkey poults will start consuming a LOT of FF within the next few weeks, and eat like pigs from then on.

I have no advice on the meaties and know nothing about raising them... but to me growing them out a little slower on lower protein feed (a grower feed and scratch FF mix), making them free range more to supplement their diet and get more exercise so they are healthier makes a lot of sense...
I've lost track of who asked about the stinky litter! But I don't think anyone answered that.

Did you say you were using leaves and grass clippings? I haven't used either of those inside yet. But...when I use grass, I rake it our or spread it out on the driveway or lawn so that it can dry in the sun before I use them as litter (like drying hay). I'd do that for grass and wouldn't put wet leaves inside either as I think they would have that rot/mold factor.

I know some folks have said they MOW OVER THEIR LEAVES TO CHOP THEM UP FINELY especially if they're oak leaves as they don't break down very quickly.

Question for y'all. I am processing two meaties today and want to know what I can feed back to the other chickens. I know heart, liver and gizzard muscle. Anything else?
I don't have meaties, but I process a lot of my Guineas...
Besides all of what you listed I always feed the contents of the crop back to the birds (if there's anything in the crop) and any pieces of skin I trim off the birds as I am cleaning them up (like the neck skin), plus the testes/ovary, kidneys and my Turkeys (who are always begging for scraps as I am processing) have snuck over and snatched the lungs off the table more than once and lived to tell about it, lol (yuck tho). Sometimes I'll feed the blood back to the flocks too, mixed into their FF (after it's dished up). No complaints so far.
Question for all experienced rooster owners, and breeders of chickens.

How long should one expect after a rooster switch do you think that the first roosters sperm will still be present in the flocks reproduction systems before one can assume the second roosters sperm is now the one fertilizing eggs? I have a friend who wants to try and hatch some of the Ameruacana pullets eggs, along with a few of my own flocks eggs for some possible EE chicks. The last thing we want is any chicks from the aggressive roo that used to live here! The new rooster has been with the girls since April 12. I have slowly seen him making his way to covering more of the girls. The 3 girls that have accepted him are sure getting a heavy dose of coverings, I have yet to see him cover all the girls. I have also noticed that some eggs are not fertilized so I know he hasn't gotten to everyone yet.. One thing I can say about the mean ol Columbian Wyandotte I got rid of,, I never saw an unfertilzed egg. Will everyone eventually let him mate with them, or is it possible he just isn't as assertive as my first roo? Any thoughts are appreciated.

After seeing this picture, I thought I would show you my back porch steps. Usually, only the dogs use these but I've been letting them out the other door. lol

While I was taking this pic, my tom turkey, Chuck came over to prance around and drum around me, like normal. I put my camera on video and recorded him and he was prancing around me. I turned to catch him from my right side and he attacked me from behind. I kicked him back as he was flying up and trying to flog me in the face again and then swung my camera out as he kept trying again and again. I yelled to my Australian Shepherd to come over and he did but bent his head down and backed away. I finally got to the gate to get out, it was the longest 30 ft I ever walked backwards. I tried to intimidate him but he wouldn't back down. I had the same coat, boots, pants that I've worn before. I don't wear perfume. It's not unusual to have my camera. I was not near Rosie. It is mating season for them What caused me to to be more alert was that he was getting redder and redder and his dance was changing. Funny thing is, my camera was recording the whole thing. It's a blur, I can see his wings hitting the lens a few times but can hear my talking to him and him talking back. As soon as I find out if I need to change his food, his days are over. He's very large and I'm not going to risk him hurting my grandchildren. He's probably 14 mo old. I am just sick over it.

Sorry about the double post.
oh boy, just reading this made me feel as if I was the one getting chased. Your description was perfect...after living with a rooster that attacked me every chance he got, I can't imagine a huge turkey trying it! Glad you are ok, and I am sorry he had to get that way, he sure is handsome!


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