The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

slate legs, pea comb, almost no wattles, wild color pattern, my guess would be a beardless muffless EE.
wow, do ee's come in banty size? I sure don't think I have seen the color pattern of Mrs Murphy before, but that is true of just about every one of these chicks from supposed hatch to order group that I have.
I'm sure it is! 

My silkies seem to hatch on day 21 and never early.

A broody just hatched one silkie. She had only one silkie egg, and the rest were Barred Rocks. I have another silkie sitting on 5 silkie eggs due to hatch this week. I haven't candled, so I have no idea how it's going to go. 

Fingers crossed for you!!

Thank you. My husband told me a minute ago there was a pip. I said, "No there isn't, cause I just checked.' He was right. As soon as I went up stairs one of those little stinkers pipped! 

Judy the Broody is on six silkie eggs due to hatch in a couple days. Two of the Silkie hens are sitting on six to eight a piece. Three pullets are laying everyday and I'm waiting for one or two  of them to go broody as well. I was hoping to get a nice flock of Whites this summer. It could happen.

Yes. I've never had Silkie eggs hatch early either. I'm running the Genesis at 100 degrees steady. Hasn't fluctuated in twenty two days. I sweat the process each and every time. Humidity is at about 62%. Hoping this is going to work out well.
The leghorn bantams started hatching at day 17. Lost 2 and had one quit in egg. The bantam Favs hatched day 18 and so did the Silkie. Under a broody. And the Silkie is running around fine with the bandaid boots. They'll come off tomorrow. And the three Silkie eggs under the broody Silkie are developing. Checked Friday on day 7.
Mumsy sorry about your day. Is there a bee keeper on your island they might be interested in collecting the bees for you. At least help you identify and find a solution to ridding your home of them.

Lala so pretty,
Mrsk can congrats on the broody.

And thank you to those with the suggestions on keeping my chickens busy while I am away. I think a few of them are very doable, but how do you his BOSS whe they are following you around!? :)
I have several similar; mine are EE roo over Welsummer and Welsummer/Leghorn cross hens

Sure if one of the parents were bantam size.
well, I'll be danged. I have had ee's for years, but never with this color - she is such a dusty brown except for the creamy neck ruff. The woman who hatched did mention welsummer banty, but I have welsummers and their coloring is so different. Thank you for your help!
Mumsy sorry about your day. Is there a bee keeper on your island they might be interested in collecting the bees for you. At least help you identify and find a solution to ridding your home of them.

Lala so pretty,
Mrsk can congrats on the broody.

And thank you to those with the suggestions on keeping my chickens busy while I am away. I think a few of them are very doable, but how do you his BOSS whe they are following you around!? :)
Husband is grilling pork chops now and the evening is looking up. The bees are a ground dwelling sort. Bee keepers on Whidbey would not want to mess with them. I'm hoping they will decide on their own that it has become a hazardous place to make a hive under my porch. Not safe for them, me, or my flock.
I had the opposite day from Mumsy, just a wonderful day. got to stay home, and I:
dismantled the chick enclosure, chicken wire tunnel, and netting
put in a new roost for the chicks on their end of the coop
painted the old coop
treated a limping hen's bumblefoot (gross)
watched a heck of a lot of chick tv
pciked blueberries and raspberries

the chicks are loving the pines and have claimed one of them for their area - they roost on the lowest branches. so sweet to see them tucking their heads under their wings and napping.

Out of the 17 chicks, I now have identified 10, including Mrs Murphy. There are at least 8 roos, here are three of them, all unidentified, roosting under the pines:

Mumsy sorry about your day. Is there a bee keeper on your island they might be interested in collecting the bees for you. At least help you identify and find a solution to ridding your home of them.

Lala so pretty,

Mrsk can congrats on the broody.

And thank you to those with the suggestions on keeping my chickens busy while I am away. I think a few of them are very doable, but how do you his BOSS whe they are following you around!? :)

Husband is grilling pork chops now and the evening is looking up. The bees are a ground dwelling sort. Bee keepers on Whidbey would not want to mess with them. I'm hoping they will decide on their own that it has become a hazardous place to make a hive under my porch. Not safe for them, me, or my flock.

Sounds like ground bees. I've had them here under my wood pile. I covered their hole & the nasty things burrowed out into my garage. 6 stings in 4 weeks........I'm allergic to them and earned an Epi pen after the last one that year. Worse reaction after every sting. I want to say I put about 6 spray cans full off bee killer in their dang holes to kill them all (pre chicken). The only other way I have heard of killing them is gasoline down the hole at night and starting it on fire, neither are a choice for you obviously but I will keep my fingers crossed they leave. I think I saw a natural way as well. Let me see if I can find it again.

Lala I love the pics. I wish I had trees for my guys to roost & nap. They used to do it in their old run everyday around noon :)

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