The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Hey, BIG question

Someone has asked me to take their 5 pullets that have just started laying. They were vaccinated as chicks against mareks. I can house them in the small coop for quarantine. But....I had that rooster with mareks earlier this fall. Thoughts on adding them?
Hey, BIG question

Someone has asked me to take their 5 pullets that have just started laying. They were vaccinated as chicks against mareks. I can house them in the small coop for quarantine. But....I had that rooster with mareks earlier this fall. Thoughts on adding them?
You can add them with no problem.There is a short time just after vaccinating them that they are contagious but after that they can be mixed.
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Thanks, I think I am going to chance it. Yup, mareks hangs around for years. And vaccines aren't 100% effective.... but this person has to find a place for her chickens and doesn't want them separated. Which is good because it is easier to add a group to a flock versus adding a lone chicken to the flock.

And nambroth is on one of the mareks threads where I also posted the question.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and the chickens.
Hey, BIG question

Someone has asked me to take their 5 pullets that have just started laying. They were vaccinated as chicks against mareks. I can house them in the small coop for quarantine. But....I had that rooster with mareks earlier this fall. Thoughts on adding them?

I would take them if I were you. They are protected from Mareks. If you see one and any one start with early symptoms, just cull.
Thanks, I think I am going to chance it. Yup, mareks hangs around for years. And vaccines aren't 100% effective.... but this person has to find a place for her chickens and doesn't want them separated. Which is good because it is easier to add a group to a flock versus adding a lone chicken to the flock.

And nambroth is on one of the mareks threads where I also posted the question.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and the chickens.
They will be fine.

Well I found the lungs !!!

He weighed 3 pounds 3 ounces after he was cleaned up

not much there after cooking but he was very tasty. I don't care for brown meat & my Mom wont take it so the hens will have a nice feast on the carcass & wings & legs after work.

He certainly looked bigger in real life. He was very tall. I am guessing he would of needed a few more months of growing out to give us some more breast meat.

At least I know I can cull if I need to now
Great job!! Try the dark might be surprised.

Thank you ..great article!
Not all hens cackle..each breed and each bird has there very own special announcement. Some you simply do not hear. Some breeds announce for a long time after laying and some simply drop the egg and run out of the box.
Quote: The orp might be in molt or rest. She will probably start to lay in March.

Okay boys and girls. I feel like I'm running a CAFO here. I HATE that these birds are in the barn without current access to outside. I plan on having them wait at least until the weekend before letting them go out. And by then we may be covered w/snow and they may not WANT to go out.

I'm waiting till the weekend as I want them to be confined long enough to know where the new residence is. And that may not be long enough. I guess we'll see.
keep us posted.

Now that I think about it, I haven't read much about long-term flock planning and management. I'll have to look for some articles.

Does anyone want to share their methods?
I keep all layers that lay in the winter. I also keep all layers that start to lay by March. The rest go. I bred for production and I do not want offspring that do not lay correctly. I try to bred from all older layers since the genetics are passed to offspring. The older the better. Right now I have two birds that are over 6 and still laying 3-5 eggs a week. I plan on hatching all the eggs from those two birds for replacements next year. From those hatchlings, I will keep all young birds that fit the closest to the SOP.

Big girls are not impressed with the first snow. To bad their food on other side of snow where I shoveled :)

The babies were under the lean to. Apparently they don't mind the snow from the foot prints I saw around the yard. Guess I need to get the heated dog dishes out and everything plugged in for winter :/
Ah, snow. Why I am using the pole barn. Now that it has snowed I feel a lot better about having them in there.

Here is what I did w/the dog bowl and the glass waterer. Not sure how cold it will work but I'm trying anyway. There is a pyrex in the dog bowl. Hoping it will conduct the heat. It's only been in the mid-30s in the barn so I don't know if it will work down cold.

And here's the other "experimental waterer" for winter...horizontal nipples. I won't recommend it until I see how it does in the single digits and teens. I'm concerned that the springs will freeze at those temps. We shall see.
Winter home photos....they moved in Tuesday and are finally getting used to things.

Kale and Cilantro for Emma, The Bar Girl, and the Mamma (Red). Emma will be 2 yo on New Year's day; the other 2 will be 3 yo in March 2015.

Black Bandie (1 yo last September) and the Bar Girl again. @armorfirelady Notice who's at the feeder both times?

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