The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Never feel guilty about doing what's in the best interests of your flock. I'm far removed from this issue, at the other side of the country, but will not be bringing in any chicks or eggs this year, no matter how tempting.
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So far they've kept open with my "bird bath heater" in it. I have this one (or at least one similar)
But I got it locally and it cost me about $29 so the one on amazon is much higher price. I got it at a hardware in a farm community that stocks a few livestock items. But I have to give the whole story.. I also have this waterer out there as well that that they much prefer over the nipples so they don't use them constantly. What I have found, though, when the temps get way low is that my jars begin to freeze from the top down (of course...the heat comes from the bottom) after it gets pretty low in temps. They always have enough open water to last for a whole day and then I take them in at night and put out a new one. So... I do see some of them drinking from the horizontal nipple bucket and they have worked okay. But since they don't use it constantly, I wanted you to know that. @aart lives about half hour north of me in Michigan and this is the only waterer her birds are using and she's had great success. She started a thread and just did an update on her particular situation. I'm hoping she'll stop in here and give the link and her comments...I've somehow lost her link. @COChix Edited to add the link to aart's thread:
llthank you for the run down on your situation, I have read Aart's thread and others thus how I got the idea in the first place. So do you have the nipples on a five gallon bucket or what is your set up. Man, totally got into it on the DIY thread after posting pics if my boys with frost bite. Some people......did raise my blood pressure a bit. Don't know why I let stuff like that bother me. Not sure if you saw the response or not? She said some not so nice things about you as well. Not trying to start anything, but thought you should have the option to defend yourself if you so choose.
llthank you for the run down on your situation, I have read Aart's thread and others thus how I got the idea in the first place. So do you have the nipples on a five gallon bucket or what is your set up.
I think mine is a 2 gallon bucket...or maybe 3...I'll have to check. I get them free from the bakery at the local grocery store. I think frosting comes in this size. I think this is the only photo I have of it... for perspective, it's up on some blocks (which is kind of ironic...

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llthank you for the run down on your situation, I have read Aart's thread and others thus how I got the idea in the first place. So do you have the nipples on a five gallon bucket or what is your set up.

Man, totally got into it on the DIY thread after posting pics if my boys with frost bite. Some people......did raise my blood pressure a bit. Don't know why I let stuff like that bother me. Not sure if you saw the response or not? She said some not so nice things about you as well. Not trying to start anything, but thought you should have the option to defend yourself if you so choose.

you know, there are all kinds on byc, and sometimes a person can see them selves as a queen bee and take after others now and then. Not worth a thought. I did flag for moderators and asked they keep an eye on it in case they need to intervene again.

I heard a rumor that we might get out of this artic blast - its been below zero for so long...and it might get into the 30's in a week!. In the meantime, I am using those gloves and very glad for people taking the time to recommend them!
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you know, there are all kinds on byc, and sometimes a person can see them selves as a queen bee and take after others now and then. Not worth a thought. I did flag for moderators and asked they keep an eye on it in case they need to intervene again.

I heard a rumor that we might get out of this artic blast - its been below zero for so long...and it might get into the 30's in a week!. In the meantime, I am using those gloves and very glad for people taking the time to recommend them!

ignoring and flagging is the best way to go. There was a troll on the learning how to capon thread. I flagged it and it was removed within the hour.

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