The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I went out to check on the girls as well as to collect eggs, and found one of our 2 year old laying hens dead on the coop floor. I'm thinking she may have lost her balance when coming off the nest box. RIP Lady. We will really miss you
I am so sorry!

Were there signs of trauma?

At 2, they will die of mareks cancer--you can tell by checking for tumors inside the reproductive tract.
Bruno today -

Bruno a month ago with frostbite damage

Rocco today -

Rocco - a month ago with frostbite damage


I kid you not this is from today, it is crazy warm here, sorry for those back east.
Thank you. I'm thinking she could have lost her balance while getting out of the nest box that are mounted on the wall. I could only guess what may have happened at this point. But I will say that she was acting normal yesterday.
I had one die about a week ago. I have no idea what caused it. I remember thinking, right before I opened their door, "It's been quite a while since I walked in and found a dead bird!" Sheesh!

She was right in front of the door so I have no idea. I think she was about ready to start laying so it may have been egg binding. I did not perform a necropsy... too busy.

I need to post pics of my boy's wattles. He looks almost completely normal. His comb is having some issues now though. I wonder if I get on it and start treating that, if he'll lose the points or not. His wattles look surprisingly good, considering a month ago!

One of the other boys got an infection in one of his wattles (I think) it was hard and round but it did something a while ago that deflated it a bit and I've been a very bad mommy and haven't done anything for him since. I need to pull him out of his pen and check him out.

I need new batteries for my camera (battery hog!) and I can get pics to share.
Just some "news of the weird." My daughter got 4 chickens from a friend many years ago. They were all adult birds. The last one died today. Near as they can figure, she was 9. (no, not still laying.
Lydia thinks it was a stroke.
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Here's my boy who was the worst.

First, a reminder of where he has come from in 30 days.

The wattles had developed very black and smooth, hard scabs all over the area that is darkened, above.

This is the same bird, today.

Almost as good as new. The wattles have some white areas. I think that could be from being under scabs for so long. I think they will redden up. He doesn't appear to have lost anything.

Now, his comb points are another matter. I need to see how miraculous coconut and vitamin e oils are.

Here's the boy that got an infection in one wattle.

It was hard to get a pic of this guy. He was on the move. You can kind of see his left wattle is all bunched up. I still need to get him out and take a close look at it.
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I feel like I'm turning into a bag lady. Lol. I just confiscated a plastic trash can with a hole in the side. I love bucket nests and I thought I could use it as a giant bucket nest. So I taped up the hole, filled it with straw and threw in some golf balls. I have to prepare for blocking off the porch. Victoria began laying her eggs there and this morning Miss Poppy was sitting in that spot. Later I went out and there was Lady Olivia leading her 3 chicks up the steps. I guess they think it is thehave been finding ir poop deck! The rooster, Joe Dirt is always looking thru the door or window at me.

I was thinking about using a trash can for my next broody and chicks...but I cannot think of how to put vents in it and make it predator proof at the same time. I come up with these crazy ideas because there is a major lack of carpentry skills around here and I try to think of things I can do by myself.

Starting snowing a few minutes ago.

I have been finding eggs in the trash can nest.
Anyone have a great soap recipe they want to share? I have tried 2 now and I think I might enjoy basic soap making. Still a ways off from the fancy soaps with the colors and fragrances added but the basic soap is neat to make.

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