The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

It IS a relief to be able to remove the heated bowls and open things up for spring.

But...with spring comes....POISON IVY!

I think my girls have already been brushing the vines even though there aren't any leaves yet. I moved one of my girls last night and this morning I'm having that tell-tail swelling in my face and around my eyes. I'm trying to be proactive to stop it before I get a full blown swollen head like I did last year.

It just didn't occur to me that I needed to be concerned about picking one of them up this early in the season.

Yuck !!! Thats cool you can rent the goats to get rid of it. Np PI here thank goodness. The hen yard is still very wet and mucky. I had to put hay down where they walk the most to give the grass some chance to come back. I am hoping the mint comes back in full force to cover the bare spots. My plan is to try & get something that will grow up & over the coop to keep it cooler.

Curious chickee great coop
Well the eggs will go into lock down in the morning. Just did the last turning. :fl:drool:jumpy
:caf except it is the Brinsea I am staring down... put tape on the lid to remind me NO TOUCHING the lid. :smack
Long time no see! 

Which Brinsea do you have...  have you used it before...  and, if so, do you like it?

Not the Thermometer that came with it. Wasn't accurate and had problems with first use. Fred got me a digital one and told me not to open to candle or turn...etc. Just rotated whole incubator tilted by propping on a 4" item. That batch was better. But still have to watch the humidity and heat stability in it.

This year is young pulletts eggs from last year and I had a lot of trouble with keeping it stable this time. So we will see in the next few days. Went into lock down .... waiting now.... but I did open once to remove an egg with an odor.
My four little feed store chicks are almost eight weeks old now. They free range everyday and go in the big coop to sleep with the big birds, but they still go in their cage. Helga became Julio and is beoming the leader. So far they do not really hang with the biggies during the day. They are so cute.
Well Leah I came home to check for pips and....

I have one hatchling chick! :jumpy :weee

Don't see any other pips but didn't see any when I left at 9:30 (3 hours ago!!) So just waiting now!!

Wonderful vpatt!!

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