The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

And that is one of the reasons I was thinking that I should maybe remove 2 to a pen farther away and just let one guy hang with the flock so that he doesn't have competition to show off for.

That's interesting that you say the least dominant. Right now none of them seem to be in charge, but there is one that is much larger than the others, one that is "second largest" then a smaller one. I had "thought" that if I got the smaller one that might be the one to start with as I'm thinking he's maturing more slowly. Now that might not be the case?

Right now these kiddos are just very sweet. They all come running around my feet and I can still bend down and "pet" them under their neck. Very different demeanor than the sfh had at the same age.
doesn't matter if they were together from what i'm seeing, our nice one turned on us as he's been second in command and now the other ones gone he's acting more like him.

the ones that haven't been around others haven't seen it to pick the bad behaviors up and will happily sit in laps for a few minutes at least

Should mention ours free range most of the time
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And that is one of the reasons I was thinking that I should maybe remove 2 to a pen farther away and just let one guy hang with the flock so that he doesn't have competition to show off for.


That's interesting that  you say the least dominant.  Right now none of them seem to be in charge, but there is one that is much larger than the others, one that is "second largest" then a smaller one.  I had "thought" that if I got the smaller one that might be the one to start with as I'm thinking he's maturing more slowly.  Now that might not be the case? 

Right now these kiddos are just very sweet.  They all come running around my feet and I can still bend down and "pet" them under their neck.  Very different demeanor than the sfh had at the same age.
picking one sometimes can be a crap shoot, you won't know for sure until they sexually mature, and even than it can be hard to truly judge them until they are mature. It can take me a year sometimes to determine who will work and who won't, but that's also how you end up with the best roosters. If there's someone in particular I'm fond of he will get plenty of time to prove he's worthy or not.
Of course these are still "chicken children" but I do notice a couple of things about them.

The largest boy seems to carry himself with the most confidence.
If the older birds are around he will stand very still and just observe until one of them makes a move toward him before he leaves the area. Almost has a "quiet dignity".
He is the most friendly - coming to me with confidence (may be a bad thing when he's older?) but has never shown any sign of aggression. Just calm friendliness; allows me to touch him pretty freely.
I have noticed this boy stand by the pen where one of the shf is residing and observe him. Quitely and with dignity like everything else he does. (Haven't noticed if the others do that but I think it's only him.)

Medium bit me one time. Never has done it again and I don't remember the situation. It didn't seem like outright aggression. I may have scared him in the woods.
He developed his comb color before any of the other boys.
Will allow me to touch him and comes in the crowd like the larger one.
Just a "little" more stand-offish.

Small...not as much color as the others. Only reason I know he's a he is the shape of the comb early on.
More "stand-offish". Will allow me to touch but only briefly and doesn't stay around for more.
Seems to be more in the background than the other 2.

The whole group of Buckeyes seem very independent when on range. They don't seem to run in a group; you can find them scattered all over. It "seems" to me that the larger boy is more aware...or obviously notices...if there is any problem with the others. "Seems" like he may be quietly taking on the role of the guardian, but only in an "observatory manner".

Any thoughts on which you'd leave with the flock initially based on my description?

I think that when the sfh roos disappear, things may change for these boys in their freedom to behave.
I would choose the first one. A rooster aware of things besides himself is a good sign. You will know more when they start to try mating. A good rooster will attempt to woo the hens, tidbitting and dancing. A bad one will run, grab and mate, than gloat. Though even the best of them will occasionally do it, but it shouldn't be his repertoire. Keeping watch is another good sign, as well as the girls hanging out with a particular rooster.
Well from what i'm experiencing having better luck with my young cockerels that kept seperated from the flock completely they are used to human interaction, removed the trouble maker roosters to a seperate pen and the other rooster is now acting up as he's the only one in with the hens , but have a 3 and 4 month olds that are at the house instead of the farm, 1 was to young to be introduced to the flock the other got attacked pretty bad and has recovered, will see how things go in the next week or so, may get rid of my older roosters and leave the younger ones as don't want em hatching anyway until spring here and they will be old enough by then. Was kinda suprised that the second in command whose been a sweetheart is acting up after removing the other 2 from the flock

With the 2 boys that are now gone, I saw the same thing. I was letting them all run together. When I penned the more dominant one for a day the second in command became quite aggressive. These are 18 week olds at the time.

That is the main reason I'm considering penning 2 and keeping one in the main flock with the Buckeyes.

Mine won't be so far removed as yours, however.

They will be in a pen that is about 4 ft. away from the fence on the main area. There is a pretty good divide there...fence, 4 ft., then 6ft. high kennel pen which is 20 wide with the little house attached.

I wonder if that is even going to be far enough away. I could always tarp the side that's toward the main area fence for more division. Thoughts on that anyone?
well lost the pullet I worked so hard to save almost 4 months ago for 3 days, probably because of hatch troubles, was fine had been playing outside that day, when went to bed and dead in the morning, the other 2 are showing signs of cocci, store wasn't open so used what I had and it's working, they are improving within 4 hours hours of feeding them the juice from my pickeled egg jar, was home made used 2*1 ration of water-distilled white vinegar with tsp of dill, 1TBSP of minced garlic and a slice of onion(Kept out the onion from them), they both made it through the night and preferring that to to plain water, have they are starting to eat their feed as long as soften it with same mixture they are drinking,but very minimally, stool is starting to look closer to normal by end of day 2 no more bloody stool either.

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