The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Auction: Swedish Flower Hen
Eggs to ship Tuesday, April 30th
Number of Eggs: 7+ - I have 7 already from yesterday and today and will add whatever they lay tomorrow, usually 3-6.
Bidding starts at $5
Shipping is $14 priority with DC
Ends Mon 4/29 at 5:30pm Eastern time
Paypal payment must be received by Tuesday at 11am Eastern time for these to ship Tuesday!



This is one of my younger layers and is still getting her adult plumage. I have been thinking this girl was black and just always found a way to get a light layer of mud all over her feathers all winter as she is outside rain or shine. I have recently taken a closer look at her and she is actually a very dark chocolate. I know, I need to get an updated picture!
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15 LF Ameraucana eggs. I have 10 from the Blue pen and 5 from the Lavender pen. There may be more by the end of these auction.
Bidding starts at $15 and shipping is $15. Auction ends at 4pm Monday.

One if my Lavender hens

One of the Blue hens

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