The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Quote: Which do you want to send out first?? ooops now I understnad. Need pp addie etc.

I think I need to build another incubator.
Not really, I"ve already gone over my May 1st limit so what is another month of hatching!!
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30 Hour Actions - Ends 5/4 Sunday Night 8 pm PST
Eggs will Ship Monday May 5th

Auction #1: Basque: 10 eggs: Bid starts at $10
Auction #2 Barred Orpingtons: 10 Eggs: Bid $10
Auction #3: Sulmtalers: 10 Eggs $10

Shipping is Additional:
$12 for 10 eggs or $16 for $24.
And the WINNER are!!

Auction #1: Basque: 10 eggs:
FVRM: $10+ $10 Shipping = $20

Auction #2 Barred Orpingtons: 10 Eggs: Bid $10
Nuttyfrom6kids $10+ $10 Shipping = $20

Auction #3: Sulmtalers: 10 Eggs $10
This one was a tie so both bidders will be honored.

1) Arielle $12 + $10 shipping = $22 (to be shipped today)
2) FVRM $12 + $10 shipping = $22 (to be shipped 5/12)

paypal is: [email protected]

Thank you.

Edited: corrected winner on #1
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I agree, its Arielles since the bid Amt was the same and hers came in first. However, I am happy to send you (FVRM) a batch for the $12 price. It will need to go out next week tho.
Thank you for honoring both, and I'm sure they both appreciate it VERY much. That's a very honorable thing to do. :)

I just still wanted to make sure the actual rules were clear and laid out, to avoid any possible repeats of the issue.

Thus the last bid ON the ending time, that actually OUTBIDS someone else, is the winner.
Just some quick updates to let everyone know of reputable sellers on this thread:

I ordered 3 Sebastopol goose eggs from @sandiklaws a while back. All three developed and hatched successfully despite detached air cells, and I now have three goslings that are 5 weeks old today with feathers starting to come in (but not yet long enough to curl).

I got 6 Royal Palm turkey eggs from @KYTinpusher about a week ago, and only ONE had a detached air cell (who gets odds like THAT??) and all six are developing! They are only a week in, but clearly 100% fertility with these (and excellent packing).

Tomorrow my silkie/sizzle eggs from @rbaker0345 should be getting shipped out. I'll post about those after I get them and check development.

(All sellers have been privately notified of their eggs' status. I just thought I would let others know about their packing habits and fertility rates in case anyone is wondering.)
I have found the turkey eggs to be tough. I hope they all hatch for you!

Buy it now exactly 18 sex linked EE eggs. Males will have a white spot on head when hatched. These hatch like popcorn here. Fresh a 3 day gather. Well packed. As usual I can not guarantee a hatch. These can ship tomorrow. Price $33.00 shipping included. To claim post sold. I will PM you with PayPal info
Buy it now exactly 18 sex linked EE eggs. Males will have a white spot on head when hatched. These hatch like popcorn here. Fresh a 3 day gather. Well packed. As usual I can not guarantee a hatch. These can ship tomorrow. Price $33.00 shipping included. To claim post sold. I will PM you with PayPal info

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