The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

[COLOR=800080]My last two auctions are courtesy of @Saris
as a fundraiser to help rebuild my son's porcelain d'Uccle flock that were all killed by a mountain lion.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=800080]Thank you![/COLOR]

I somehow just saw this post - so sorry to hear this!!!
BINs for this week. Just in time to set for easter!
Eggs will ship Saturday March 5th
NPIP and AI clean
I pack by wrapping each egg in bubble wrap, then surround the eggs with shredded newspaper (the eggs sit large end up)
(These are estimates of what I have available, if the amount ends up being more/above the price will be adjusted fairly. Also shipping can be combined on more than one dozen and assortments can be made :) )

1 dozen Mottled Java hatching eggs
$55 shipped

18 Assorted Marans and Cream Legbar Hatching eggs
$75 shipped

10+ Millie Fleur/Calico bantam cochin hatching eggs (frizzles and smooths)
$50 shipped

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