Nutty birds stay alive here, so I don't mind them as much. My Easter eggers have been some of my best layers here. They also seem more predator savvy. Back when I hard real Ameraucana they lived a long time. I enjoyed them. They didn't lay as well though.

Look forward to seeing what you try next. So many breeds to choose from.
Nutty birds stay alive here, so I don't mind them as much. My Easter eggers have been some of my best layers here. They also seem more predator savvy. Back when I hard real Ameraucana they lived a long time. I enjoyed them. They didn't lay as well though.

Look forward to seeing what you try next. So many breeds to choose from.
I can see why the EEs would be more predator-savvy. Most flighty birds tend to be, I think. These are the first hatchery EEs I have ever had so I have no idea how they are from other hatcheries than Cackle. My June was from a breeder creating a new Ameraucana color and obviously her parents didn't make the cut. She was a great layer, did not lay her first until she was 40 weeks old, but they were huge from the beginning and she did not quit until about 11 or 12 years old when every egg led to a crushed shell internally and a prolapse. My last two Ameraucanas, you may recall, lived to 11 and 14 years, respectively. My black one, Gypsy, the reason I got a black chick (Layla) in the new batch, was my favorite girl. I wish she would have lived to 20. Snow was my husband's favorite but she quit laying years before she died at 14. Any other EEs I had were ones I created from breeding my true Ameraucana with the Barred Rocks or Delawares.
I'm about 99% sure any new group will be Barred Rocks. Tom is very fond of those. I do love the huge blue and green eggs, but I hate that these EEs are going the way of my original flock and beginning to die off just after 2 years old. It's like they were bred with a kill switch that activates when they pass that hatch day.
I am going to KILL them! Axel and Dane got into a fight today and they won't stop. I had them in time out for awhile in cages, then when the group went back inside in their pen, released them. Fighting began. Bodie kept trying to make them stop, but to no avail. Now, Dane is in the back pen alone and Axel is in the main pen with the others. What on earth? This is not Spring! I have them up for rehoming, but that may be a hopeless cause. One or both if fine but someone has to go. I have one pen occupied by Bonnie with the healing wing and the hospital cage with Athena recovering from a fly strike so what do I do with these morons? Put them both in the back pen without any other birds and see if they eventually stop (after becoming a bloody mess, of course-I hate mopping blood)? Those combs sure tell whose sire is whose. Axel is Bodie's kid and Dane is Gunnar's .

I usually let mine settle it, but occasionally need to step in. They can beat the tar out of each other.

Those Cochin boys are the only ones that still occasionally fight around here. Hope you can figure something out Cynthia. Fighting in the fall is rare here thankfully.
The battle continued all day today. Finally, I walked away and said if someone dies, one less to deal with. When I went out to check on them a few minutes ago, I saw Bodie, Mr. Head Honcho, had some wounds on his own comb. I guess he got sick and tired of the fighting and ended it. Those two boys look pretty banged up, but they stopped fighting, finally. I think they're just worn out.
Lisa, when you step in with your little guys, what do you do with them?
I usually try to chase them to separate areas and hope they knock it off. Most times they are grateful someone broke it up, and they don't fight again.
Oh my goodness, we were doing that for 2 days and today, we'll see if the war continues. I think mainly it was Axel, Bodie's son, that was the instigator. Dane would try to run away and Axel would continue harassing him. Free ranging time yesterday, they continued it and I saw both Magnus and Gunnar separate them at various times. They were not only on my last nerve, but were making the grown roosters really irritated with them. When I walked away at the end of yesterday, I was determined to leave them to it for the rest of the day. At roost time, they were at it all over again. Never saw a fight go on this long. Bodie already had some dings and I am 100% sure it was Axel he was fighting with at that point because Dane is more mild-mannered and has never flared up at any of the adult roosters. He's much like Gunnar his personality.
The reason Mace is in with Hector's hens now is that he and Gunnar got into it one day and I got tired of the blood and just threw him in with the big hens since Hector had been gone for awhile already. I regret that because now, Mace can't go in with the big group and I'm stuck with him being separate. I wish I'd let them figure it out, but that fight lost Gunnar his 2nd in command position. He's under Forrest in rank now and even Forrest is now afraid of Axel. I wish someone would take Axel, geez. He's a sweet non-agressive male with us, though he doesn't care to be picked up (which is getting better as much as we've handled them in the past two days of this ongoing war). Hector never liked to be picked up so trimming his spurs was quite a chore.
Both boys are a scabby mess now, ugh.

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