The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning, all! Its already up to 5 degrees, so looks like a balmy day today. Ken and Kenny plan to go to the storage unit when Kenny gets off work, and bring in some more boxes, and my sewing machines. Then they’re going to go out to the tub room and unload the freezer and bring it in. So I hope the snow holds off, at least until that stuff is done. I want to get it all unpacked and put away so when our modular dealer brings the people over tomorrow to look at the place it looks somewhat like a lived-in home.
Good morning Bob! This is your first snow of the winter isn't it?
Yup and it came with a vengeance! It needs to melt quickly
Good morning, All. Snow to the North and South of us - like that weather pattern.
:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day
Good morning, all! Its already up to 5 degrees, so looks like a balmy day today. Ken and Kenny plan to go to the storage unit when Kenny gets off work, and bring in some more boxes, and my sewing machines. Then they’re going to go out to the tub room and unload the freezer and bring it in. So I hope the snow holds off, at least until that stuff is done. I want to get it all unpacked and put away so when our modular dealer brings the people over tomorrow to look at the place it looks somewhat like a lived-in home.
:frow Good morning Blooie, have a great day
Are those the neighbors that were giving him treats?

The Westie I used to have loved the snow. She'd dive headfirst into the snow banks and come up snorting. Then on to the next one. She'd look like a snowball by the time I could get her to come inside.
Yes, the same one's and they still act like nothing is wrong 🙄
Good morning, all! Its already up to 5 degrees, so looks like a balmy day today. Ken and Kenny plan to go to the storage unit when Kenny gets off work, and bring in some more boxes, and my sewing machines. Then they’re going to go out to the tub room and unload the freezer and bring it in. So I hope the snow holds off, at least until that stuff is done. I want to get it all unpacked and put away so when our modular dealer brings the people over tomorrow to look at the place it looks somewhat like a lived-in home.

Good morning Blooie! Hope the weather doesn't interfere with your plans.
Do you have a heated blanket Debby? That’s making me shiver from here!

I do, DH got it for me last winter. I love it!

He went out yesterday to try to find another one (because I'm selfish and don't share well with others :lol: ). He had to go to 3 stores to find one. Apparently if you want an electric blanket, you need to buy them in July.

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