The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yesterday was a "Dammit" day. It started when I got up in the morning and bumped my toe - "dammit" - not enough to hurt all day, but enough to let me know that the bed post was there. Then I was getting dressed and
"dammit", I forgot my clothes in the dryer and had to go downstairs and retrieve them. As I was putting together my lunch, "Dammit" I bumped the container off the table and had to clean up the mess off the floor. Heading out to work, after I locked the house door and headed to the shed to get my truck - Dammit - I forgot to use the remote in the house to open the garage door. It is cold enough outside that the keypad at the garage door doesn't work and I have to go through the people door and wind my way through the mess to my truck.
Almost to work, Dammit, the traffic lights turn red and the firestation on the corner lights up for the firetrucks to respond to a call.
I was only 10 minutes late for work. Dammit.

Good morning everybody!
And have a good day!
I shouldn’t laugh….I’ve had those days when even if I’d done something right I started it out wrong and it worked accidentally.
I must have spoken too soon, it's starting to fall now ❄️
Bright and sunny here. Hope it stays that way - we are going up to Billings this evening. Ken has a Masonic Sojourners’ meeting, and they hold those in a restaurant up there. So everyone has dinner then the guys have their meeting. We’re dropping Fee and Rueben off at the boarding kennel this morning for the weekend because at 4:30 tomorrow morning we’re leaving for Riverton and the annual Grand Masters’ Winter Reunion. So please, no snow and dry roads!!!
I shouldn’t laugh….I’ve had those days when even if I’d done something right I started it out wrong and it worked accidentally.

Bright and sunny here. Hope it stays that way - we are going up to Billings this evening. Ken has a Masonic Sojourners’ meeting, and they hold those in a restaurant up there. So everyone has dinner then the guys have their meeting. We’re dropping Fee and Rueben off at the boarding kennel this morning for the weekend because at 4:30 tomorrow morning we’re leaving for Riverton and the annual Grand Masters’ Winter Reunion. So please, no snow and dry roads!!!

Hope the roads stay clear and you have smooth sailing!

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