The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I only need it to warm up my side of the bed. When you first crawl in it’s kind of a shock. :lol:

Good morning Janie!
Kenny and Jenny got me a heated throw for Christmas two years ago! They got it at Walmart. I love that thing!! It covers me perfectly but doesn’t cover Ken’s side of the bed. I can haul it out to the living room and use it in the recliner or on the couch. At night I lay it over my side of the bed and get it going to warm the bed before I crawl in.
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This is Sookie, my 13 year old granddog. She is my youngest son's hiking companion, and an important member of their (2 humans, 3 dogs, and a cat) household.
She was recently diagnosed with cancer, fortunately it is operable and her vet is optimistic. She vomited all day yesterday after her vet visit. They were able to get her an injection late yesterday, and she had a good night, last night.
She has surgery coming up on Monday. Please send positive thoughts her, and her family's way.
Thanks you all. She is a sweet and very intelligent dog.
Keeping everything crossed for Sooki!
Oh, and good morning, everyone!

Going shopping for a headboard for our bed today. If I can find decent nightstands, I’ll grab them too. Finding a headboard has been an exercise in futility so far. The one we had is an antique oak, super high one. But it covers most of the transom window in the bedroom, which defeats the reason I ordered that window. What I want is a metal one like the one in the guest room, but I have an adjustable bed and when I’ve been shopping online all of the metal ones say they are not compatible. Well, horse hockey!! The guest bed is also an adjustable bed! It’s a combination of wood and metal and I like it. I hate the tufted ones, and those are the ones that show up most often when I search. So this may be a fool’s errand today.
You are no fool Blooie! You'll find something. If not, Ken can make you one :)

and these wee hours of Tuesday are not quite as balmy!
It has been many years since we've seen temps that low!

DH better be warned that I've found a new's my electric blanket! That's a guy a gal can cozy up to
Plus you don't have to feed him and he doesn't leave the toilet seat up!!! On the other hand, he doesn't shovel snow either. Always tradeoffs.

I only need it to warm up my side of the bed. When you first crawl in it’s kind of a shock.
Flannel sheets!!! DW doesn't like a warm room for sleeping so, especially now with the furnace on that end of the house not working, it can be 55°F in there. But I never get in the bed and think "brrrrr".

I’m supposed to watch a 3 hour webinar this morning for our E-Learning day. I can’t log in…so frustrating!
Very!! Maybe there are some "Cliff's Notes". Not sure I would want to sit in front of a 3 hour webinar.
Last summer in the East Bay, there was an article about a runner that disappeared on his run. After a week or so, there was finally an article that mentioned He went running in temps over 105F(in the heat of the day and not morning or evening) without water.

The mystery was solved when he was found dead in a gully. There was no foul play involved just not being too smart about running in the heat, even in the bay area.
That is warm for the Bay Area though right? At least it wasn’t hot like that when I lived there but it was 40 years ago. OMG I’m getting :old { and beginning to look like Igor:lau oh I’m telling him all about that I promise! Sorry for the tangent. So yeah, that’s hot for the area.
Oh, and good morning, everyone!

Going shopping for a headboard for our bed today. If I can find decent nightstands, I’ll grab them too. Finding a headboard has been an exercise in futility so far. The one we had is an antique oak, super high one. But it covers most of the transom window in the bedroom, which defeats the reason I ordered that window. What I want is a metal one like the one in the guest room, but I have an adjustable bed and when I’ve been shopping online all of the metal ones say they are not compatible. Well, horse hockey!! The guest bed is also an adjustable bed! It’s a combination of wood and metal and I like it. I hate the tufted ones, and those are the ones that show up most often when I search. So this may be a fool’s errand today.
I'm so happy for you. It has to be fun through some of the frustration finding things for your new home. :)
That is warm for the Bay Area though right? At least it wasn’t hot like that when I lived there but it was 40 years ago. OMG I’m getting :old { and beginning to look like Igor:lau oh I’m telling him all about that I promise! Sorry for the tangent. So yeah, that’s hot for the area.



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