The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning Debby!

Hi DMC, hope your roofing job is done soon!

Good morning Debby and DMC :frow Enjoy your day

Good morning everyone else :frow

Hi Sue, how are you doing?

Good morning y'all 🦋

Good morning, Debby 🦋

Good morning, DMC 🦋

Good morning, Sue 🦋

Morning Janie! Hey, look what I found 🐊

Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day and stay cool.

Hi Bob, hope you have a good day!

Good morning. You all have a nice day. :frow

Morning Mark, say hi to Susie for us :frow

Good morning. I'm wishing a good day for all of us.

A good day to you too Sour!
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day and stay cool.
Good morning, Bob 🦋
Good morning. You all have a nice day. :frow
Good morning, Mark 🦋
Holy smokes Janie! I don’t know how you function. My garden stuff looks terrible. I’m giving up on the flowers. Right now the crops look really good but they will soon show stress if we don’t get rain.

Hi Bob, you also! Janie has it worse then we do.

Hi Mark!
We just recieved a notice from the rural water company, that "due to drought conditions, we are in step #1 of water conservation. Everyone must conserve water or steps 2 through 4 will be implemented."

Step 2 is watering of crops and lawns every other day. Step 3 every third day. Step 4 only livestock may be watered.
No pools may be filled in any steps.

We have springs, which we use to water a few things, but the gardens aren't going to be getting watered as often. They already look bad, since we cut back to once a day. My husband says not to water at all.
Pleasant is relative!!!!

30 years ago when we had the prior house rebuilt it was really hot one day when the guys were roofing. I paid them for the day and sent them home after 4 hours.

What is all that green stuff?;)
Looks really nice Blooie.

Uh, no, I don't think you are going to be up for much of anything for a while after the 26th! Take it easy, let Ken play nurse/maid/cook

Um, your lower night time temps are what we consider a "not too hot" daytime high!
Good morning, Bruce 🦋
Good morning. I'm wishing a good day for all of us.
Good morning, Sour 🦋
Hi DMC, hope your roofing job is done soon!

Hi Sue, how are you doing?

Morning Janie! Hey, look what I found 🐊

Hi Bob, hope you have a good day!

Morning Mark, say hi to Susie for us :frow

A good day to you too Sour!
Good morning, Debby 🦋 🦩
Good morning, Bob 🦋

Good morning, Mark 🦋

We just recieved a notice from the rural water company, that "due to drought conditions, we are in step #1 of water conservation. Everyone must conserve water or steps 2 through 4 will be implemented."

Step 2 is watering of crops and lawns every other day. Step 3 every third day. Step 4 only livestock may be watered.
No pools may be filled in any steps.

We have springs, which we use to water a few things, but the gardens aren't going to be getting watered as often. They already look bad, since we cut back to once a day. My husband says not to water at all.

Good morning, Bruce 🦋

Good morning, Sour 🦋

Good morning, Debby 🦋 🦩
Sorry to hear that Janie!
Good morning, Bob 🦋

Good morning, Mark 🦋

We just recieved a notice from the rural water company, that "due to drought conditions, we are in step #1 of water conservation. Everyone must conserve water or steps 2 through 4 will be implemented."

Step 2 is watering of crops and lawns every other day. Step 3 every third day. Step 4 only livestock may be watered.
No pools may be filled in any steps.

We have springs, which we use to water a few things, but the gardens aren't going to be getting watered as often. They already look bad, since we cut back to once a day. My husband says not to water at all.

Good morning, Bruce 🦋

Good morning, Sour 🦋

Good morning, Debby 🦋 🦩
We have been at stage 2 water rationing for a couple of months now. It is similar to your level with watering 3 days a week, no washing cars or sidewalks. We are supposed to reduce water use 20%.
I can’t imagine doing any kind of strenuous job out there in this heat. I’m a coward! Bad enough that we don’t have air conditioning in the house yet, and when the old trailer went, my swamp cooler went with it. <sigh>
No air conditioning? Will you be getting one installed, or is that common there?
Although, when I was a kid, we only had fans. No a/c. And when i loved in the Cumberlands, hardly any one had central air or air conditioning. I didn't really notice it ever being unbearable back then.
We have been at stage 2 water rationing for a couple of months now. It is similar to your level with watering 3 days a week, no washing cars or sidewalks. We are supposed to reduce water use 20%.
It is much easier when one has hope. I'm still hoping for several days of steady rain. My husband is pretty depressed though. He is an outdoorsy person, and gardening is life to him.
He is really hating the heat, and his blood sugar is staying a little high, no matter how well he eats. And he does eat well. He has been very good about educated himself about diabetes, since being diagnosed in 2007. He has more self discipline than the average person.
No air conditioning? Will you be getting one installed, or is that common there?
Although, when I was a kid, we only had fans. No a/c. And when i loved in the Cumberlands, hardly any one had central air or air conditioning. I didn't really notice it ever being unbearable back then.

It is much easier when one has hope. I'm still hoping for several days of steady rain. My husband is pretty depressed though. He is an outdoorsy person, and gardening is life to him.
He is really hating the heat, and his blood sugar is staying a little high, no matter how well he eats. And he does eat well. He has been very good about educated himself about diabetes, since being diagnosed in 2007. He has more self discipline than the average person.

Sorry about the heat and all that goes with it, like the water rationing and the outdoor activities. Does your extended forecast give you any home Janie?

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