The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning all.

They are showing a cactus with our forecast today. I think I’ll stay inside. I wonder if my roofer will show up today…I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.
We have had that cactus a lot lately.
And it looks like the cactus is making itself at home.
Fitting. That's probably all we'll have growing here, if this heat keeps up. We've lost quite a bit of our vegetable plants and several ornamental already.
Good morning folks :frow

Good morning everyone! 🐦
:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day
Good morning y'all 🦋

Good morning, Debby 🦋

Good morning, DMC 🦋

Good morning, Sue 🦋
:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day
Good morning all.

They are showing a cactus with our forecast today. I think I’ll stay inside. I wonder if my roofer will show up today…I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t.
:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day and stay cool.
We have had that cactus a lot lately.
And it looks like the cactus is making itself at home.
Fitting. That's probably all we'll have growing here, if this heat keeps up. We've lost quite a bit of our vegetable plants and several ornamental already.
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Holy smokes Janie! I don’t know how you function. My garden stuff looks terrible. I’m giving up on the flowers. Right now the crops look really good but they will soon show stress if we don’t get rain.
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day and stay cool.
Hi Bob, you also! Janie has it worse then we do.
Good morning. You all have a nice day. :frow
Hi Mark!
Looks like a semi pleasant day. High 90s
Pleasant is relative!!!!

I don’t think our roofers are going to last half a day here.
30 years ago when we had the prior house rebuilt it was really hot one day when the guys were roofing. I paid them for the day and sent them home after 4 hours.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation.
What is all that green stuff?;)
Looks really nice Blooie.

I’d like to get a little more edging and mulching done before the 26th….don’t know if I’ll feel up to yard work for awhile after that.
Uh, no, I don't think you are going to be up for much of anything for a while after the 26th! Take it easy, let Ken play nurse/maid/cook

it's nice that the night time temps are lower this coming week.
Um, your lower night time temps are what we consider a "not too hot" daytime high!
Pleasant is relative!!!!

30 years ago when we had the prior house rebuilt it was really hot one day when the guys were roofing. I paid them for the day and sent them home after 4 hours.

What is all that green stuff?;)
Looks really nice Blooie.

Uh, no, I don't think you are going to be up for much of anything for a while after the 26th! Take it easy, let Ken play nurse/maid/cook

Um, your lower night time temps are what we consider a "not too hot" daytime high!
That was nice of you. This contractor charges enough that he can send himself home for the day. :D He did show up today. I hope he goes home by noon. As much as I want this mess done, I don’t want him to risk his life.
Pleasant is relative!!!!

30 years ago when we had the prior house rebuilt it was really hot one day when the guys were roofing. I paid them for the day and sent them home after 4 hours.

What is all that green stuff?;)
Looks really nice Blooie.

Uh, no, I don't think you are going to be up for much of anything for a while after the 26th! Take it easy, let Ken play nurse/maid/cook

Um, your lower night time temps are what we consider a "not too hot" daytime high!
:frow Good morning Bruce, have a great day

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