The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

We'll see if the Almanac holds true...hope you don't get it too badly.
Me too Debby :D
Good morning, IM 🐦
Good morning, Debby 🐦

Good morning, DMC 🐦 it rained near us, but we didn't get any.
We are classified as "extreme drought conditions" now. We are in the Northwest part of our county. The rest of the county just has "severe drought conditions" 🤔 they say it will take more than a year for us to return to normal.

Good morning, Mark🐦

Good morning, Sour🐦
Hi Janie. I hope you will get rain soon. I am so thankful for the rain. It was starting to get critical for the crops.
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day... Glad you got rain

:frow Good morning Mark, have a great day... Glad your internet is back

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning Bruce, have a great day

@pennyJo1960 Happy Birthday! have a great day 🥳🎂
Hi Bob, me too, thanks!
Good morning folks :frow

:frow Good morning DMC, have a great day... Glad you got rain

:frow Good morning Mark, have a great day... Glad your internet is back

:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day

:frow Good morning Sour, have a great day

:frow Good morning Janie, have a great day

:frow Good morning Bruce, have a great day

@pennyJo1960 Happy Birthday! have a great day 🥳🎂
Good afternoon Bob, I hope your having a great day!
My dogs are exhausting me out with always escaping their fence. They are huskies and MASTERS at getting out. I love them and I'm trying to find a way to keep them in their fence cause I'm tired of rallying them up.

They are outdoor dogs and thought maybe giving them even more attention they would stop. We take them on walks everyday and we let them inside in the evening for a few hours to watch tv but they still escape their area.

Thought maybe a new fence? They have a utility one they chew through so we thought chain link then we thought putting blocks under the border of the fence so they can't dig. Anyone else have ideas, I've heard of electric fence
My dogs are exhausting me out with always escaping their fence. They are huskies and MASTERS at getting out. I love them and I'm trying to find a way to keep them in their fence cause I'm tired of rallying them up.

They are outdoor dogs and thought maybe giving them even more attention they would stop. We take them on walks everyday and we let them inside in the evening for a few hours to watch tv but they still escape their area.

Thought maybe a new fence? They have a utility one they chew through so we thought chain link then we thought putting blocks under the border of the fence so they can't dig. Anyone else have ideas, I've heard of electric fence

Hi riss :frow

My brother used that fencing where the dogs wore collars that gave them a little buzz when they went beyond a certain point...some sort of wireless fencing I think?
My dogs are exhausting me out with always escaping their fence. They are huskies and MASTERS at getting out. I love them and I'm trying to find a way to keep them in their fence cause I'm tired of rallying them up.

They are outdoor dogs and thought maybe giving them even more attention they would stop. We take them on walks everyday and we let them inside in the evening for a few hours to watch tv but they still escape their area.

Thought maybe a new fence? They have a utility one they chew through so we thought chain link then we thought putting blocks under the border of the fence so they can't dig. Anyone else have ideas, I've heard of electric fence
An electronic fence might work, but they can hear the hum. If you leave it off they may escape again at some point. Maybe they need more space to run and play, they are high energy dogs. Otherwise a chain link fence on concrete is your only guarantee they won’t get out.

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