The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yay, Kendra! You go, girl!
(And yay for you too, Blooie!)

Diva, it's a yellow cake. I'm sorry you don't like strawberries; they really add a lot.

And thanks for all the hatching vibes. We wound up with 7 little Seramas; that's the best hatch we've had in a long time!
Yay, Kendra! You go, girl!
(And yay for you too, Blooie!)

Diva, it's a yellow cake. I'm sorry you don't like strawberries; they really add a lot.

And thanks for all the hatching vibes. We wound up with 7 little Seramas; that's the best hatch we've had in a long time!
That's great, Bunny!!! From what I understand those little stingers can be a wooly-booger to hatch! Congrats! And I'm so glad you entered the cake in the contest!

Anyone heard if Jae is doing okay with the storm and the exhaustion from the new babies being fed? Is she okay? I know I often wake up more tired than when I went to bed, but that's just potty visits during the night....can't imagine all those feedings!
I'm doing alright. We've just had a lot of rain so far. No thunderstorms like they promised
- I was looking forward to a bit of thunder and lightning. The wind is supposed to get up though it's mid afternoon and there's hardly a breeze.

My babies are doing great. They slept through the night, as did I. I was looking at them and they've probably doubled in size. They are still a bit little for an eye dropper but their appetites are increasing. I have to stop Minnow swallowing too much of my fork tine as I'm so scared s/he's going to do her/himself an injury. I've named the other one Piper as it's the one piping up first demanding food in the tiniest squeak. I'll have to pack them up and take them with me on Sunday to my sister's. They are only 20 mins away thankfully.
Thanks for worrying Blooie. It looks like the cyclone has just missed Auckland but it's hit further down so there are roads closed and flooding in places.

Thought I'd post an updated photo of my tiddlers. They are 5 days old now. It's still scary picking them up but there's a little bit more squishy body to hold onto.

And here are my cheeky, sweet Java babies. They are down to 4 feeds a day and they don't actually eat much of the formula anymore. But I'll keep offering. Rowdy still acts like s/he's starving!
This is Rowdy who is always the first to hop out and who still has a lot to say about everything.

And this is Hiccup on the left and Cloud on the right - Cloud is a bit lighter, has a slightly curved beak and is much quieter so it will be interesting to see who turns out to be boys or girls.
They are so adorable - will you be keeping any?
Those babies are staying here. I really adore those Javas. They are very sweet birds. I just hope their parents make a better job of rearing their next lot which should be hatching sometime in the next week. I'm not holding my breath though!

I read somewhere (while researching hand rearing finches in case I needed to know!) that there's nothing like a hand reared finch. I do understand what they mean. I copy the sounds they make and they get all excited, like we are having a conversation. They really want to interact with us.
Good morning!

Blooie, that's such awesome news about Kendra! Bravo to her and to you too. That will save a lot of back/chest wear and tear. Good news from Ken's doc, glad to hear he's healing nicely!

Bunny, glad you put the cake in the Edible Easter contest...your DD did a wonderful job with it!

Sunflour, the gas company was out again yesterday. It's looking like they'll have things ready to go either today or tomorrow. That's cutting it close but at least we won't blow up

Teila, sounds like hubby is making good progress with the coop. I want to see pictures when it's done!

J, is the storm still an issue in your area? Sending you "stay safe" vibes

Dawn, I agree with sunflour about jobs...if you don't enjoy what you're doing, it's time to move on to something else. Making changes like that can be kind of scary but exciting too.

The next couple of days are going to be a blur with all the last minute stuff to get done at the course, but come Saturday we'll be open (fully functional or not)!

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