The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Growing up in Kansas, I've seen my share of tornadoes
Did you ever see Toto?

I put Tilly, the dove, out in the aviary yesterday. Poor thing - all the other birds are terrified of her.
Guess it's better they are scared rather than the others scaring her? Hope they settle down quickly.

how do you "unfollow" a thread you posted in?
For those threads - click un-watch. then you can click again to watch and the no email option pops up to choose. It's a pain, but you can then later click on your watched threads - there's a blank square to the left of each - you can go down those and at the bottom make a change in alert to all at one time.
This shows if you un- watch, then click watch.....
Screen Shot 2017-05-27 at 7.59.55 PM.png

For pics - if you get them on your mac and pull to desktop: hit upload a file, and then pick thumbnail for small or full image for big pic.

Screen Shot 2017-05-27 at 8.00.35 PM.png

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