The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yeah, hamsters do not play well with others. Those robo hamsters always seemed nasty to me but they seem better now. I guess it took a while to domesticate them.
Most of the dwarf hamsters like Campbell and winter whites, as well as the robo are recommended to be kept in same sex pairs. I guess it often doesn't work out as well as recommended. Mine are cute little buggers.
Good Morning Friends :hugs

All caught up .. goats, rodents, difficult hubby! :p

Congratulations! Capricorn :clap

OHLD Love the goat pics!

We had a successful trip in to Townsville, getting everything we wanted including another section for the pond/water feature, the stepping stones, worms for the compost and other bits n’ pieces.

The best find of the trip was FIL’s Christmas present. He is so difficult to buy for! Anyhow, he loves Dr Pepper which is not easy to find here in Aus, especially rural. Well, we found some in Townsville in a store that had 22 cans; they are now out of stock! :p

17 December 2017.jpg
Good Morning Friends :hugs

All caught up .. goats, rodents, difficult hubby! :p

Congratulations! Capricorn :clap

OHLD Love the goat pics!

We had a successful trip in to Townsville, getting everything we wanted including another section for the pond/water feature, the stepping stones, worms for the compost and other bits n’ pieces.

The best find of the trip was FIL’s Christmas present. He is so difficult to buy for! Anyhow, he loves Dr Pepper which is not easy to find here in Aus, especially rural. Well, we found some in Townsville in a store that had 22 cans; they are now out of stock! :p

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Congrats on the good finds in Townsville!
You can get dwarf hamsters?! Cute!

I need toothpicks for my eyes today. Hubby went back to work last night to catch up on paper work etc so our daughter was up late. Real late - she was still wide awake when he got home at 10.45pm! She's only 10 years old but she's always needed less sleep than the average child and is a night owl (seriously at 9 and a half months she dropped down to one sleep a day and from 14 months on, no more day time naps). Me on the other hand am a lark, so I like to go to bed early and get up early, though not quite as early as I woke up this morning (after staying up late waiting for DD to go to sleep) - 3am! I've had 4 hours sleep if I'm really lucky. I just couldn't get back to sleep. This heat doesn't help either. I feel a bit like a zombie. I don't like coffee but I was seriously considering making a cup!

Glad you had a good shopping trip @Teila - it always feels good to be able to cross another name off your Christmas list. What a find!

I had very helpful cockatiels today - they all want to be on me at the moment, but a few decided to get in the big bag of shavings to play. I was trying to clean them out but didn't get very far! It's hard to use arms and hands that are covered in birds and even harder to get new shavings out of a bag that has 3-6 cockatiels playing in it!!!
You can get dwarf hamsters?! Cute!

I need toothpicks for my eyes today. Hubby went back to work last night to catch up on paper work etc so our daughter was up late. Real late - she was still wide awake when he got home at 10.45pm! She's only 10 years old but she's always needed less sleep than the average child and is a night owl (seriously at 9 and a half months she dropped down to one sleep a day and from 14 months on, no more day time naps). Me on the other hand am a lark, so I like to go to bed early and get up early, though not quite as early as I woke up this morning (after staying up late waiting for DD to go to sleep) - 3am! I've had 4 hours sleep if I'm really lucky. I just couldn't get back to sleep. This heat doesn't help either. I feel a bit like a zombie. I don't like coffee but I was seriously considering making a cup!

Glad you had a good shopping trip @Teila - it always feels good to be able to cross another name off your Christmas list. What a find!

I had very helpful cockatiels today - they all want to be on me at the moment, but a few decided to get in the big bag of shavings to play. I was trying to clean them out but didn't get very far! It's hard to use arms and hands that are covered in birds and even harder to get new shavings out of a bag that has 3-6 cockatiels playing in it!!!
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They are gorgeous. I love their coloration. What is that called?
They are all reverse pieds, four with pearling (the lacey pattern on the wings). They have more grey on them than they should (to be breeder/show quality) which is why the breeder is getting me to hand rear them. The little girl on the far right he would've kept to breed from if one of her parents hadn't squashed her.

I tried her and our others we are keeping in a proper cage (they are in an indoor rabbit/guinea pig cage at the moment) but it doesn't have enough horizontal bars to help her climb up if she ends up down the bottom, so I've had to move them back and will get her some ladders. If you didn't know she was a bit special needs you wouldn't guess, but that showed me I really need to think about how she'll move around the cage easily.

We are also keeping one of the babies in that photo. Here are some better pictures of it. We don't know if it's a boy or girl but it's just gorgeous, looks wise and personality wise:

Hawkmoth 2.jpg

If it's a boy it may lose the majority of it's pearling, though the breeder said the Whitefaces often keep it so fingers crossed, either for a girl or for a boy that keeps the pretty pattern.
They are all reverse pieds, four with pearling (the lacey pattern on the wings). They have more grey on them than they should (to be breeder/show quality) which is why the breeder is getting me to hand rear them. The little girl on the far right he would've kept to breed from if one of her parents hadn't squashed her.

I tried her and our others we are keeping in a proper cage (they are in an indoor rabbit/guinea pig cage at the moment) but it doesn't have enough horizontal bars to help her climb up if she ends up down the bottom, so I've had to move them back and will get her some ladders. If you didn't know she was a bit special needs you wouldn't guess, but that showed me I really need to think about how she'll move around the cage easily.

We are also keeping one of the babies in that photo. Here are some better pictures of it. We don't know if it's a boy or girl but it's just gorgeous, looks wise and personality wise:
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If it's a boy it may lose the majority of it's pearling, though the breeder said the Whitefaces often keep it so fingers crossed, either for a girl or for a boy that keeps the pretty pattern.
I love seeing them!
It is amazing that you raise them
Super pretty birds @Teila :love

Anyhow, he loves Dr Pepper which is not easy to find here in Aus, especially rural.
Sorry it is hard to find there. When I take my box of empty cans to the market to get the deposit back, it is 99% Dr. Pepper cans (and the occasional bottle). Every now and then there is a Ginger Ale can or Reed's Ginger Beer bottle in there.

@KDOGG331 Re: gerbils
Good reasons, and accurate. My sister in law had a couple of gerbils. They were a hoot when they were out in the kitchen running around. Ever had a rodent run up the sleeve of your pajamas and come out somewhere else? :gigBut yes they DO need to have space to run around. I guess that is why people buy/build large tunnel systems if they can't let them run (supervised!) in the house often.
They are all reverse pieds, four with pearling (the lacey pattern on the wings). They have more grey on them than they should (to be breeder/show quality) which is why the breeder is getting me to hand rear them. The little girl on the far right he would've kept to breed from if one of her parents hadn't squashed her.

I tried her and our others we are keeping in a proper cage (they are in an indoor rabbit/guinea pig cage at the moment) but it doesn't have enough horizontal bars to help her climb up if she ends up down the bottom, so I've had to move them back and will get her some ladders. If you didn't know she was a bit special needs you wouldn't guess, but that showed me I really need to think about how she'll move around the cage easily.

We are also keeping one of the babies in that photo. Here are some better pictures of it. We don't know if it's a boy or girl but it's just gorgeous, looks wise and personality wise:
View attachment 1211690

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If it's a boy it may lose the majority of it's pearling, though the breeder said the Whitefaces often keep it so fingers crossed, either for a girl or for a boy that keeps the pretty pattern.
such pretty birds.

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