The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good Morning Friends :hugs

Bunnylady belated happy birthday wishes for you :hugs

Blooie happy birthday to you too and again cos now it is your birthday, not here but there ;) :hugs

Thank you all so very much for the birthday wishes .. you are awesome! :hugs

Yes Teila, that is the hug emoticon, do not wear it out! :p

Look what I got from hubby! I love it! Plus my own pink torch [I love pink!] and a gift card at the local hardware where they sell plants; going to use that for the final decorative touches on the ponds which are coming along nicely.

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Wow, that's so cool Teila! It will great with your plants and in your garden!
Very nice, love the chicken art. Hope the steaks are tasty.

My flock got their Christmas present yesterday...the fence guys put up their new fencing. The center pole is supposed to be a 10 foot 4x4 post, they put a metal one in by mistake and will be out next week to swap it out :) Now to let the cement firm up so I can measure for hawk netting and "police" the area before the gals can enjoy the new play area.

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It's brown vinyl coated 6 foot tall fencing. the gate is at the left front of the coop.

Your girls are going to love their new play area sunflour!
Sorry, I had to throw that out there. Took me a week or more to figure out what was going on. Lost a turkey every day and never lost a chicken. I guess the stampeding turkeys scared the coon away before he got to his meal, and of course if he ran out ahead of the turkeys, he was then running from the coyote. Once I saw what was causing the problem, its was just a simple matter of setting up a chair on the deck and waiting... Problem solved and limbs trimmed.
Hubby did not see how the coons have a little highway up in the air with those tree limbs. I had to explain it to him, that is why i have welded wire on top of my chain link runs, not chicken wire.

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