The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yeah, wait until Jenny puts the batteries in that little quick clean-up mop. Glad I'm not there! We had to hide the Shark because once Kendra figured out where the buttons were, she'd sit on the floor and lean way down to turn the thing on.....and she had long hair at the time. I could see that disaster in the making, when that long hair got tangled in the beater bar brush. So we gave her an old one without batteries...happy as a clam!

Edited: On the floor mopping video, do you hear that "thump" at the beginning? That's her foot hitting the floor that hard. Stocking feet, and she doesn't even feel it! Jen said she stood in a clump of snow that came off Kenny's boots yesterday and didn't even notice that it was melting under her feet and that her socks were freezing cold and wet. :hmm
So, you guys n’ gals and the squirrel talk got me to thinking about weird recipes and there is a site with the top 16!

Fried Twinkies [now I have to look up Twinkies! :lau]

Upper Michigan Pasties [nothing weird sounding about that .. note to look up ingredients ;)]

Frito Pie [sounds OK too :idunno]

Fried Milk [ah, so now we are getting to weird :hmm]

Chocolate Salami [yep, definitely in the weird zone now!]

Oven-Fried Pickles [I would try those]

Frogs Legs [Pass!]

Spam Sushi [Huge Pass!]

Fried Kool-Aid [moving on from weird to bizarre]

Watergate Salad :idunno [looks like ice cream in the picture]

Jalapeno Ice Cream [Pass on the Jalapeno but ++ on the Tequila :p]

Alligator Bites [Yep, from what I have heard, they do that if you get close enough ;)]

Chocolate Covered Bacon [we have moved on from weird and bizarre to just plain gross! :sick]

Waffled Pizza Dippers [interesting .. I did however initially read Diapers :lau]

The Garbage Plate [not touching that one!]

Kool-Aid Pickles [moving on to ‘not a chance’ now!]
So, you guys n’ gals and the squirrel talk got me to thinking about weird recipes and there is a site with the top 16!

Fried Twinkies [now I have to look up Twinkies! :lau]

Upper Michigan Pasties [nothing weird sounding about that .. note to look up ingredients ;)]

Frito Pie [sounds OK too :idunno]

Fried Milk [ah, so now we are getting to weird :hmm]

Chocolate Salami [yep, definitely in the weird zone now!]

Oven-Fried Pickles [I would try those]

Frogs Legs [Pass!]

Spam Sushi [Huge Pass!]

Fried Kool-Aid [moving on from weird to bizarre]

Watergate Salad :idunno [looks like ice cream in the picture]

Jalapeno Ice Cream [Pass on the Jalapeno but ++ on the Tequila :p]

Alligator Bites [Yep, from what I have heard, they do that if you get close enough ;)]

Chocolate Covered Bacon [we have moved on from weird and bizarre to just plain gross! :sick]

Waffled Pizza Dippers [interesting .. I did however initially read Diapers :lau]

The Garbage Plate [not touching that one!]

Kool-Aid Pickles [moving on to ‘not a chance’ now!]
I have had frog legs(tastes like chicken) and would try to bite the alligator as long as it doesn't bite back. The other stuff sounds gross.
Hey, Kelsey, :hugs. Just wanted you to know that you were not targeted in any way form or fashion.

Thanks! I know i wasnt. :hugs

Good Day and welcome to Flight 2018. We are prepared to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Attitude and Blessings are secured and locked in, in the upright position. All self-destructive devices should be turned off at this time. All negativity, hurt, and discouragement should be put away. Should we lose altitude under pressure, during the flight, reach up and pull down on Positive thinking! Positive thoughts will automatically be activated. Once activated you can assist other passengers. There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. The Captain has cleared us for takeoff -- Destination - GREATNESS.
~ Author Unknown Celebrate Recovery

Facebook reminded me that I posted this back in 2013. I liked it then and I like it now :)

Love this.

Yeah, my bad if you felt that way. It has been a long long time since i have been very hungry myself. We are lucky here in the US. But i feel that since most of the farmers use modified or the same type seeds, once the climate changes they may be in desperate straights and so will those depending on them. I think it is important to maintain genetic diversity in our seeds.

Thank you. It's okay. :hugs and you are right there!


I came back after visiting with a brother in law and found this post saved as a draft.

What was I going to post about squirrels?



:lau :yuckyuck

May be a side dish? :p

KD, My bad. I got caught up in nostalgia. There was a time when people went hungry to force a point and make positive change. I never did cause dad made sure I didn't.

Teila, you're incredible. I can't touch the subject matter and can only say author is wise.

It's okay! It wasn't you. Wasnt any of you, really. I think I am just overly sensitive and/or take things too personally, for whatever reason. And also could possibly be a very slight generation thing? Or maybe just me. Hard to tell online too.

But I guess I didn't really so much feel attacked as maybe slightly frustrated? Frustrated isn't reallt the right word either though. It's hard to explain but basically, just kinda felt a bit like everything I was saying was being over analyzed? Like the not liking squirrel thing, saying I'd never eat it, and the grid thing being rare, maybe all poor word choice on my part, but everything being opened up. And i guess i didnt know what the right thing to say would be or how to make myself clearer. BUT. I know that that wasn't at all an attack or anything rude, just making discussion, and it did open up an interesting discussion, which I am glad about. I really am. That's not sarcasm or anything like that. I think I just wasn't expecting it to be analyzed so much is all. But that doesn't mean that it was a bad thing or rude. I tend to just like to say stuff and not have to think about in depth :lau nah but really, I don't know what my problem was. I think I also maybe took the hunger thing a little too seriously or personally so that maybe caused me to view the other posts from a negative lense too? Cause in my mind i think i thought it was making me feel bad for not having been hungry or being well enough off, which it wasn't. At all. But then that made me kind of nervous and twisted my view of the other posts. I'm sorry.

Family recipes ?


When I was in High School my cousins and I went to hunt squirrels for the bounty on the tail. After we took the tails, My Aunt breaded the meat, not the tails and fried them up for us. I liked them but not enough to go hunting them again....

Omg haha

I had a cookbook called, "Cooking the Sportsman's Harvest." Everything in there from racoons to snakes. Um, I'll take chislic 'n beer or pig cheeks any day, thanks.

I'll stick with nachos lol

I am with you there!


I think I will stick with ice cream and diet coke chaser


Same except regular coke and cake, brownies, or cookies. Or ice cream other than vanilla

Well, you never know what you might eat if you were hungry enough.


Bless Jen's heart..she resent them. They are both very short, but I'm so proud of how independent she's getting and how she mimics to learn, which she never used to do.

Awww that is awesome!!

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